you receive Soap-on-a-rope in the shape of Sephiroth, Evil Scent!
*insertage of total coinage!*
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you receive Soap-on-a-rope in the shape of Sephiroth, Evil Scent!
*insertage of total coinage!*
You recieve a golden shower..o_0;;...Of.....GOLD COINS THAT ARE VERY RARE!
(yeah..that will do) o_0
*inserts very rare coin
You recieve a black-wooden staff with an amber jewel on the end. Apparantly it's cursed.. you can use it if you want.. but I wouldn't recommend it.
*inserts gil*
get Leviathan
*insert coin*
you get a pet ruby weapon
*inserts coin*
you get a pet Bahamut Syn. How cuddly.
*inserts coin*
you get a coin
*inserts coin*
you get a bahamut sized coin
*inserts coin*
you get a wooden coin
*inserts coin*
You recieve a sweaty nutsack
laughter gets you nothing but tears
*inserts coin*
You recieved Yuna's head
*Incerts coin*
You get a large strange shaped cross. When you turn it over you see a five-point star and the number 666...
*inserts coin*
You get a semi-naked Tidus complete with stockings, thong n wearin' a bra...lucky you ;)
*Inserts coin*
you get a huge sword stabbed through your chest and a screen that says "Game over"
*Inserts coin*
The machine explodes. You get to keep the pieces (if you survived the blast..)
*new orange vending machine appears*
*inserts coin*
You recieve Rikku's "tangerine-blast" tanning lotion. Now you can be orange too!
*inserts shiney golden coin*
you recieve a giant shiney blitzball
*inserts coin*
you recieve a pet aligator
*inserts coin*
you recieve a pet t-rex
*inserts hippo (somehow)*
the hippo was too heavy and the machine broke, and you recieve everything inside
*feeds coin to hippo*
you recieve the hippos lunch (from the day before)
*inserts coin into the mouth of my alligator*
you get a hairball
*insert coin in T-rex
you get your hand bitten off (not surprising bro)
*inserts coin ino a nearby pond*
you get a new vending machine. This one says "PEPSI"
*inserts coin into the Pepsi machine*
you get a black cherry pepsi
*inserts coin into pepsi machine*
You get a Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper (not sure if that's pepsi product, but the long title is awesome)
*inserts coin and bottle cap that says "buy one pepsi product get 1 free*
you recieve a pepsi with a three page long title (rather not take the time to type it out) and a free regular pepsi
*inserts a pepsi cap that has one of those 'you can win an itunes song' things on it*
:shake: hi xeimQuote:
Originally Posted by Xeim
u recieve a monkey apple ( whatever tht is )
*puts a coin in*
hiya.....(oh yeah, huh...) evilyuna!!! *hugs*
you recieve a parrot orange
*inserts coin*