You get the jewish bible with every third page ripped out of it.
::inserts a pen that doesn't work::
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You get the jewish bible with every third page ripped out of it.
::inserts a pen that doesn't work::
you gets a pen refill...
too late now cus you already puts the pen in.
*inserts *whatever that is...
You get a Potion.
*Inserts Hi-Potion*
U get elephant poop.
*inserts magic muffin*
you get a magic mushroom
::inserts one of the Mario Brothers::
You get Luigi back with a note saying "This machine is not gay"
*Inserts armed nail bomb*
u get a nuclear bomb
*inserts He-Man action figure*
you get a malibu barbie
*inserts choker chain*
you get a replica size 0 thong that has been scaled down to a 1/3 of the original size, letters of authentisity come with it, wow they are pair 987233444.
::inserts Esper Odin::
You got mega flared by bahamut...ouch...
*Inserts... :)*(a smilie)
*Inserts chicken butt*
You get a cross bred chicken donkey.
::inserts beer::
*you receive 42 Exp. Points*
*inserts post*
u getz TOAST!
*inserts ex-girlfriend*
You get a somewhat torn-up bra.
*inserts polar bear*
U get the golden compass.
*inserts backscratcha!*
(You didn't put money in, but it'll slide this time.)Quote:
Originally Posted by Exxdeath666
You get the Omega Weapon (VIII) as a loyal pet.
*Puts $100 and 1,000 gil in*
I had better get something good for all that cash!!
U get CORN!
*inserts taco*
you get a bowl of cereal
*inserts achmed the dead terrorist*
You get a microphone.
*inserts an old battery*
*You've recieved a coral sword*
~Puts coin in~:above:
You receive silky panties, courtesy of the Cloud Dress Up Foundation, inc. "If it's not gay, it's Cloud!"
*inserts Exxdeath666*
you get a basket full of kittens. yum.
*inserts bbq sauce*
You recive bbq ribs.
*Inserts potato chips*
you get a penny. what a waste of money
*inserts a random emo*
You get Zidane.
*after robbing the machine and reobtaining my 1,000,000 gil, I insert the penny I got. (good choice)*
You get a hangover.
*Inserts empty beer cans*
you get two asprins and a bottle of rum
::inserts coke::
You get two cokes.
*Inserts my hurting brain* :blowtop: