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  1. View Conversation
    How could I forget you?! You wanted to eat me at one point and that traumatised me for life! ^_^

    It's been the same story for me! I've not been that active in recent weeks/months! =) Nice to see you again, might I add?
  2. View Conversation
    Ha! I bought my PS3 because of FFXIII. XD PS3 has amaaaazing games. =D

    And don't worry, the title is misleading. The Star Ocean series is actually a trilogy, and The Last Hope (known as Star Ocean 4) is in fact a prequel. So this is really the beginning. (Though, if you'd played SO1, it's amazing to see the familiar towns in 3D!)
    Make use of those Rush Combos, now! ;D
  3. View Conversation
    Your relatively new to FF?
    That's cool haha
    I played it in 2001, so maybe my mind was a little more accepting haha
    Quick question, what do you hate most about FF8?
  4. View Conversation
    Why would't it still be summer? Is it not still winter for you?

    I always thought my summer and your winter went from sort of mid-November until mid-February. It's pretty nice here right now, overcast but at least 23 degrees C.

    If you don't want a winter, consider Australia. But that's if you tolerate like 40 deg C in the worst of summer. Personally I want more winter. It doesn't snow in my specific region, and I've only experienced snow twice in my entire life.
  5. View Conversation
    It's how I do, ma'am Now have a good rest.
  6. View Conversation
    Haha I am rarely offended, you're good.

    I understand, and I'm probably just on the line of "don't talk about that." The general consensus is it's cool to mention things of sexual nature on the forum, but it's not cool to get into word porn/graphic detail.

    But no, I probably shouldn't talk about bjs constantly lmao
  7. View Conversation
    Do your parents do it,too? Because I'm pretty sure I can blame it on my mom, heh. She does it too. We also both can't things that are right in front of us sometimes. And I have times where I'm that descriptive about my day, too. "Um, I did something. Definitely something."

    Yeah, if you got good enough grades and took the SAT's and got a good score on those, you can go straight to a university. I didn't go to the university because I didn't take the SAT's, and my junior year, my grade point average was below 3.00, which is kinda bad. I got it up to 3.07 after my Senior year, but Junior year is the year you're supposed to do stuff to get ready to go to college/uni, I guess. I was kinda lazy until my Senior year, and now I regret it.

    Yeah, I think cats are at like 15 cat years when they're one year old. So she's like a teenager still. Also hear that's the time they're like the least cuddly, and just want to be independent and break crap.

    We'll see if he calls me back. Somehow I get the feeling he wasn't impressed with me the other day, because I don't think I could hit a line exactly like he wanted me to. I needed to show dejection, but I needed to say the line loudly because the camera was down the street, and I don't talk very loud, so in order to get that line off I needed to yell practically, which loses the inflection. He was confusing about what he wanted anyway, though. First I'm angry, then I'm dejected, then I'm pissed again, and then I'm the character's buddy and all happy and crap, and then I'm pissed at him again. He also wanted me to do things I kinda felt were unnatural and over the top for me. But yeah.

    Well, damn. You think you failed? But maybe you did better than you realize. If this was the one you were sure you were going to ace, I have a feeling that you almost definitely did better than you think. Maybe a C. Don't give up until you see your grade! I had tests like that too, and when I got them back, saw I did better than I'd thought. Don't lose hope about your next test, either! Just get in there and get 'er done!

    Come, now. Things are bound to get better. They always seem to for me. You gotta go through a rough period of your life sometimes to realize how awesome the good periods of your life are, right? My life is okay right now. There are things I'd like a little bit better, but then there are things that are much better than they have been for months (like my financial status, heh. Still haven't done my taxes, though...) I hope things start to look up for you soon, though. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. View Conversation
    Remember me? xD
  9. View Conversation
    8 is my favorite o.o
    But it is cause it was my first one lol
    I loved 6 as well though the machines threw me off lol
  10. View Conversation
    Heh. I probably could've figured that out on my own, but I had brain fart or something, and was like, "buh, exams = finals. Always." And yeah, that's always a good feeling. You go in there and are like, "I'll take my A+ now, thank you!" I had a few of those. Mostly literature classes, although at least one that comes to mind was a social studies class. History of Asia!
    Community Colleges are the two year schools that you go to because you slacked off a little bit in High School and didn't get invited to any Universities. You can get a transfer degree and go to a University afterwards, having already completed two year's worth of school already, theoretically. At Community College level, you could be starting your studies to be a teacher, but you need your master's degree to teach, I think, and that you can only get at a University.

    How old is this cat? If she's older, than that doesn't give me much hope for my cat not being ornery in the future... Maybe they just need to be kicked outside into the harsh winter weather for a while. Or a beating. Or both.

    Okay, your teacher was a jerkface. I get it

    My brother told me to like an hour before I was going to leave, but I misunderstood and thought that he was saying he wanted a ride. This guy was also trying to call me that morning, but he couldn't, because my phone was turned off, because its battery had completely died the night before apparently and it wouldn't stay on. Also, I saw no messages when I turned it on, though he says he left some. In any case, I saw the director make a wall post on facebook last night, saying he's gonna try to reshoot somewhere else, and that he doesn't know why he got kicked out. Said it must've been because he was dancing with some girl, and the bartender was jealous, heh. An interesting story.

    Work was easy, compared to the night before when I was by myself. Very easy, in fact; I got a bunch of extra stuff done, and was still done early, heh. Hope all is well with you and your schooling, as well! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  11. View Conversation
    That is the exact reason why I didn't like it *laughs*
    I played every other FF before 7 and I was throughly let down.
    I mean, fighting mechanic things in the wilderness threw me off haha.
    The story was horrible and blah blah blah haha
  12. View Conversation
    Oh, so this is more like a midterm here? For some reason, when I hear "exam," I automatically think "final exam." I think usually we just call 'em "tests" here. Of course, I went to a community college and not a university, so it's probably nowhere near the same.
    But yeah, working is good, because then you have money.

    Heh. Cats... My cat thinks everything in this room is a toy for her to play with. I thought she was over her phase of of tearing down my posters, but lo and behold, she's torn down one again today. One that she hadn't bothered yet. Also, can't have anything on the shelves, because she'll knock it down. Some of my books are on the ground, haven't bothered to pick them up yet. She's so cute though, still. She makes me really angry, but then I can't help but love when she wants attention, heh.

    Well, damn. Yeah, maybe that professor has a really steep grading curb. Sorry I couldn't help you more, though.

    Shooting was interesting. First, I was supposed to pick someone up, and didn't realize it. They got really pissed at me over it, and acted really different towards me for most of the day than they ever have when I've known them. They apologized at the end of the day for it. Then, though, the director was interesting. Very enthusiastic, but he wanted like ten million shots of everything. And he hadn't studied his own script at all. Monday night, the second night of filming, he was drinking before we started filming, and didn't seem to know what he wanted, and the bartender kicked us out because he didn't like how it was going. The person who got mad at me the day before said he wasn't gonna film anymore either because of it. Felt sorry for the guy because he was really nice, but at the same time, he should probably be more prepared than he was. And do less method acting and directing (his character is a drunk, so...)

    I gotta do my tax returns. Everyone I worked for took hardly anything out for federal last year, so I'm gonna have to pay a bit for my federal taxes. Kinda pisses me off. Hopefully it won't be too much.

    I need to clean my room too, especially by the cat's litter box. And now... I should leave. Because it will be time to leave very soon for work. G'night!
  13. View Conversation
    Of course I remember! ^_~

    Ooh, Star Ocean 4~ That was the only reason why I bought an Xbox 360. xD Did you get the 360 version or the International version for the PS3? And don't worry, you won't die if you know how to move quickly. I'm glad you're enjoying it, though. =D You think the story is okay, though? Most people hate it. xD
  14. View Conversation
    It's all good. Y'gotta do what y'gotta do. End of term, eh? So soon you'll get like a week or so off or something, and then get to sit in all your classes for a couple days and listen to the very boring explanationof what the class will be all about, right? And yay, house to yourself! How are the animals? Good, or evil?

    It's starting to get sun-shiney around here a bit, for which I'm kinda glad; I've missed the sun during all this gloomy weather. Although it's only peaking through the clouds today... But, if it snowed, I'd welcome it still. Still one more month where there's a chance!

    That play, I only saw the ending of. Looks like those little middle schoolers did a pretty good job. I even chuckled at a few of their jokes. Speaking of acting, I'm gonna be acting for a film today. Not my brother's, either; his friend's. He saw me in this preview:
    and thought I was a good actor. I am nervous. Also, something that makes me nervous is my tax returns, because one of my jobs didn't take any federal out. So I might owe five million dollars. Also, been working out a bit more, losing weight actually. Yay!

    And now it's church time, so I bid you Adieu. Have a good one!
  15. View Conversation
    Oh I see, sorry about my rude gestures if they present *laughs*
    Everybody hates their own FF, or dislikes one, hell I hate FF7
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I'm probably addicted to mathmatics. And I love 90's music. *_*
Anime/Manga, writing, reading, playing bass-guitar
Favorite FF?:
Final Fantasy VI *_*


9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)


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