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    In laois ha
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    I love that genre but i haven't seen any hannibal films. Do you recommend them?
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    They changed the hours at the library and the temps shot up so I haven't been able to get to the computers for a while. I'm happy it's not above 100F here anymore. That heat was killer! Lol where did you get your profile pic? It's interesting.
  4. View Conversation
    Pretty good, how about you?
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    Seems to me like it could have been the inspiration for the vivizuela (cant spell it, its the soccer horn) I've heard about exhaling through the mouth and inhaling through the nose at the same time, I just wasn't sure it was possible since we only have one esophegus. That would mean the air flow would have to be divided, wouldn't it?
  6. View Conversation
    ahh, cool! If you have time maybe you can share with me some interseting stuff you've learned. I like learning about random things here and there. No doubt focusing on any subject for extended periods of time can make it seem bland, but hang in there.
  7. View Conversation
    You're right, I was Now that I am awake though, it wouldn't suprise me if you were asleep!!
  8. View Conversation
    Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    I don't find you intimidating.
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    Yeah nothing is built to last nowadays. My mum has a fridge that is the same age as me, 23! It's still going strong. There's a picture of my mum holding me as a baby in front of it

    Yes. 4 years. It has actually flown by. I've noticed the last couple of months have gone by very quickly. It's AUGUST already. I'm not really happy in my relationship, but I've sort of just found comfort in it somehow. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't work. The other half can be difficult sometimes. Makes it bittersweet. Hope your break up wasn't nasty.

    I remember seeing The Lion King at the cinema, I think I went for my birthday. I remember seeing Jurassic Park at the cinema too. I went with my aunt. I jumped on her lap, because I was so scared lol. I like movies like, The Da Vinci Code. Like a mystery, with some history in there. I'll watch most kind of movies. I especially don't like horror films. I'll watch the ones about supernatural things, but not the sick, gory kind. I have no desire to watch someone get cut up and raped. It disgusts me.

    I'm home from work today. I keep getting massive headaches, but I can't sleep anymore, so I'm watching The Love Boat This tv channel I'm watch keeps playing really old shows. Like Macgyver, Mork and Mindy and Happy Days lol.
  11. View Conversation
    Did you change your username from something else?

    If not, what was your old avatar? I'm trying to place you in my memory, but you changed something to disrupt that.
  12. View Conversation
    pretty good thankss. What ssignments are you studying for? Maybe I can help
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    Har Har, You're silly. Yeah, it's just bruised. I could move it easily this morning, and the purple is now a blueish, and it's spreading. I'm calling it my zombie toe
    She was talking about me. I hate it when people talk about me, and I especially hate it when people spread lies. She was spreading a lie, and I was RIGHT THERE!!! Fortunately for me, I was able to say something and disprove it. Haha, stupid roommate. She made a fool of herself in front of her friends. I was pissed off for the rest of the day though.
    I got a government cheque. We have a Harmonized Sales Tax thing and we get a tax credit back for some odd reason that I never really paid attention to. I'm just getting random money from the government. It's cool. Can't go wrong there.
    I'm in an Aviation Management Course. I get a Management Diploma out of it. It focuses heavily on the aviation aspect of business. I enjoy it. I just don't enjoy Microeconomics and Stats too much. Meh. As long as I get to fly once in a while I'm happy.
    I remember doing something like grade school. I learned all of that at a young age for some reason. We didn't even have music in school. It might have been through a history class or something. I remember making an oboe for my brother once. That was interesting. I can't remember what I made. You should probably follow those guidelines. I know how much of a pain they can be, but it's the difference between a 70% and a 0.
  14. View Conversation
    Are you attempting to be argumentative? Because I feel like you're intentionally missing the point.
  15. View Conversation
    I.... don't eat those animals?
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