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    Hiii ... How are you???????
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    I have a epiphone SG400-black. Its quite old now but still plays very well. Im playing with the school band (im I.T support, i was asked to join the school band haha ><) now im teaching kids to play guitar!
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    It's probably not an issue, but it is possible. Tbh I'm more worried about the fact that the seller has no feedback as a seller. Usually I like to buy from people who have alot of feedback, so you can see if there are any complaints about things they've sold in the past. If they've ever scammed someone, or sold things in shitty condition claiming they were in great condition, you'll see people saying that in feedback. With someone who has none, you can't really tell. Descrptions a bit vague on the item, but then, that's somewhat expected on games, not a whole lot to describe. It's probably fine though, I'd bid on it if I wanted it.
  4. View Conversation
    Ah yeah, pal version usually is a bit more. Never seen it too outrageuosly expensive though.
  5. View Conversation
    Yeah, I'll probably never sell em. Not sure why, but I just like having them. Someday they'll probably be worth a shitload though lol.
  6. View Conversation
    I got that when it was new. Whenever a new one comes out I get two copies, one to play and one to keep sealed. Right now it'd problably run like 50-100$ for a sealed one if you can even find em.
  7. View Conversation
    I just read the new post in the LPers of TFF Club. We are both in! I guess now we just need to start a thread and wait for to join the Club and join our LP. If you want me to start the thread, it will have to wait until I get home from the office tomorrow. I am starting to get too tired to type. You can do it if you want. I don't care which one we play, X or XII, it doesn't matter to me. I haven't finished XII, but I like X's storyline. It's a toss-up on either of those.
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    I guess that is all that you have to do. I think I saw one of the people in charge of the club looking at the Posts we made, but they didn't reply to them.

    I am fine with playing X or XII. XII is the only Final Fantasy game that I have, but haven't completed. The last battle always stumps me every time. I got so mad, I wanted to chuck the controller through the TV.

    I have never even heard of ICO, I thought it was initials or something. From the cover shot you sent, it seems interesting. I will look up a bio of it, and I may think of buying a copy.
  9. View Conversation
    I got your back
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    Just ran into a slight snag in setting up the thread. It turns out that the club "LPers of TFF" rules say that in order to post a new LP thread, you have to be a member. I unknowingly posted a few months ago, so I had no idea until now. After my last message with you, I went and applied for membership. You may have to apply as well, I don't know. When I found out more, I will tell you.

    By the way, my choice would either be Final Fantasy VIII, X, X-2, XII, or Kingdom Hearts. What is ICO? I will feel like a dummy if it turns out to be something I already have. My brain is having a vacation at the moment.
  11. View Conversation
    Okay. What game should it be? I don't think people will be interested if they don't even know what is being played. You can pick the game. Chances are, I have the game.
  12. View Conversation
    I am game to whatever game it is. I don't mind how many people play, or who it is. Heck, we could open a thread in the actual forums and do it from there. That way anyone who wants can participate.

    I love the Flock to death, it just seems that TFF is in a slump for new applicants. I mean I spent most of yesterday looking for new people to join, but only 2 new members joined TFF, and neither one has accepted my invitation. And from the list of Flock members, there is only 10-15 that are still active. Some have never come back from the initial visit, and some have been banned.
  13. View Conversation
    Hello! I've been alright. Just been stalkin' instead of talkin'

    How are you?
  14. View Conversation
    That would be a great idea. I have been wanting to do it everyday since my computer broke. I think it adds an extra element to the game. As for ideas on what to play, I don't know.

    In order to view who's online: Click on "Quick Links" on the bar at the top of the page. A menu will appear. Scroll down to "Who's Online". Then you can see who is online, and what they are currently doing.

    I stay on that screen a lot. I like to see what everyone does, and if anyone is looking at my posts and stuff. Sometimes, when I see that someone is also is seeing who is online, I talk to the computer and say stuff like, "Hey there, (insert name here). We are doing the same thing!" Or something stupid like that.
  15. View Conversation
    yeah no worries, the worst is when someone posts like a second before you and ****s it up haha.
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