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    Ah ha! Victory for Peter Steele!

    hahaha, a good challenge though, good to know of a fan. (I only listen to like 3 of their songs though...hehe)
  2. View Conversation
    Just join when you can. I won't hold anything back. I told in my post that points won't be awarded until all who are playing check in. And if you can't check in until later then that's fine. I know that FeyLenne is only on once a week. Don't worry. It will be here whenever you want to play. It is rolling admission so, even if it is much later, it won't matter. I can update the scores as they come in.
  3. View Conversation
    You can still play with this one, if you get the chance. There's no rush. If you join in on this one, then I can wait until whenever to give out the points.
  4. View Conversation
    ...The moon is full. (I know all the lyrics, you won't win this. )
  5. View Conversation
    ...The devils mark.
  6. View Conversation
    Well hey! Thanks. You play, yourself, I see. Very cool.
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    I never even knew about that item until I joined here. I never paid too much attention to it. I would only do the race until I beat the girl, and that's when I went to that guarded place and get that item. I think I am at 0:30:00 or somewhere around that. I am not too good at dodging the birds. I can get several balloons, though.
  8. View Conversation
    From what I understand, by going off topic, and derail the conversation, it is considered spamming. What I mean is if the conversation completely went from if TFF is the best to the race in the Calm Lands, you and I would probably both get a 5% warning (you for going off the topic, and me for replying to it). Or I would only for not talking about if TFF was the best and only talking about the race in the Calm Lands. I just didn't want to risk either of us getting in trouble, especially since we are both new here.
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    In response to your question, I have not gotten every piece yet. I know how to get the weapons, but I have only maxed out Auron's, Rikku's and Yuna's (I think). I didn't want to post this in the thread for fear of getting a warning. Which race are you talking about exactly? The one in the Calm Lands, or the one at Remiem Temple?
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    If you subscribe to a thread, when someone posts in it, the thread will show up in your User CP. As far as I know, you don't get notified from social groups I'm afraid.

    You can earn Gil by doing pretty much everything on here. This link here tells you more than I know off the top of my head. xD
  11. View Conversation
    seanb idk where i got them but the latin lyrics are awesome i learned the way it was took 2 weeks to learn them but definitely worth it to me...
  12. View Conversation
    I am sending you a link to the LPers of TFF. This way, if the LP doesn't pick up in the Group, we could do it with that club. I know that there is a Final Fantasy X one there (which is where I got the idea), but it is quite old and I don't want to start necroposting. We could do any game we wanted in there.

    LPers of TFF - The Final Fantasy Forums
  13. View Conversation
    Yeah, she's VERY helpful. I have probably asked her about 20 questions about this place (I'm not sure about the number). She is also very encouraging, and let's you get settled at your own pace. I don't how she is in comparison to the adopters, but I absolutely think she is the best one!
  14. View Conversation
    I just read that you are Unknown Entity's new adoptee. That's great! I guess that makes us siblings.
  15. View Conversation
    Woo, I love FFVII too. Can't say the same for FFX, but I liked that one too a bit. ^^

    Threads are discussions. Or rather, discussions happen in the threads. As long as you stay on topic in the thread, and don't spam, you won't have any problems. xD

    Why thank you! You've actually reminded me that I need to finish up on two more banners for some members... gaah. I'll have to work on those soon... but thanks again. I use Photoshop Elements, as that's the only program I can use at the moment. I prefer Photoshop CS4... but I'll work with what I have. xD

    I've not gotten an invite yet. =o
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