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    Baha! Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.

    Not much, dude. Chillin' today, and enjoying the fact that I don't have to go to ****ing work.

    PS - I added you on MSN. So, if you get a random ass request, it's not really random, it's me.
  2. View Conversation
    Oh boi! I just saw that rainbow kitty picture in full! I only saw half of it on my phone haha. Awwww so cute!
  3. View Conversation
    Yay! I'm glad you liked it yeah I don't think anyone would expect me to sound like that
  4. View Conversation
    Yo Sean! I sent you an email I hope you get it! Baiiiiiiii!
  5. View Conversation
    Why the **** did you do that?!

    Pulp Fiction, eh? Classic shit right there! I love Quentin Tarantino. I've yet to see his zombie movie though (he did direct one right?) /Random shinfo, enjoy.
  6. View Conversation
    Ive registed for the pre-sale tickets, but if I dont get them, I dont think I'll bother going, Ive heard that they aren't gunna play any of the older stuff at their gigs anymore, so I think this might be my last one if I do go. I'm not sure it's possible to top their performance from the LCCC last year.. or the year before... tbh. bloody hell, where does the time go D:

    Tickets are on sale for everyone on the 13th of this month, btw
  7. View Conversation
    no, in Staffordshire! yeah and the shoes are expensive and the care, and the insurance, my mum says I could have a horse, but I just don't have enough time to treat it like it deserves, I have the money and the space, just not the time...
  8. View Conversation
    its actually stopped raining today haha, we've had our Summer now ): Muse are touring again this year so thats my only excitememtn at the moment
  9. View Conversation
    Ill check out that new vid soon bud. Yeah the weekend went really well, had a nice dinner a few drinks and then just relaxed and watched a few movies. You should drop by Prestige more often man, join in some discussions!
  10. View Conversation
    Yeah lovely weather we're getting right now. It's not the girl from Resident Evil no, it's Stella from Versus XII

  11. View Conversation
    So this is late cause I hardly ever look at my CP, but thanks for the thank you! I thought that was a high quality gif myself.
  12. View Conversation
    Thats exactly what I have, haha! Ill tinker with it when I have a bit more time to spare. Got a big weekend, its my 2 year anniversary with my girlfriend so we are going to crown in the city and seeing a movi gold class, having diner then a bit of a gamble at the casino. Night before that we have a friends 21st, so tis a big weekend on its way!
  13. View Conversation
    Haha. How've you been man? Any new recordings? I havn't been able to setup my interface, I think its faulty. I only ever used it a few times as well.
  14. View Conversation
    I tried getting my FL studio to work on my laptop but for some reason theres an error in the crack that I have with the installation and it no longer works so I need to get a working version. I have a VST studio devil amp pro that gives an awesome sounds to my guitar. Ill try to get it this week and see if I can upload a video of no more tears.
  15. View Conversation
    oh I don't own a horse, I go to a riding school at Whitmore, and I usually ride a sweet horse called Shilo. I like goats too LOL! but I don't own one, though I like all animals so it doesn't really matter what it is, I will love it just as much as any other!
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