Originally Posted by
The concept of "rightness" does in fact exist outside of subjective morality. Things that are right benefit society as a whole, and make it possible for people to live together without tearing each other apart. Not stealing is considered right, for example, because When I keep my things, and you keep Your things, everyone wins. Those few who do NOT agree with these concepts are deviants, and since their morals are largely unpopular, they remain a minority.
As for whether preventing the general consensus on what is evil, that is what laws are for. Look, for example, at the Code of Hammurabi. Before written law, most societies were heavily chaotic and rife with lawlessness. Once the code was enacted however, with Strict punishments for breaking any of the laws (which were laid down, btw, to prevent people doing wrong things, like stealing or murser) Much more was able to be accomplished.
Also, Prove that there was a savior, angels, and demons, without telling me to take it on faith. And who says that it's the creators job to take charge of his creations? When you were young and you built houses and things with Legos, did you feel responsible for what happened to them after you finished making them? I'd bet not.
As for your statement about the nature of evil. Evil is a fairly common concept that generalizes the majority of acts that harm society. Evil only applies to human culture, however, since Humans are the only known creatures able to comprehend. Evil is not killing an animal for food, as Gypsy said, because that is survival. Evil is killing another human in an act other than in self-defense, or at the defense of another (Re: Murder).
Again, not god's job to prevent Evil from happening. That's on us.
Annnnnd that was your daily ramble from Moog.