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    How have you been Barry?

    I've just been chillin', as I do. I got a sweet laptop yesterday! It's pretty cool. It's heavy though It's got a 17 inch screen!
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    I haven't seen the ring. I've seen all three Grudge movies. Are the Hanniable films based on a true story? I think that makes those kinds of movies even scarier. Thirteen Ghosts is another great scary movie that freaks me out no matter how many times I watch them.
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    Same here. Its about 5 years on and off. I also played piano and learnt a lot about music using the piano. My old teacher in high school taugh us intervals and chords using a keyboard. I started off learning guitar by playing smashing pumpkins and red hot chili peppers songs by tab. Really good times.
  4. View Conversation
    Thank you...
    -le gasp-
    Looks like Snake put a few pounds on. Hehehe. xD
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    Your picture didn't show. I'm curious to know what it was.
    I work the front desk at the gym. Basically, I sell memberships, deal with customer's wants and whatever, and handle complaints. I also clean the place as if it was my own home. It fun. I enjoy it.

    I hear a few things are on the brink of destruction too. I hope you're not involved in that mess.
    I was pretty funny. It was my first time paintballing. I got hit in the hand and my pinkey swelled. I also got hit in the boob It was fun though. Getting shot with a paintball doesn't hurt much. It only stings for a bit, then goes away. Have you ever been?
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    Yeah I heard about them, I feel bad for you man. Make sure you don't get caught up in it, riots can get really dangerous.
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    They must have instituted some I don't know about than lol. Nothing super crazy to report here, there are tons of freak storms popping up around where I live right now. How about you?
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    Thanks I will look into those I typically stay to movies like Ghost Ship, The Grudge, When A Stranger Calls, stuff like that. It will be nice to have something new to watch.
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    It's healed now. No more unsightly bruise on my toe. Yay! It lives to see another day.
    She's at it again is a phrase I use sometimes. Whenever I am awesomely awesome. It had no reference to other people.
    I work at a gym at the moment. It's interesting. That's just while I'm in school. When I'm not in school, I work at the airport. I have a 4 month co-op coming up. I am trying to fix up some things so I actually can work at the airport again.
    I hear jobs are really hard to come by in the UK. I'm guessing Ireland is no different.
    Funny News? I'm going paintballing today. I am probably going to come home covered in paint. That may or may not be funny.
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    That I can do, but refilling the air in my mouth whilst exhaling is proving difficult. Ill stick to my guitar, haha. Do you play an instrument?
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    lmaoo, well I actually liked that one better. It shows that there can be a bright side in an otherwise terrible situation. Or that even when you're dying, you should have fresh breath.
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    Yes, it's been slow on actual topics. Alot of people are using VM the past couple of days.
  13. View Conversation
    Hey man, what's up?
  14. View Conversation
    Sorry for not replying ur msg ......... I had to do sumthin important ........ So how r ya??????
  15. View Conversation
    Hey ... Howz it goin????????
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