the fin comes back out and slaps you
*inserts several videos of drive thru pranks*
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the fin comes back out and slaps you
*inserts several videos of drive thru pranks*
Porn tapes come out flying at your way. You better hide them. Or you in trouble!! :D
*kicks machine and puts in an elephant*
you get a shard of tainted mythril
::inserts fishies shard of tainted mythril::
you get fishie's clone.
*inserts godzilla, an ash tray, weird al music cds, halo 1-3, and a digital camera*
You recive Godzilla smoking a cigar,listening to weird al's trigger happy,playing halo on xboxlive taking a picture of himself in a mirror.
*inserts vegeta and myself*
you get the very first episodes of dragon ball for BETA
::inserts god hand::
You recieve Rikku. Good luck, mate.
*Inserts Orange Jelly Bean*
You get a hungry chocobo. Feed it more jellybeans.
*inserts chocobo feather*
you get a small can of death in a bottle, it is a one time use deal and rarely works on the first atempt.
::inserts fist::
a gangster comes out and punches you
*inserts a variety of hamburgers*
You received Heart Attack!
*inserts the answer to life, the universe, and everything*
you received 7865454 cones of your self
*inserts nothing*
Raider gets.... *drum roll* .................................................. ......... ........................... nothing.......
*inserts chewed up dog toy with drool ALL over it* (yuk)
you get an army of pit bulls chasing after you... be careful lol
*inserts godzilla and king kong glued together*
you get a monkeys poop on your head
*inserts monkey poop*
You get a bucket of potato peelings
*inserts an eyelash*
You've received an Optometrist!
*inserts Stephen Colbert*
you get an don't know token
*inserts a bottle of propane*
you get flaming zippo and you blow up.
*inserts a jamacian man*
you get a rosta (SP?) flag
::inserts copied FFVII disc::
You get a FFVII bonus disc!
*inserts a crip*
You get a chip!
*inserts Stephen Colbert* (c'mon, you got to know who he is, he's a famous political satirist!)
I Am America!
(And So Can You!)
i got an golden chocobo egg
*inserts "fake" coin*
You received a federal warrant!
*inserts Metal Gear REX*
you get the 1/100000 simifull scale figurine unpainted and melted!
::inserts FFVI sound track::
you recive an mp3 with all FFVI songs.
*inserts game fuel*
you receive a hyper toddler who has just drank a litre of Red Bull
*inserts unknown entity*
you get an ugly alien
*inserts 500 Yen*
The machine laughs at you
*inserts 5bn yen*
The machine slaps you!
*Inserts Another Chance To Live*