gets oxyclean wtf!!!!
*inserts Wieglaf from FFT*
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gets oxyclean wtf!!!!
*inserts Wieglaf from FFT*
You get 1 Gil and a bullet to the face
Inserts" emp node bwahahahaha"
*gets Chlamydia*
*puts in Chocobo ( with great effort and it may have died on the way in but meh)*t
You get a dead chocobo. Hope you're happy :(
*Inserts Power Rangers Morpher*
You get a coupon to Subway for two 12 inch subs for the prices of one on all classic Subway sandwiches. Offer available at participating Subway restaurants.
*Inserts Steve Martin*
You get Justin Bieber ( Muahahaha)
*puts in coin*
gets a dong(Vietnamese currency haha)
*inserts SARS*
You get Mac and cheese
Inserts phoenix down
You get Goku!
*inserts 12-guage*
You get gunbarrell ( now go make yourself a gunblade ( goku lol he got revived again!)
inserts 50,000 yen
You get a Fist-in-the-box
*inserts Insanity Wolf*
You get the plague and Die
*inserts a rat flail*
*you hear electrical noises*
-nothing comes out-
*starts beating on the machine*
*shots machine*
"That is how you take care of that problem."
stuffed panda bear falls out.
*inserts 2,000 gil*
*you get a falcon punch*
*inserts pen(mightier than the sword you know)is*
*receives fortune*
"Your lucky colour" ?
*re-inserts fortune*
You get a fortuneteller doll!
*Inserts Nightmare Broly*
*You recieve a Cardboard Box* (It's labeld "Landing Pad")
*Inserts ocelots right arm*
Gem from Tron: Legacy is teleported next to you.
"Mirroring complete. Disc activated and synchronized. Proceed to games."
*inserts gold wrapped-chocolate pirate coin*
*You recieve a chocolate smuged piece of tin foil* (Burp)
*Inserts a tulip*
Zombie Tiny Tim walks by you and steals your identity disk.
*inserts H.U.N.K's identity disk*
:D *happily recieves Tim*
*You recieve a G-virus sample*
*Inserts chim sphere*
Ovan is rifted behind you and PKs someone. He says to you, "Do you finally wish to know the truth?"
*inserts GAU D-Bee Coalition ID card*
*You recieve Death Grunty*
*inserts Nick Lucas record*
*gladly takes Death Grunty and thinks about Fish Uru Grunty* ;!
The Vending Machine says, in a robot voice, "I love vinyl! My vacuum tubes are so happy right now. You get a special prize video of a song Nick Lucas was asked to save".
This pops on the screen of the Vending Machine:
*inserts Eight Phase Combo Crimson VS deck*
*Little Debbie appears behind you and gives you a lifetime supply of Swiss rolls and Fudge rounds*
*Inserts a red ring of death*
You recieve a Dagger.
Puts coin in
You get a revised copy of Tales of Vesperia.
*inserts Little Debbie*
You get Moccha coffee. (FFIX)
Inserts cup.
You get tea, But no cup for it.
*Inserts Tiki Mask*