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    Can you do me a favor and add a bit more content to this post please?

    It's on the verge of spam. Thanks!
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    oops I goofed, I meant VI not IV. My fingers must have gotten ahead of me again, sorry. I haven't played FF4 yet but I've been looking for it. I have FF6 on the SNES which, when it came out was actually FF3 because of some messed up numbering when translating the Japanese games to English. SNES was the original console for FF6 with Terra and Celes. I don't know what was the original for FF4.
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    I'm in the middle of the first one too, I downloaded it to my phone, and i completely agree about it not feeling engaging enough. FF sure has come a long way since then that's for sure. I play FFIV on the supernintendo. Luckily, after all these years, my supernintendo still works lol. I haven't a clue how it survived my brother but it did.
  4. View Conversation
    Have you ever played the first Final Fantasy?
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    I got the moves, that really move them. I send chills up and down their spine.
  6. View Conversation
    I would definitly recommend FF6, although I might be a little bias considering it was the first FF I ever played. I think they remade it for the Playstation but the original was played on the SuperNintendo. I'll have to look up the new name for it to be sure, but i think the playstation version is called FF Origins. I'm not 100% sure on that.
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    Yeah, I'm in the states lol
    Depending on how our insurance handles it, we're either gonna keep it (It runs like a dream still), or if insurance doesn't give us any money, we'll sell it. It can easily fetch a couple grand with Toyota parts being rare after the Earthquake in Japan and all.
  8. View Conversation
    I'm extremely lucky actually
    2000 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner, two wheel drive
  9. View Conversation
    Posted some photos of the thrash lol
  10. View Conversation
    It's Terra Brandford from FF6 and Dissidia. Thanks
  11. View Conversation
    I saw a recent picture of him with a giant dead bear that he shot dead. I think his hunting show is going to be kick ass.

    I remember when he won the 1995 Royal Rumble. It was a great moment. I always liked how he pulled himself back over the top rope. If I remember correctly, that was an old Ricky Steamboat spot. However, I feel that it was a mistake to have him win, seeing as there was no way in hell anybody could picture him getting the better of Diesel at WrestleMania.
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    I enjoy non intoxicating safely edible mushrooms, especially with the combination of onions and peppers.

    And yes, Shawn Michaels has been one of my favorite wrestlers since I was a kid. My favorite match of all time is still the Iron Man match he had against Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII. The match he had against Undertaker at "The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania" is pretty high on my list, too.
  13. View Conversation
    I just noticed something. Isn't that Shawn Michaels in your profile picture?
  14. View Conversation
    I wouldn't say mushrooms are my favorite topping, but they aren't disgusting. And if you are referring to mushrooms as a drug, then no, I'm straight edge, and therefore refrain from any and all drug use. Why do you ask?
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    I don't think so, although we own two females so maybe we'll find out
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