you get a golden ticket (not really)
*inserts beef jerky*
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you get a golden ticket (not really)
*inserts beef jerky*
You recieve a rather large box of none other than...Strawberry Fruit Roll-ups! And guess what? They have spiderman tounge tattoos!! Oh the excitment!
*Insets Neji's(Naruto) stolen headband*
Neji jumps out of the machine, kills you and takes back his heaband (when will people learn to stop stealing headbands)
*Inserts Obscure Music*
You recieve a big bag of Dir En Grey music, because its the best!
*Inserts a replica of Kankuro's hat...cuz I have the orginal one, heh heh*
The machines gives you Jesus [the original]
-inserts a penny-
you get a naughty magazine, girl next door.
Inserts a post
you get a bigger post.
*inserts a cookie*
You recieve a rather large post it note with the words "CHEESE" written in big, bold block letters.
*Inserts a stuffed Giraffe ( I heart Giraffes!^^)*
you recieve a new avtar! (I see you've already changed to it :p)
inserts a gong
you recieve.....water
*inserts DVD*
you recieve Johnny Depp. *gasp* lucky...
inserts poop
you recieve roadkill. (its a squirrel)
*Inserts Blu-ray DVD*
you get an old black and white version of the same movie!
*inserts coin whistling*
You recive a pirated movie and are now being chased by police...better run NOW!
*inserts chris redfields gun*
you get some red....stuff.
*inserts toy airplane*
you get the pirated dvd, lol
*inserts coin and hits HUNK on the head with a baseball bat*
You get a band-aid But i need it
*steels band-aid*
*inserts baseball bat*
Now you dont have your wepon of mass destruction!!MUHAHAHA!
You recieve a baseball
*inserts blonde wig*
you get a blonde wig
*inserts pool water*
you get drinkable water!
*inserts coin*
you get a lawn mower! :p
*inserts lettuce*
you get rotten ledduce!
*inserts coin laughing evilly*
You recive A coin with an evil face!(gasp)
*inserts gir*
*I take gir and replaces him with another robot*
*inserts evil coin*
you get gir stolen from you. O_o
*inserts yuffie*
*takes gir back*
*starts fighting with xeim*
*slips in a coin while fighting*
another gir comes out and i steel it...MUHAHAHA
*inserts coin*
you get Zim, nobody wants him
*inserts coin*
You get all the coins you've put into the machine 100 Miles per hour, aimed at your head
*inserts giant...giant*
*puts hand out and stops them like in the matrix*
You get a Dark Firaga spell hurling twords you!
*inserts one coin*