You recieve Lady Rika's E-mail address you lucky wolf you!
*Inserts not a coin, like the rest of you...but a cactus...oh and isn't just a cactus...its a CACTAR!! Fear it!!*
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You recieve Lady Rika's E-mail address you lucky wolf you!
*Inserts not a coin, like the rest of you...but a cactus...oh and isn't just a cactus...its a CACTAR!! Fear it!!*
something rare happens. The vending machine backs away from the coin in fear lol
*inserts 1.7 coins. Again, don't ask :p*
You Recive A Yuna Doll
** Puts Gil IN **
you received a note of appreciation of Tidus for accepting Yuna as your doll...hehehe
*puts 3 bucks of coins in*
You receive 10 bucks back. Wow it's your lucky day
-Puts coin in-
You recieve a used Death Note that is completly filled up with least you can use it for cosplaying!
*Inserts a bottle of Bleach*
You get a white 100 dollar bill..pretty cool huh? lol
*inserts a shoe just for fun*
You recieve my stuffed bambi plushie
*Inserts my spiked 7 inch boots*
The vending machine spits it back out...though luck lol
*inserts bambi plushie because it sucked and I wanted something better*
The bambi plushie gets angered at this and viciously attacks you with its cuteness! So you recieve a Bambi Beating, congrads XD
*Inserts a Vault*
You get double prizes 1. You get 1 million gil and 2. You get a note saying "We are the only ones on this thread"
*inserts my number*
You get a old visitor to the thread.
*Inserts coin*
You get a hairy beast, with three bald patches where there are fresh tattoos. And a crazy itch. (Yes, a crazy itch. The bald patches, they itch. Like crazy.)
*inserts coin*
you get my dad, another sasquatch
*inserts coin*
You get my myspace playlist!!
*Inserts a picture of my Dir En Grey CD* (can't have it nah!)
you get a cd with every single final fantasy song down to the last victory song on it, it's magic and can hold a lot lol
*inserts coin*
You get a porkchop.
*Inserts octopus*
The reels spin and hits 3 lemon in a row, dropping out lots of sushi.
*Inserts Sushi*
You get a pair of used chopsticks and an empty sushi packet.
*Inserts sock*
Looks at sock and makes a face and tosses in washer
You recieve a free pass to read my new Rp
*Inserts my 300 poster*
You get a note saying.. "machine is out of order"
/put in gil and kick machine
the machine kicks you back
*inserts coin and slashes at the machine with two 7 foot long katanas, one in each hand*
*edit ^REPEATEDLY slashes
*laughs very maniacally, in such an insane way that even sephiroth would have to look away*
You get a ticket for vandalizing governmental property, 23,550 gil.
*Inserts coin*
*gives you the ticket*
*charges energy, and lets it all out in one dark firaga blast aimed at the machine*
*The machine combusts and blows up everything in a 10k radius*
*Inserts new machine*
you get a coin!
*casts full life on me*
*inserts coin*
The machine takes a leak on you.
*puts in a bomb*
The machine screams and runs away.
*Chases machine*
the machine blows up, but since it's halloween you get 9,999,999,999 pieces of chocolate shaped like Cloud
*inserts pumpkin head*
*The machine bites you like a vampire*
*Inserts a bullet...*