*550 gil pops out*
*inserts 2500 gil*
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Gets a copy of that crapy toney hawk game with the cheep skateboard THAT DOESNT WORK!
puts in my dogs fur
*Victory theme!* You got a Cthulu Puppy!
*inserts egregiously large stone coin*
*1 pair of rock underwear pops out*
*inserts a whale tooth*
Dammit that's all I ever get! lol
*Receives one propeller to the Lunar Whale*
*Inserts Triforce of Power*
*out pops the Twilight Sword, a bottled faerie, and 1500 rupees*
*inserts one Bahamut scale*
gets a flaming dog crap suflee
inserts a disc that has linkon park song on it They R SO KEWL
I don't know what a suflee is, but you forgot to insert something.
*out pops two pennies* (I like Linkin' Park too)
*inserts an iPod nano*
I think logan person may have meant "Soufle" the very fragile and sound-sensitive baked good?
*out pops a Die-Pod! (Lvl. 97, Null Physical, Null Magic, 50,000,000,000 HP 2.5 MP) *
u never inserted anything and i inserted a linkon park C.D
And copper inserted an ipod, the Die-Pod is her fight lol
*Inserts own Confusion*
A piece of dust is recieved!
*inserts a garden pea*
gets a carrot
*inserts a horseshoe*
You got a Bombchu "da da da daaa!"
These handy little fellas will run in a straight line until they hit a wall, upon which they will blow up!
Press A to continue
*Inserts Philosopher's Stone
gets a piece of poop!!
*inserts Herpes Simplex one*
gets a certificit saying "u r gay now"
inserts a teqito
You got MASTAR TACO (Lvl.78, 2.5 HP, 40,000 MP)
Good luck with him lol
you get a tonberry knife atk +14 evade +4 and you can now learn knife by wielding it
*inserts a twoonie* (that's the canadian $2 coin)
*gets a twoonie back in pieces (it made change for itself), and a chocolate bar* ;)
*inserts a vial of perfume*
*You got Ethan's Remains! The rest are in a Hell Wyrm*
*out pops Dr. Hojo*
*pops in a rare stamp*
:shake: I posted ahead of you.
Let's play nice children lol
uhh *Vending machine had one too many things in it's slot (I swear to god if just ONE of you says that's what she said. . . ) Vending machine freaked the F*ck ou! We got. . . . a turtle?*
you get a reminder.
you didnt put a coin in so i'll "put 2 coins in"
You get Twinrova!
*inserts a lute*
This game died. . . and I really enjoyed it ; - ;
Gets a Violin, WTF
*Inserts T-Virus*
You get a lvl three Danny Devito !
*Inserts Shamwow*