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    Fair enough, haha.

    Yeah, I suppose we're all our own worst critics. Until we meet someone who is more critical/anal than the average person, and have them look at our stuff. Like, I imagine, the majority of the internet. But yeah; comic drawing seems to be more natural for me than trying to sit down and write anymore.

    I would not want to, either, heh. The other day though, I was walking along with my friends who served in the air force, and they were scoffing at people who complained about their jobs, because they went through basic, and it's the hardest thing they've ever gone through. Basically, I think they were saying that a lot of people have a bad work ethic. But yeah. I might be able to make it through basic. Or not.
    Snowing again, eh? Why do you get all the snow? You should send it here! All we get is this lousy rain

    Okay. You wanna get organized, eh? Organization is overrated, though. Being disorganized allows you to do fun things, like look for that PSP game or power adapter that you left somewhere, or those comics that are around here some place... Eh.

    Let's hope you are ready. And you're welcome, ma'am! That's how I do! Anytime Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  2. View Conversation
    Apparently it took you forever to make this conversation ^^
    I'm surprised you still remember me !
    Yeah I didn't totally forget everything about you but almost without this message I was about to ^^
    I'm fine thanks , well how about yourself ? I see you got promotion congratz ^_____^
  3. View Conversation
    AH! You're a mod! I'm threatened now. xD

    But, milk will ferment, right? So it will turn to something I will eat? Eww...

    I can't wait to kill myself! =D
  4. View Conversation
    Heh. I wondered. Thought maybe you'd run out of things to talk about. Oh well.

    Y'know, I went back and read that story I sent you before that I had only written halfway, and found that I didn't like it as much as I did before. Maybe because I wasn't letting myself use my imagination, and trying to see if the story was telling me everything itself, and I really don't think it does. Plus, some of the descriptions are awkward, like my descriptions of facial and hand gestures. I think those might need work. But the strange thing is that I found I actually liked the character you said you hated, and I didn't like her before either. That squirrel girl. Thought she was my most fun character, and that the story got better once she was introduced. Everyone else felt kinda like stock characters and boring by comparison. That's why I want to do comics; I can just draw the facial and hand gestures, which I think I'm getting pretty good at already anyway.

    Yeah, working at the gas station sucked. It was my least favorite job by far. Although I suppose it has nothing on boot camp/basic training, heh.
    Yeah, look online too if you aren't. Do you have anything like Craig's List over here? That's how I found my two part time jobs last year. Businesses are putting openings up there every day, though I do not qualify for most of them.

    Cleaning your room? Ugh. Although you probably aren't as messy as me or leave it for as long as I do. Eh... actually, I guess I have clear walkways, and most everything is on shelves/under shelves/out of the way of being stepped on. As much as it can be when there is a cat who likes to knock crap down all the time Have fun with that, though.

    Yeah. Just make sure not to make the same mistakes again, eh? And I'm glad to hear your last exam was easy. Probably needed that after the last two, eh?

    And I have not. Have a nice day. Anyhoo...

    Wuv,Yer Mom

    EDIT: Congratulations on your moderator-ship.
  5. View Conversation
    Wow, you just dig in there well I pretend I don't notice the excruciating pain that I'm now feeling from blood loss. xD

    Fifteen is the perfect age to eat something? I'll keep that in mind with my milk. xD
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah, the money would disappear fast if I went to Uni. Someone suggested I take out some student loans, and be in debt for like fifty million years. That'd be great. And... I remember some stuff from college. Every now and again, when the subject matter fits whatever's going on. Sometimes I'll remember something from the two psychology classes I took if we're talking about human nature. Sometimes I'll remember a bit from one of my many history classes (mostly the History of Asia class that I took.) I kind of remember proper grammar for writing, although if the way my friend hacked apart one little message I wrote a year ago says anything, I probably have forgotten quite a bit. Although she strikes me as rather anal. I also have some of the papers I wrote during that time saved on my computer still. Maybe I should go look at them some time. Refresh my memory.

    Yeah, that sounds obnoxious, standing outside in the heat. It was air conditioned in that deli in yellowstone, I think. When I worked at the gas station though, I did have to work in the freezing cold with impatient customers. I remember standing outside one morning and having my feet start to stick to the ground, it was so cold, heh.

    Yeah, damn recession. I have always had a hard time finding a job ever since I first looked back in like '03 or '04. I hope it change soon too, but we're still talking about spending cuts all over the place...

    Well, that is the suxorz. Sorry. At least after Thursday, it'll be over for a little while, eh? Although I suppose you'll want to study it up whenever you have the spare time and try to get that stuff down. That is rough. Hope you come out of this victorious in the long run!

    Heh heh, your "emo corner," huh? That's awesome. Everyone should have an emo corner. Too much crap in this room, though. There is a rocking chair over there, though... Sorry no food, btw. And I hope things can work out with that friend, too. Good luck. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  7. View Conversation
    Heh. They don't do stuff like that. Every once in a while,they go on a cruise a trip to the coast or whatever, but mostly they do not lavish themselves. I mean, I could probably afford those things, myself. But money is pretty tight with everyone around here these days. And what they're living on now, they pretty much have to live on for the rest of their lives.

    I think I was a lucky fellow, heh. I only took two math courses in College: College Algebra and Trig. 111 and 112, respectively. Wonder if I'd still place there now, though; it's been like seven years since I've done any math at all, heh... wow.

    Yeah, I suppose that's true. And thank you for trying to save me, but I've already worked in the food industry, scooping ice cream one summer at a deli in Yellowstone. That was pretty much hell; the line never stopped from like 12:30 PM to like 4:30 PM. Sometimes there would be slow days. Those were the best days. Although somehow I think I'd do better there now. But working with customers in general generally sucks. That's why I try to be a janitor; you don't have to deal with anyone for the most part. You just have to clean up after them.

    Yeah. The school will be looking "meh" again probably soon, heh. Although I guess it's not so much that he doesn't get the work done, so much as he's slow, and gets hurt a lot because he's old and falling apart, heh. I've been doing extra work though, which he probably won't have time to do.
    Good luck finding a job, ma'am. It can be rough. I hear it's that way all over, too, and not just here where there's a recession going on (which is supposedly over...) I'm sure you'll find something, though!

    And Happy Valentine's Day to you as well! I'll bet your boyfriend has something planned for you... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. View Conversation
    They've always been kinda poor. I don't know how much money they have left; both are retired, and beyond that, they paid for the majority of the bills when I went to the community college. Plus, it's an art school, so that'd be more expensive than a regular university, I think. (I wanna go to art school and refine my talents, I think. Make my 72nd and a 3rd comics look really awesome, and also start projects I want to treat more seriously.) There is actually a position in the Army National Guard that apparently involves graphic design, but I'm afraid they'll tell me that I can do that, and then when I get in, tell me I'm doing something less pleasant after all (I've heard stories about them doing things like that. Promise something to get you to sign up, and then go back on it.) At the very least, it would pay for my schooling... I got a couple years for it to still be an option.

    Okay. For some reason, probability didn't sound quite right to me. Probably because I'm dumb, heh. But it makes sense now. It has to do with the mathematical equations to give a numbered chance that something will happen, like a percentage or a fraction or something, right?
    Well, I hope that things go better for you from here on out. Working is so much less stressful than school, heh.

    Speaking of work... the guy I've been filling in for is coming back this week. He will be working days, so they can determine if he's fit to continue working or something. I have a feeling he will be able to continue working, though. We're guessing he'll hurt something else in a month or so though, so then I'll be back in Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  9. View Conversation
    Ohhh, I know haha. Watts and the others father started the rebellion thing but died, and rinoa was watts and zones friends so she joined them.
    Yea, it's too bad the Square already said that Rinoa wasn't her. Yeh, allot of things are screwed in that game LOL
    Something to think about is that the producer said that game isn't going to sit idol... Hmm... xD
  10. View Conversation
    I don't think it's cute that you can spell words. I think it's cute when you get flustered over something small like that. I revel in other people's pain, haha.

    Yeah, I could, if I had the money, and I actually knew what I wanted to study when I got there. I have some kind of idea, but I don't know if I could afford the school I want to go to, which is also an hour and a half drive from here...

    You might have told me that before, and I may have forgotten, because I'm a dork.
    And University is probably gonna be harder, heh. It generally is; they're grading on a higher level, and expect a bit more out of you. Probability? Hmm... I'm not sure what that could be. Is it X=2Y, and that kinda stuff? Or is it your Tans and your Sins and etc? The highest I went was Trigonometry, and I was glad to be done with it. Good for you that you like math, though. It probably means you're smarter than me, heh. What do you mean, you keep on Failing, btw? Are you supposed to get at least a 3.0 or something to pass? D is still a passing grade here, though it doesn't look good...

    Heh... Still haven't done 'em. It's okay, though; I have until some day in April. And I have kinda been thinking about them. And, after next week, I probably won't be working at NAMS anymore, or probably anywhere near as much as I have been, so I'll probably have free time... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  11. View Conversation
    its nice to meet u too
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    "Hm, eating you... that sounds great *_* You're young, aren't you? You might be tasty... *MWAHAHHAA* XD"

    Apparently you have a taste for the young and innocent so go ahead and eat away~! xD
  14. View Conversation
    Well, the thing is Rinoa seems to like men who have an emotional shield up (Seifer).
    *confused face* Don't know what you mean about rebel lol
    And yea, Squall did change to fast haha.
    I LOVE zelda, second favorite games next to FF and resident evil
  15. View Conversation
    Well, that's good. I'd rather you didn't do those things.

    If not your parents, then maybe you got it from someone else. Just find somebody else to blame! Not that it matters that much; it might even be an endearing trait to some. "Look at how flustered she's getting! Isn't it cute?" Heh heh.

    I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure the SATs were a High School thing; specifically for the Junior year of High School. Otherwise I think I'd have tried to take my SATs my senior year, because I started to care then. Seems as though you're supposed to do all the University scouting and applying your Junior year, for some reason... Although I do have a Transfer degree from my college, so if I knew what I wanted to do for sure or had the money or whatever, I could go to a Uni.

    Well, he hasn't called me back or anything, but I know he's planning a reshoot at a different location, and the one guy has agreed to doing it again. It's going to be some time from now, though. My bro told me this; the director thinks we should do it later to recuperate from the last experience, heh.

    Sorry to hear that, ma'am. Math is the devil! How many more Math courses do you have to take? At least then you'll be done, and probably never have to deal with it again. (Seriously, why should a teacher of English have to take advanced math courses?) Don't give up! Give 'em hell!

    ...I have not done my taxes. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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I'm probably addicted to mathmatics. And I love 90's music. *_*
Anime/Manga, writing, reading, playing bass-guitar
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Final Fantasy VI *_*


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