*inserts no more heroes song and the no more heroes wii game*
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*inserts no more heroes song and the no more heroes wii game*
you get 2 body guards, who are willing to die for you!
*inserts a strand of ???? hair*
you get ?????s head.
*inserts coin*
You've received Ultima Weapon!:eek:
*Puts coin in*
you get the blond wig from FF7!!!
*inserts an old rusted can of beans*
You've received 100 Gil!:)
*Puts in 99 Musamune Blade*
you get one, customized Musamune Blade, capable of one hit kills!!! :woot:
*inserts a ruler*
*You recieve 99 mega potion
*puts coin in*
You recive a melted coin.
*inserts army boot*
you get a WWII machine gun!
*inserts fake vamp fangs*
you recive a Vincent Valentine Shrunken Head!!(lucky)
*inserts krispy kreme dougnut*
(*gasps* NO!!!)
you get the same dougnut with a bite taken out off it and a note saying "Thanks!"
*inserts Vincents Shrunken Head*
You recive note stating "listen i like shrunken heads just as much as you but i think you should keep it" and Vincents head.
*inserts note stating "i want my doughnut back"*
you get a moldy doughnut
*inserts coin*
you get a CD with all your fav songs on it!
*inserts magnet*
the vending machine bumps into you hard
*inserts a y2k error message*
gives u the same y2k error message saying that u r part of the y2k
*inserts sepiroth's sword sheath*
you get a clock that tells you the time in japanese!
*inserts toy car*
You get the US' launch code to all it's missile silo's.
*inserts Orthopedic Underwear!*
You receive a teddy bear wearing said underwear.
*inserts a dismembered hand*
You get a box with Thing in it and he tries to choke you to death!
*inserts Black Materia*
you get a lot of AP and nothing to use it on.
*(this is very hard to do)inserts a hippie*
you get a bag of seems to be dry, green leaves... hmmm... oh well... maybe you could sell it in Ebay...
*inserts dish washer tablet*
OMG u get clean dishes
*puts coin in*
you get an empty can of nothing...
*inserts nail clippings*
(ew! gross!)
You get some biomechanical radioactive waste that eats through everything that it touches and can only be contained by what you can see but can't hear approaching.
*inserts Sister Ray*
you get brother ray!
*inserts bag o poop* (not mine! i swear!)
You get ultima Weapon as a pet but the next day I show up to your house, saying I have to put him down to get Cloud's Ultima Weapon.....sorry
*inserts Prod Clod's armor*
you get prod clod as a brother :D
*inserts all my schoolbooks*
all your homework gets completed an u get grades 4 it (lucky u):)
*Inserts a bottle of beer*