You recieve the summon, Anima.
*inserts coin* *oh, and thanks for the help. You will be reciveing a gift from me!*:D
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You recieve the summon, Anima.
*inserts coin* *oh, and thanks for the help. You will be reciveing a gift from me!*:D
I luv!!
you recieve....I dunno.........god, I've done at least 100 of these, ideas tend to go away...ummmmmm
ok, lets go with the cliched but much loved moogle doll and a real live chocobo!!
*inserts coin*
I'm glad I could help, I'm also sorry if I sounded slightly rude earlier. If you ever have any questions, contact me, I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my abilities. :)
You recive the new, and improved,Mog Plushie!(now Kupo's when Squeezed!)
*coin insertatge*
oh how cute!!
you recieve a cactuar doll that does 1,000 needles if you're in trouble.
*inserts a golden egg*
Accepts golden egg, and gives Pyrefly shirt containg essence of Aerith.
*inserts Hersheys Choclate Coin*
WoW. Thats cool. Pyrefly shirt. :eek:
you recieve a gift certificate to See's candies
*inserts coin*
Out comes a smiley face bouncy ball. How cute.
*Puts in a coin.*
You recieve fake materia. *in goes coin*
you recieve a blue bouncy ball.
*inserts coin*
Gives Coin*coin in*
gets a large cake with a moogle on it!!!
*inserts coin*
gets all HP healed!
*inserts coin*
You recieve the light-blade, (it's like a cheaper version of the light-saber, it can't cut through metal.. or bone.. or even wood.. it can cut through fabrics though! Except nylon..)
*inserts coin*
you get the only laguna action figure
coin insertage
you get The Skeleton Keyblade, it will slice through anything AND unlock any door.
*inserts penny*
you get 1000000000000000 gil
coin insertage
gets a Onion Blade, it looks useful, but really isn't!
*insert coin*
You get Fujin & Rajin "best of friend" dolls. Squeeze them and they talk.
Known phrases:
Rajin - ya' know
*inserts gil* (just 999999999999999 left!)
you recieve Seifer's gunblade!!!
*inserts coin!!*
Get a FF7 soundtrack
*inserts coin*
get annihilated
*inserts coin*
you get a pair of jeans....
*inserts coin*
*reforms* you get a miniature Kain, the dragoon! His spear even works *stabs your finger*
*insert coin*
yay, i'm back online!!! You recieve 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 exp. because you are awesome!
*inserts 2 coins
use the edit button to delete the second one, bro.
you recieve a life time supply of JELLY BEANS!!!
*inserts coin*
thx, for your helpfulness, you get your own planet that you can be a god of!
*inserts coin*
you get to be my chief advisor!!!
*inserts coin*
yay, you get a sign that says "eat more chicken."
Edit: *puts in coin, hoping it's not yet too late...*
you recieve a sign that says "Got milk?"
*inserts a coin*
you get a copy of the game "The Sneak king."
*inserts hamburger"