you get a fake zodiac spear
puts cids head in
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you get a fake zodiac spear
puts cids head in
Out rolls Squall's phallis.
-Inserts Death-
Receives life, it's a circle.
*Inserts coins*
*You receive one of Squall's organs*
*Inserts a preacher*
You recive White Mage.
*inserts thermal detnator*
Receive a Speical Edition Highwind 1/24" die cast scale model
*inserts a coin*
You receive...Nothing
*Inserts a potion*
You get broken shards of glass and liquid that is presumably healing potion.
*inserts coin*
You receive an old lady's jaw!
*Inserts Tidus*
you receive a popped blitzball
::inserts kefka::
You receive a toy that resembles Kefka's power
*Inserts jar of sweat*
you receive hojos swimsuit
::inserts master all materia::
you get a gold chocobo statue
*inserts coin and falls asleep*
you receive an old man's teeth
*Inserts a remote controller*
you get a broken PS3
::inserts chocobo egg::
You get a dead baby chocobo.......
*puts coin in*:woot:
You get a Al-Bhed potion!!
*Inserts another vending machine*
you get miniture vending machines about 103838208 of them to be exact
::inserts ribbon::
you get all the status effects on you!
*Inserts Vaan's head*
You get Vaans body
*Insert sephiroth... eventually*
You get Kadaj
*Inserts Basch's body*
You get Noah
*insert fanboy*
You get raped by a big fat girl
*inserts a moogle*
you get half of it back
*inserts a ring*
You get 50 gil!
*Inserts a katana*
gets a gunblade
*inserts book*
you get the treasure that was in tifas closet
::inserts mastered fire materia::
You get a slug.
*inserts kitten*
you get a megaphone
::inserts green beer:: (sorry ive got the holiday spirit!)
You get black beer. :D
*inserts roadkill*