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    I have to admit that it's still somewhat addicting in a way, as for most FFs, even the bad ones. Me and Fredrik have made it to the giant steppe now, and we've done some questing. Not the most exciting quests/hunts perhaps, but just the feeling of actually getting to decide what to do next for yourself is thrilling enough.
    We're doing those obligatory quests in that tower right now. : > I have to say I really like the designs of most of the Fal'Cie, though I have to agree that I still don't really get them. I mean like...the first you encounter know.. -no spoilers-
    And then there is one that you use as vehicle of some sort? You know the tunnel one. (This wouldn't really be spoilers.)
    It's a little foggy still, for me. xD
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    I highly doubt there is anyone who does. Yesterday was perhaps the worst of it, so I hope that ends up being the turning point to where it slingshots back up again. It is hard to assess at this point in time, though.

    There are others who are perhaps obsessed with the Skool of Old, but I think you are correct: there are none who can compare. ^^''

    MSN, AIM, Facebook, etc.

    I hope so too, but somehow I don't find it likely. Although I did make a post yesterday in my VERY old stomping ground here on TFF...
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    Stress, mostly. Lots of things due for college, as well as personal issues that I am struggling through. We all have those weeks, I know, but I still hate having them.

    Thank you kindly, Fiona. We certainly did talk about Old Skool gaming and such. Coming from me, that is hardly a rare occurrence. After all, I won Most Old Skool two years in a row. ^^

    Glad to hear you are doing fine. Fine Fiona. That has a nice ring to it, haha. Hopefully through talking to an old friend or two on here I might become motivated to post once again. If not, I always have other means of communication for those who are truly desiring to converse outside of TFF.
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    It's all good. Don't feel like you have to write me back right away. I'm not even sure why I do it; it'd probably be best to sit on the message and think about what I'd like to say before responding, anyway.

    I would have to learn some German, I think. Preferably before I came over, but you could help me with it more once I got over there. My German-born friend says she doesn't know what to teach me, and claims she doesn't really know that much anyway. Eh.

    Who says "Gad?" That sounds like an East Coast accent. I assure you that over here on the West Coast, we're boring, and say "God."
    I think the reason I was seeing Bioshock when my eyes were closed is because I spent like 8+ hours playing it the night I beat it. Stayed up until like 4 or 5 in the morning, then went to church the next morning at 11... heh. Y'know how when items you can pick up are shining in that game? Well, I saw the game in a kind of shining silhouette like that. The gun your character would be holding in front of him, pipes on the walls, etc., had that shining outline.
    I don't remember why or who said it, but someone said that the majority of the answers are usually "C." And eh. *shrug* I dislike fill in the blank questions more, because if you have no idea, you don't get that 1 in 4 chance of guessing correctly, heh. Although true/false questions are probably the best. Or short essay portions, because it gives you room to bs and at least get some points.

    Yeah, this kid is an interesting character... he rubs all my other friends the wrong way, too. We've come to the conclusion that he's trying too hard to be liked, and he has a skewed idea of what will make people like him, so his problem is two fold. I half think there's something wrong with him in the head, so that gives me greater cause to pity him. But I think you're right, and I have been harsher with him recently. See, there's this church service I've been taking him to, and he always expects to carpool with me. This weekend, I wasn't going to be at my house before church, so he couldn't ride with me from there. First of all, he didn't ask if he was getting a ride; he said "so 5:30, the usual time?" And I was like, "I'm not gonna be home, actually." And he's like, "So where should we meet?" And I said, "There?" And he texts back, "The church?!" And was like "Yes." Had he pushed it any further, I'd probably have gotten a little mean in my next response, but he didn't. He drove to the church on his own, so good for him. And no, he hasn't driven me anywhere, heh... He does offer me some of his snacks every time he has something, though. And everyone else around him. Kinda thrusts it in your face and says, "Want some?" In a kind of put-offish way that makes you wonder if he expects something in return.

    Well, I hear it helps to keep some sort of journal, and write random crap in it. Maybe I should do that, too. The drawing is kind of like that for me, though; at least some vague ideas for events in the story are put down in drawn format, sometimes. Or what the charcters look like. And the more you draw, the more you get better. At one time, I was terrible. Now... I dunno. I started a thread with a link to one of my "comics" in the art forum, so check it out, and you be the judge (if you'd like, and have the time.)

    Well, enjoy the rest of your Spring Break, lady. As for myself, I am late to choir practice. Whoops. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  5. View Conversation
    Doing quite well, at the moment. Been a bit of a blah week for me, but I'm getting through it.

    I am glad you still remember me. Been ages since I've lurked or posted here.

    How are YOU doing?
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    I dunno if my bosses knew; they were both brand new, apparently, and we were a different department than the one my bro worked in. Then again, they might've known anyway. We also have cousins who work there, so *shrug* Yeah, it would be a year if I worked there. I'd also still be really excited to go. It'd be an ADVENTURE! I'd get to meet you, as well. That'd be cool, eh?

    Yeah, intro classes are generally pretty cookie-cutter. Sounds like phonetics became akin to an addictive game for you though, eh? Like Tetris. Did you see words getting transcribed when your eyes were closed? Heheh. The game Bioshock actually had that effect on me recently... Wow, but you hate multiple choice? Is it because it's too easy, or something? The right answer is always "C," lady!

    Speaking of annoying people... there's this kid I used to hang out with every once in a while like 12 years ago, who's moved back, and I'm the only person he knows around here... He talks too much. I know that I type a lot when I talk to you, but if it were him in text format, you could probably expect at least twice as much, about the most inane things imaginable. Everything has to be commented on. Also, you can't just ignore him, because he demands your attention pretty much.
    He also has strange expectations of us: one time, I was sitting in the living room, and he asked me to go into the kitchen to grab his bread for him whilst he carried his soup. He couldn't just get it once he'd set the soup down? Also, another time, he had me drive him back from his misuse appointment, because he'd be "too relaxed to drive himself." He also had me waiting for a half hour after he was supposed to come out. Unfortunately, he has my roommates' phone numbers, as well.
    We're all annoyed with him, but the ones he contacts the most-my roommates and I-are generally too nice to tell him to F off (although I'm getting better at this, I think. I have a threshold for annoying behavior, which he as about exceeded.) I feel bad now for introducing my roommates to him. Then again, I also feel bad for him, because I'm the only person he knows out here... Anyway, sorry. Had to vent.

    Yeah, when writer's block sets in, it's hard to overcome. Writing something every day would probably help... but the times I remember to, I don't feel like it, or something, heh. Been drawing a bit more lately, though. Drawing is easy to do, somehow, and I feel less embarrassed about it if it's bad, and more accomplished that I drew something at all than if I wrote something at all.

    So it's your Spring break right now? Or is it called Easter break over there? Well, happy times regardless! And thank you for liking my long messages Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. View Conversation
    It was a corporation. I don't think corporations care about their employees in the slightest. Expect miracles, and all that. They fired my brother a month or two before, so I probably shouldn't have been surprised. My friend works there still, though, and he recommended me. I also kinda needed the work. Forestry/firefighter work would involve a lot of hard work and camping out, so that's why I'm interested in it. And... I finally heard back from the Germany people in February. They were holding interviews in Seattle, half a day's drive north of here. I told my parents, who told me I shouldn't go, because I might miss work or something. I regret now that I actually listened to them, and when those people are stateside again, even if they're in Seattle, I'm driving to Seattle for that interview. (They come a few times a year.)

    That's a lot of work. What were your papers about? Anything interesting? Were they like essay answers, or something? Essay answers are fun, because you generally get to fit in your opinion on the matter. "This historic guy was a dick."
    *shrug* Some people have unreasonable schedules, where they go to school for half the day, then work the other half of the day. The guy who got hired on with me was apparently going to school at the same time... which is crazy, because we were working 10 hour days. Wonder how his grades will be. He was a self-proclaimed idiot though, so... heh... Maybe those people were partying, too. Some people go to school to party. Because they're stupid. Oh well.
    Hope that friend you like sticks around the uni. Tell the other one s/he's a deserter!

    And... I haven't written in that book for months. I haven't really felt inspired to write for a long time, so I've kinda given up on it for now. There've been a lot of distractions lately-including ideas for other things, though they may never be implemented into anything-and I've kind of actually forgotten about it, until you mentioned it... heh.

    Oh well. Best of luck at school, lady! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    (My messages are always so long... sorry. Suppose there's more to cover right now, though.)
  9. View Conversation
    I... ...killed a man...

    No. I mostly played more video games, read a few books, watched some stuff, and I also got a new job. That didn't last very long, though:

    They started me out on what I'm told is the most difficult machinery to use. I bumped into something my first day, and then again a few days later, neither time damaging anything (except a bar code sticker the first time.) They had me go back and practice some more with the trainer, then they came back and talked to me about the "severity of the situation" and told me I needed to aggressively improve myself... and then the next day when I came in, they let me go, so they didn't really give me a chance to do that at all. Which was the exact words my trainer used when he heard. "What?! Wow, they didn't really give you a chance..." So now I'm back to doing what I was doing when you last talked to me. Been looking for other stuff on Craig's List, too. Had an interview last week, but they didn't seem interested, because I had no experience in their field. Haven't heard back from anyone else... should I be a forest firefighter person?

    So what've you been up to? How's school going? You getting good grades, and all that fun stuff? Made some friends with cool people? Eh? Eh? Eh? I don't think I've heard from you since December...

    Gotta go; someone's coming to pick up some furniture at a friend's house, and she doesn't wanna be alone with strangers, understandably. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. View Conversation
    Hi. It's all good. I was taking a break from TFF for Lent (no offense to anyone, but it seems like I had a lot more free time.) I am back now, though. I assume you were as well? My brain is a little tired right now, so not much else to say. Hope all is well with you. Happy Easter!

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  11. View Conversation
    But...the bad thing about cosplayers is that when one cosplays a character a reaaaalllly like ruins that character for me. ='(

    Hahaha, Sazh is your favorite? I didn't really use him much at all, nor did I like using him, but his humor was awesome! XD
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    Wtf, I knew I replied already, but WHERE DID IT GO? >=O
    Whoo, I seee it! xD I've never been to a convention before, but it does look rather interesting. =P Take me sometime! =D
    Naw, I'm sure I'm not the only Snow-hater here. I'll gather a whole mob and take them all down.

    xD I can imagine... x3 Basch and Balthier? ...BLECH! >.< (Oh, I may be underage physically, but not mentally. ^~)
    The only thing SNow has that's good is a lot of HP, but I don't need a lot of HP as long as I have sufficient healing. You know what one of my favorite scenes is? The one in Lake Bresha (wow, I remembered the name xD) where Lightning punched Snow and he fell down, then when he got up, she punched him again. xD
  13. View Conversation
    I agree, it's not that great. To be honest, there are almost more things bugging me, than things appealing to me. I really like the story and characters so far, but the battlesystem and the extreme linearity of the progressing so far is just. No.
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    You saw Hope (tohugh a cosplayer)? 8D Sure, I wanna see the picture! =D If you'd had taken me along, I probably would have killed that Snow cosplayer and say, "Go cosplay as something half-decent, idiot!"

    You, too! xD Really, though, I never got what's o great about it, either. ._. Hahaha, I guess a portion of the girl gamers game to look at guys instead? xD
    Oh, he says it a ton. >.> I absolutely can't stand his attitude! *burns with rage* Totally off my party, and I suffer every time I have to move around as him. >.<
  15. View Conversation
    i missed you Freya! its been a long time!
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I'm probably addicted to mathmatics. And I love 90's music. *_*
Anime/Manga, writing, reading, playing bass-guitar
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Final Fantasy VI *_*


9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)


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