you get shiva casting diamond dust on you :D
*insert random ffx aeon*
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you get shiva casting diamond dust on you :D
*insert random ffx aeon*
And Anuma performs her Overdrive on you!
*Inserts the Grim Reaper*
you get a scythe
*inserts random ff character i hate*
gets Terra Branford...jk
*inserts a can of Dr.Pepper*
-gets a can of pepsi and a deep voice saying "ours is better!"-
-inserts a brick with grafiiti on it-
You get naked picture of Tifa "oh shit thats good!"
*inserts coin*
An pirate comes out and robs you!
*Inserts [Random Item]*
You get a mystery jar!
*inserts a copy of Microsoft Office*
gets Mac OS X...
*inserts a pickled egg..*
Gets angry magic pot
inserts shuriken
You get a Edge figurine!
*inserts flower*
You get mythgraven blade
inserts elixier
You get a red underline beneath that word, and when you right click, elixir appears as one of the viable options.
*inserts grammar book*
At it fires out the ultimate tome that gives you every spell ever known:):):)
inserts 9999999 Gil
You get a message that reads, "Thank You, Come Again!"
*inserts a strand of my hair*
You get a wig.
*Inserts a 7*
It eats 9. =P
*inserts Pepsi*
You get a coke.
*inserts a floppy disk*
You get about 5000 gil back. >_>
*inserts paopu fruit*
You get a slap in the face!
*inserts a napkin*
you get a blitzbakk throw in your face :D
*insert summonstone*
Here's your Prize!
*Inserts Dark Matter*
you get dancing pizza :D
*insert fire breathing dragon*
*gets a sour look and a wedgie*
*inserts a gold coin*
*Rusty Sword of Fail -5 popped out!*
*Inserts Neo Shinryu*
*an angry note to the vendor plus one forcibly returned Rusty Sword of Fail -5 pops out*
*inserts angry glare*
you get.......a fire breathing cat
*insert random plushie*