You recieve a coin
*Inserts coin* =]
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You recieve a coin
*Inserts coin* =]
You recieve a toy stuffed chocobo with a toy stuffed moogle on top.
*actually inserts a coin this time*
You receive nothing *punches vending machine*
You recieve 500 chocobo flavoured condoms....o.0;;
*Inserts coin*
You get several million gil, but it spews out from the vending machine like water from a fire hose, sending you flying back. Besides, gil is useless anyway.
*inserts another coin, then ducks and covers*
You recieve a Revolver and a small piece of paper saying "Go on, give up on life and have away with it".
*Inserts coin with morbid facial expression*
The machine doesn't work.. but still steals your coin :P
*Inserts coin*
you recieved a moon crast *puts coin in*
You get mauled by a Malboro
Inserts Coin*
you get a autographed bullet used by vincent
machines starts crying because you didn't ive it a coin.
*shoves bottom of party popper in it*
oops, oh yeah *blushes* im sorry mr. vending machine...ill never hurt u again *pets the vending machine*
the vending machine hugs you
(ssst....Eri, love your sig!!)
*puts in a coin*
You recieve a materia...
You expect me to put that thing in my arm?...=]
*Inserts coin*
you recieve a "tissue".
*Inserts Coin*
*The vending machine has no reactions*
*You kicked the vending Machine*
Congratulations,you received a punch made of steel in the face from the Vending Machine.Poor, you !!
-inserts broken tooth in-
You recieved a glomp...o.0;;
*Runs after from the vending machine whislt inserting coin*
You received a trash-filled pie
-inserts coin-
You recieve a ladder and a noose...o.0;;
*Inserts coin*
You recieved a note saying thank you - Signed - FF Vending Machine
*Inserts Coin*
You learned "Omnislash Zero" Giving 0 Damage to your enemies while 1 million damage to yourselve...I pity you
-inserts coin-
you recieve a broken tri-cycle
*inserts a coin*
You were shot with a knife from the vending machine...R.I.P.
-inserts tons of coins-
you recieve a ton of lit T-N-T sticks
the vending machine is still there?
*ghost of Emerald620 inserts a coin*
you recieve a ghost friend of Aeris (if i was you i'd kill myself i hate her)
*inserts coin*
You recieve a soda?...
*Gives Vending Machine a Duke Nukem style might boot*
You recieve a regular soda..=]
*Inserts coin*
You recieve Tifa Lockheart.
*inserts a coin but gets stuck*
you recieve a your coin.... stuck in your eye!
insertage of 1million coins
You recieve a 100 packets of "100 moogle-style pom poms"
*inserts coinage*
You recieve......COME ON DRUM ROLL.....*drum roll*
2 yes count them 2 Ultima's
*Takes off his shoes and runs at the machine doing a Lui Kang Flying kick inserting a coin with his toes.*
You recieve a customized piece of rice with the name "Shabomba" on it.
*throws up on the vending machine, then inserts coin*