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  1. View Conversation
    I almost forgot to respond to you! That's crazy.

    That's probably the best plan; to read everything. I get lazy though when a thread is really long sometimes and don't want to read everything, or I forget to look down there sometimes for a few days. Not a lot gets posted in there anyway.
    Heh, yeah. It would be nice if there was a rule that said "No starting threads specifically to whine anymore." Also, it took me until just now to realize why you're telling me you think I'm cool, heh. Thanks, I think yer cool too, LADY.

    Yeah, that is praying. It's one of the most basic, but it is a good prayer to offer. He appreciates it, I believe.

    Snow, eh? Never does much of that around here... mostly we just get rain. Even when it does snow, it usually isn't very much, and doesn't stick. Silly Albany, OR, having an anti-snow field around its perimeters.

    So you skipped school to... learn... ? Haha. I'm guessing you mean you went and studied on your own or something, right? That just struck me as somewhat funny. But yeah; sometimes you wanna study, but your brain doesn't wanna cooperate. Sometimes you plan to start drawing a comic strip in the afternoon, and you look at the clock and realize you have to go to work in like five minutes...

    You have a good one! I don't think I can be lazy tonight; there is a play. Which means we get to take down chairs and stuff, which takes an extra half hour of our time. Yiy! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  2. View Conversation
    *nod nod* I'm kinda surprised by some of the new rules; a couple I've never seen before as rules on this site, I don't think. Then again, there was a long discussion about it amongst the staff, I think, and I never really chimed in about it, so...

    I will keep that in mind

    TFF is actually down somewhat frequently. Not always sure what the deal is. Sometimes it doesn't seem to be down universally, either. And sometimes you can't access people's profile pages... Guess there is constant work to be done with a large forum like this; probably lots of things that can go wrong or need to be tweaked.

    Praying is good if you believe. I encourage you to pray during both the good times and the bad, if just to give thanks for the good. You could always ask for guidance through the most turbulent times of school, when those big exams are coming up Anything that is in your heart, in fact.

    Yeah, rain sucks. Summertime is where it's at. You can go outside at 11 PM, and it will still be a comfortable temperature for a t-shirt and shorts. Last night though, I walked back to work through the rain. I didn't realize how heavy it was pooring, apparently; I got soaked. And I don't even live that far from my work... *shrug*

    Well, you have a nice time doing the stuff that is awesome and learning things! I will try to do something similar. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  3. View Conversation
    There has never been a rule in the past about posting in old threads, but the newly revised rules that will be posted sometime soon say that you shouldn't post in a thread that hasn't been posted in for two months. So to play it safe...

    Any time, ma'am! I am always happy to do that sort of thing. Also, you don't to return the favor or anything. I like helping out, so long as I don't go above my laziness quota, haha.

    TFF was actually working for me... I dunno why it wouldn't have been working for you. Maybe it was down at specific times during those days because Merlin was working on something, or something. He does that sort of tom-foolery on occasion.

    To be honest, yes, I felt a little anxious at one point. I almost turned around and started back, but then I decided "Nah, I'm most of the way there now. No sense in turning back now." Besides, I think that if anything like that is in existence, then I am protected from it by the Lord, and that if it confronted me, I could pray for protection, or maybe even its exorcism.

    Actually, I did go walking again last night, heh. But not as long, and in the opposite direction. I almost intended to walk down to a 7-11 to get a soda, but then I decided that that would take me near the bars and obnoxious drunk people, so...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. View Conversation
    It's all good. Like I said before, you gotta take care of what's going on in your immediate surroundings first, right? Your family should definitely come before responding to me.

    Heh, no, that park wasn't haunted. I walked from one end to the other, didn't see anything. I even sat down on the swingset and swung for a little while. Although as I was walking through to the back end, I couldn't help but looking over my shoulder a few times. And yeah, I went alone. No one else was awake anymore, so... It was just kinda like, "I dare ya, ghost!" Or even, I suppose, "I dare ya, wild animals!" or "I dare ya, muggers!" Kind of a silly plan, but yeah. There was nobody else around. There wasn't even a wind. Just an owl back on my own street... and some roosters crowing way up on the hill at someone's house, at like 2 AM, heh.

    *nod nod* Gotta unwind a little bit sometes... even if you've just been hanging out with friends, and there isn't anything to unwind from. Did the same thing last night as the last time we talked.

    Sure, I'll proofread it. Might be better to send it to me via PM here though, as per I can be lax in checking my e-mail (or you could let me know you sent it to me when you write back again, and then I will check it.)

    You have a lovely what I assume to be evening now too, ma'am! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  5. View Conversation
    Don't try. 'Tis a foolish business for foolish people who are also fools. As well.

    *shrug* I might've also liked it because it was during Christmas time, and everyone's lights and decorations were up on their houses, so I got to walk around and look at those. Plus... I'm a little odd anyway. I don't like feeling lonely, but there are certain lonely things that I like. And there are certain memories tied to this area at nighttime for me, so maybe that had to do with it too. Also, a teacher said once that the park up on the hill was haunted at night by a little girl, so I had to go check that out.

    They did it because they were jackasses, and wanted to get back at "The Man," I think. Who happened to be my friend. Tearing down things that he'd put on his door would probably be a good way to harrass him, or something.

    Hopefully you do too. I've been able to sleep in, so I feel better! Although it's already 3 AM here, heh... Why am I still awake? Because I came home from a friend's place at 1:40, then decided I needed to scan the comic I just drew today, then edit that one and another one and post them up on TFF. Then I decided I should respond to a thread I saw, and while I was in the middle of that, you wrote me. And apparently I have to respond right now. Because... y'know... uh... ...*shrug*

    But yeah, have a good day! I hope you feel motivation to do cool stuff! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  6. View Conversation
    Heh, not really. It was a play on "Good night! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Because I am a dork.

    I hear what you're saying. 16 hours was a bit of an exaggeration. I enjoy it when I get to sleep for like 10 hours, which my body hasn't been allowing me to do lately, because it's gotten used to like 6 or 7 hours in the last couple of weeks. (I was on day shift for winter break.) It's probably better for the soul to be a day person, though, because then you get to see the sun and stuff. Although a few weeks ago, I went for a long walk in the middle of the night, and everything looked really cool and different. I dunno; I like the night.

    You should learn karate, so you can beat those kids up. Or use your skills with a lance (your non-lethal ones, anyway) That'd learn 'em not to bug you anymore! People are dumb, though, so I dunno; maybe it wouldn't "learn 'em." People have a tendency to be stubborn and persistent about their stupidity and selfishness. I remember this one guy in Yellowstone went to bug my friend who was a Room Coordinator, because he was moving into my friend's building. It was like 8 AM, on my friend's day off (and the RC's didn't even start work until noon on ANY day, and they worked split shifts, 12-4PM and 10-2AM.) Someone on the way saw this guy and told him, "It's his day off. You probably shouldn't bug him." He totally ignored that and went and banged on my friend's door anyway. My friend was pissed. He'd write his hours on a piece of paper he stuck on his door... and people would tear it down for some reason. I drew him a picture of Beavis and Butthead, which read, "Huh huh... like, the RC isn't on duty right now. Come back later." That got torn down too. Kinda pissed me off. But anyway! /tangent

    ...actually, that's about it, isn't it? Heh. Well, I work in a couple hours. If you respond again today, you might see another response from me as well, or you might. Have a good one, regardless. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  7. View Conversation
    That's good that you don't just get mad at someone for drinking, because then you probably would hear about my exploits from time to time and get really annoyed with me.
    Sleep is good for you! I encourage you to sleep for 16 hours since you are on holiday. (I wish I could do that, still...)

    You couldn't work nights? That's what I do best. That way I get to stay up as late as I want to and sleep in the next day. Although most everyone else works a day shift, so you don't get to see your friends much during the week... But don't feel bad about not being to do five million things. You'd have to be Super Burmecian to do that!

    Anyhoo, goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't let the goofy drunk people come in and harrass you and stuff! ...that doesn't even begin to rhyme. Oh well. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. View Conversation
    Heh... You probably would not have been happy with me if you had been there on New Year's Eve. I was kinda stupid about the alcohol... Although I'm guessing you saw that thread in GC. I know you don't like it when anyone drinks at all, so...
    Drunken 13 year olds, eh? Bet they regretted it the next day.

    Having two jobs isn't necessarily a bad idea. Lotsa people do it. You just gotta make sure that you have enough energy to make it through the week, heh (and I am lazy, so...) Two jobs and school would probably be hell, though.
    And the thing with the guy is that they only ever need two nighttime custodians, and there already is another one. He doesn't want to do this anymore anyway though, actually. The only reason I think he continues is because he can't retire yet; he's only been working in the district for like 3 or 5 years (I'm not really sure.) He had another job where he almost worked until retirement, but they let him go before that, because that company does that to everyone. Bastards.

    Well, I guess this last one wasn't too long, because it seems like you responded right away when you came back, eh? You got some motivation! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Oh yeah! Happy New Year!
  9. View Conversation
    Nothing serious happened, except that it's the second car crash in like two years that I've caused (had one back in '08 too) so my driving insurance is most likely going to go up. Also, it hurt my self-confidence for a while there.
    And... kinda. I looked for a while there this last Spring and Summer and found those two jobs to work simultaneously for a while. It kinda sucked, because on the days that I did both jobs, I was gone from like 8 AM to 10:30 PM, broken up for a short time at home for dinner and to change. I kinda wanted to get out of that routine... just wish it hadn't happened that way, heh. And I'm working full time right now covering for someone until at least February 10th. And there's talk that he may not come back... just like last time.

    That was a good movie. Haven't seen it all the way through before though, I don't think.

    *nod* I suppose that can be the case; being too empathetic/sympathetic. Just make sure you're not letting some jerk you don't even like stay at your place and free load off of you because he doesn't have anywhere else to go, like my friend has done one and a half times (half a time because she started out liking the first one... doesn't like the second one at all though.) Also, sometimes the word sometimes is applicable to use that often, heh. When I read through my message to you too, I noticed a bunch of errors in what I wrote. I must've been tired... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: ...looks like I'm working my way back up to writing you huge long messages again, heh. Better not do that; that'll drive you away again!
  10. View Conversation
    Real life can suck, yes, I agree. Personally, I recently had a driving job. That ended when I got on a car crash. Although I ended it; they didn't seem like they were gonna let me go, so I thought, "better do it myself." It was basically because I was driving place every day that I'd never been to before in other towns on a rather tight schedule, and I felt pretty nervous about it all the time anyway. After that, my other job was barely providing me with any hours, so I've gone back to the school district. Still won't get any money until January 31st... that is a long time without getting paid. (2 Months.) It's good to have a break once in a while though, definitely. All work and no play, right?

    Did I say "back?" Heh... Yes, I did. Well, you get back on there again from that time that never was, okay?! The magical time of unicorns and dragons, or something...

    Sorry to hear about your birthday. So that friend wanted to be an ice sculptor, eh? Didn't have any prior experience, did he? Good that you were concerned about your friend so much that it ruined your day, though; that means that your a very caring individual Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  11. View Conversation
    Me too, and of course I remember you. Always loved to read your posts. They were always well thought out which is rare to find and I tend to remember members that can do that haha.
  12. View Conversation
    WAit what? your still alive! Good to see you back.
  13. View Conversation
    Heh. It's all good. I don't mind hearing from you just every once in a while, if that's whatcha gotta do. You feel like popping in and leaving me a message to let me know you're not dead every once in a while, and I'll be happy I understand that you're going to school, and that takes a lot of time. Plus, you probably have some kinda job too, eh? That is your real life. That is what you need to keep up on. I am a message of text coming from halfway across the world, and it's hard to keep up with messages of text from across the world when real life is constantly staring you in the face, eh?

    Well then, ya better hurry up and get back on facebook! Or you could write me an e-mail, because I think you still have my address (although sometimes I don't check that for weeks...)

    My birthday was cool. I took the day off, went to the next town over and got some comics, then hung out with friends during the night. Best of wishes to you as well, and a happy New Year! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  14. View Conversation
    It's hard to not get annoyed at people on the internet sometimes. I mostly try to ignore people being stupid/antagonistic, or shoot something off at their expense real quick without really thinking about it, but sometimes, people really just wanna push your buttons, eh? It's probably best just not to respond to them, though; don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they got to you, because that's really what they're probably after, and that's when you lose.

    You should get on there, lady! And then tell me. I will give you the link to my page. Or I could do it now. Also, yeah, I have a deviant art account, though I don't update it often. It's here.

    Nah, my cat isn't ill. I've just been keeping her in my room since I got her, because she's young still, and I want her to develop a bond with me. There is another cat in the house that she plays with all day, and she seems to prefer staying in my roommates' room instead of mine when she can, so night time is pretty much the only time she really gives two shits about me, heh (unless I'm gone for a while during the day and then come back.)

    It's cool, lady. I'll be around, as always (though hopefully not too much.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah, the more recent drama was over the member elimination game. There was actually drama over last year's game, too, heh... Although in both cases, it got a bit of an "...okay...?" from me. Although there was some lying involved last year when people were asked what happened, apparently, which annoys me.

    I should. Didn't yesterday though; was lazy. Colored a bunch of pictures from my comic strips in, posted them on facebook. Went to work and Taco Tuesday. (You should go to Taco Tuesday! )

    Heh, reminds me of my latest game of pokemon... I got characters named Blight, Smite, Magicpoopy, Concusion, etc...

    Well, taking my cat to the vet today. Always fun. I'm tired; she always wakes me up earlier than I want to be woken up, purrin' in my face or meowin' at the door...

    Have a good day, ma'am. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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