you get the movie of the book
*inserts wooden sword*
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you get the movie of the book
*inserts wooden sword*
I give you a note saying "Get me out of this damn thing!!! Its real stuffy!!! - your pissed off sister Xeim"
*stares out of the little slot that shoots out items*
You hit some randome guy in the head!
*inserts card in to give to Xiem that says "hi!"*
You recieive some type of messege from me
*inserts some big purple dionsaur*
god help all of you when I get out of here, I'm releasing my nonexistant bankai. Har, take that!!!
you get NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!!!
*glares at yuuki and yazoo*
*slapps Xeim*
"what the hell is wrong with you?"
you nothing
*inserts coin*
course I dont get anything I'm IN the DANG THING!!!!!
Oh, you've been wanting to do that for a while haven't you?? *reaches out and slaps yazoo*
i give you a FLAMING TORCH! have fun!!!!
*pours gas on manhice and use tha flaming tourch to start it ablaze*
*gos to new vendor and inserts a coin*
poooie. well, at least im out. hmph. im fire resistant. i've been burned in this thing enough times.
you get your hand bitten off
*inserts coin*
you get the rotting corpses
"inserts phone*
I spear your mom
*inserts coin*
you get a phone card
*inserts computer*
you get a note it says no invisible mode for you
*insert your mom*
you get locked up in a room with padded walls no windows and absolutely nothing sharp.
*inserts coin*
Copied off FF big brother
you get some random dude
*inserts waffle*
question, whats up with the people here and dead things?? Its a little unerving.....
you get syrup.
*inserts (OMG) something dead (lol)*
you get the living dead
*inserts resident evil*
See? I'm telling you!! What is it with people and dead things???
you get a gun. Go 'KILL THINGS!'
*inserts Seymour (HES DEAD RIGHT?)*
i like dead things
you get a rifle
*inserts zombie*
you get 2 zombies
*insert KH 2*
*you receive a slimy penis
...hahaha, just kidding.
You receiiiive... uhhh... Zell's pants? No, Zell's MUMS' pants. Yeah!
*inserts Doomtrain...somehow.
You get many bad staute aliments.
Inserts Omage Weapon*
you get attacked
*inserts odins sword*
You get lanced
*inserts coin*
you get a fishing rod
*inserts wii*
You get a bunch or Pepsi! (ten thousand cans to be exact...)
*puts a coin in*
you get a car battery
*inserts coin*
you get the same thing
*inserts car battery*
you get a giant piece of chocolate
*inserts baseball*
you get a blitzball
*inserts coin*