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    My little toe is half blue at the moment. It wasn't blue until I took off my sock after work last night. It was kind of startling. It hurt so much trying to walk home too. Considering it happened in the morning. I was tired and flustered. It was not a good day altogether. I had 3 assignments due yesterday and I only got 2 done. One was half assed. I mean my worst work ever. (That was mainly because my roommate pissed me off while I was working on she's so dumb) The other was missing something, but I worked on it with a friend and he did the exact same work. The third didn't get done. I had a meeting, then I had to work during class. It was an interesting day. I was limping around for most of it. Ooh man.
    The world made up for it. I got another cheque in the mail. This time a little less then before, but still a good lump of money. Life is good
    Essays.....what's the essay on?
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    2:47am actually, I sleep during the day Good luck with your essay then, Bye!!
  3. View Conversation
    What kid of trouble are you getting into today?
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    Whats been happening seanb?
  5. View Conversation
    Lol, revenge at the cost of my toenails
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    FFVIII is best for those lonely weekends. Although, with your kind of humour, I don;t understand why you don't have a girl yet. Unless there's something you're not telling us.

    Caric? Funny term. I've never heard it before. The answer is no. Unless you want to hear about my drama and how I dropped a ceramic bowl on my toe this morning. Woo, fun times I tell ya.

    What about you?
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    Any luck on FFVIII?
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    Sleep well, and good luck with that. Talk to you next time
  9. View Conversation
    No prob, I am nice like that
  10. View Conversation
    Oh let me tell you how wild my weekend was.

    I can't even remember what I did Friday night.

    On Saturday I went clothes shopping and only bought some socks and a cardigan. I was so disappointed, that I didn't find anything else. But all the fashions these days are so weird. Like shirts that are all cut up and don't even fit! I'm so glad I'm not one of those girls, who's really into fashion, because fashion is hideous! And very impractical! Lol. Then I went to to hardware store and bought a laundry hamper and a rubbish bin! I was so excited. I just get that way when I buy homewares. It was my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend. We were meant to get Chinese, but he wanted to have some beers and I can't drive and the Chinese place doesn't deliver! So just got pizza instead.

    Then I just watched movies for the rest of the weekend. I too have felt like watching all the Disney movies. They were good! The Lion King was my favourite.

    I'm just too wild aren't I? Lol. I'm just a quiet gal. I like to stay home and be comfortable. I rarely go out or anywhere interesting. I blame it on my lack of ambition. But I'm quite happy this way.

    I've never been to a fancy dress thing. Does sound fun. I'll definitely check that link out in a moment
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    Your help is always appreciated. You bring out the best in me
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    I learned from the best.

    Thank you sensei!!!
  13. View Conversation
    Payback's a b**ch aint it
  14. View Conversation
    I can't really see you as serenading anyone, but it does paint an amusing picture
  15. View Conversation
    That sounds like fun, let me know how it goes. I like them, they make pretty sounds, and I can actually picture you as a traveling bard....... it is a very funny picture
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