you rescue me and I give you a staff with a bunch of expensive jewels on it I found while I was in there.
*goes and finds a new vending machine and inserts a coin*
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you rescue me and I give you a staff with a bunch of expensive jewels on it I found while I was in there.
*goes and finds a new vending machine and inserts a coin*
*vending machine refuses to let you go,thus shooting you in the head with tons and tons of weapons from Star Wars*
Oh man,my shirt is stained with blood.
*inserts a coin*
a pheonix comes and revives me, and I stick a bomb in the machine blowing it up and somehow a new shirt happens to fly right into your hands.
in other words, you recive a new shirt
*inserts coin in a pepsi machine*
*the pepsi machine has been possessed by the vending machine's spirit !!*
*You received nothing*
*Pity...It doesn't like you*
Wow...Didn't know vending machine had spirits
*inserts a coin* win your coin back
*machine eats me and i shoot a hole and crawl out*
uhhh ill use the machine over there.
*puts coin in*
you get a huge pepsi.
*exorcizes (sp?) the spirit out of the pepsi machine and inserts coin*
*You received a punch in your face*
Does that hurt ? How bout this !!
*Vending machine slaughters Xeim in many violent ways*
*inserts Xeim's armpit*
you recive the rest of his bloody corps.LOL.
*puts coin in*
*You were machine-gunned with ping pong balls by the vending machine*
*inserts 1/6 of HUNK's brain*
jumps in machine and steels his brain back and says."Here."
*hands real coin*
Me first tho. *puts coin in.*
*you received a book called "True Evil" for Dummies written by Chase*
*inserts a coin
....I'm a girl, HUNK, thank you very much.
I revive myself and go on a trip to Vhina where I find a nice vending machine who likes me!!
It slaughters Chase, giving her nothing...
*inserts like a scone looking thing or something*
*you received my spork*
Hey...Thats mine...
*inserts a spoon*
You get a toaster that when you put bread inside it leave a moogle imprinted on your toast. :D
*Puts nine coins in for no real reason*
robo kirby!! yayay! how are you!! we need to talk! send me a pm, kaysies???
you recive nine chocobos
*inserts coin*
You get a puppy (lucky you, how did they get a puppy in there anyway >_>)
*puts a coin in*
you get a teddy bear
*inserts coin*
I get a poseidon, Chase dies a horrible painul death by sharks, simply cos I think she/he's annoying.
~insets coin~
you recieve a leather chocobo money pouch
*inserts coin*
you recieve all your dreams coming true!
*inserts coin*
you recieve all your hopes coming true!!
*inserts coin*
you recieve an annoying cricket singing "if you wish upon a STAAAAAAAAAR!"
*inserts coin*
you receive a dead cricket
*inserts a coin*
you recieve an energy drink
*inserts coin*
Yo get a snowman.:D
*puts a coin in*
you get an old man
(inserts walking stick)
you recive a ruby walking stick
*inserts coin*
you get a vending machine
*inserts coin*
You get EggNog!
*puts in holiday cookie*
you get a toothbrush
*inserts tooth*