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  1. View Conversation
    Yeah, you have a good point there xD. Hmm...there must be something that would fit you, though...And anytime, sister!

    Yeah, it's just that face is pretty creepy. xD Wow, bathroom breaks from a game!? Haha, wow.

    Maybe a pro gaming job of some kind would be the way for you to go. Maybe gaming journalist like me? stayed up till half two to watch it? Think of your poor body! My target time is 11:30, so by the time I'm done getting read it's usually 12:00 12:00. I'm guessing that's a bit early for you?

    Is the game looking as good as you expected? Checked out a trailer because you were getting me curious. Was a fantastic trailer.

    Yeah. It was interesting to watch him play. xD A friend was saying something about getting it for my Christmas present. I'm already thinking of getting 3-4 games in November, so I won't be picking it up myself. Think four should probably be the limit for one month.

    Doesn't look like there are any interesting things like that today, boo. But it is only eight in the morning here.
  2. View Conversation
    Haha, yeah. Those tooty fruity people. Things would be pretty boring if they never changed.

    Wow, sorry to hear that. :s You would think they'd wanna encourage people to be lifeguards. There can't be that many of them. Hey, if you need to vent, I'm never too far away. Besides, you already put up with me talking about the lassy. You said you were interested to hear about that, and you seem good with advice, so maybe a therapist of sorts would be something you'd enjoy?

    Hehe, thanks. Maybe I should give it a go, just to see if I get unsettled. To me it looks more scary than Amnesia (forget the full title already). xD

    Yeah...I never thought of that, but you do kinda get to know the individuals, huh? They feel easier to access too.

    Oh, there are one or two top player who only play fighting games, and they're good enough to live off that. How awesome would that be? I guess you would probably get sick of it, though. Hee, Combofiend really is a lot better now. Crazy guy. <3

    Aww...sorry to hear that. :/ My fat started to act funny so I got me a slim. Which sounds odd.

    Hehe. Wasn't yesterday release day? Could you not afford to get it on day one? :/ Gotta say, the last trailer made me tempted to buy it, but already so many games right now. It must have been good/worth it to make you stay up so late at least? Hopefully uou'll get back to normal sleeping soon. >_<

    Hey, you can watch Harrison Ford play some of Uncharted 3 if you're curious. xD Potential Spoilers: Harrison Ford Playing Uncharted 3 Japan - YouTube
  3. View Conversation
    You're welcome. "change is scary" is the only thing that would seem to fit, but it seems awfully sad. Who wouldn't want free improvements? This world is crazy like a nut bar.

    Oh, okay. xD Still, it could have gotten serious. You could have been somebodies saviour. So the fact you were a lifeguard is awesome. Naw, as in do you think you'll have the time/want to be a guard again/out-going. Don't tell me you got fired from being a waitress after being sick. >_< Hm, wish I could help you don't know what you wanna do becuase you just like to dabble i things, or?

    Aw, I feel so much better after reading that, thanks. xD I thought I just sucked before you mentioned it. One of my friends was all like "REALLY!?" when I told her ages ago it was too hard. That made me feel so noobish. xD For some reason not a lot of fuss has been made about the Jak and Daxter HD, so not too surprising you didn't hear of it. Also, the KH HD really was a small hint, so you're probably not that far behind.

    It looked really scary, so I decided to give it a miss. That character has a reallly creepy face. >_< You say it's good, hm..maybe I'll look into it when I'm not being swamped by games.

    Oh, yay. ^^ I liked old Spoony, but dun like him recently. Definitely he rambles on way too long. xD You must like internet shows a lot?

    My favourite player is Combofiend! He's amazing. He's really funny, and VERY skilled. I think he might be the best Marvel vs Capcom 3 player in the world, defo one of the top ten. But what amazes me is how he makes his matches look almost effortless, and even though he's a top player, you can tell he's really enjoying himself which makes him even more enjoyable to watch. He's very skilled in all the fighters he plays.

    My other favourite is probably Gootecks, but that's largely becuase he's ridiculously handsome (he is a good guy as well). Do you have a favourite famous player(s)? It was Combo, Mike Ross, and Gootecks that made me get more serious about fighting games. <3

    If you get bored/curious here's the first episode with Combofiend in. He actually got a lot better since this video was made. xD Runnin&#39; Sets Ep. 1: COMBOFIEND vs. MIKE ROSS - MvC3 Pt. 1 - YouTube

    Man, the PS3 slim is so quiet, I actually left it on by mistake yesterday and I didn't notice until I went to bed. The hum from the PC totally covered it up. ^^;

    I deeed, thank you! I hope you're having a good sleep.
  4. View Conversation
    I don't get why people voted it down. Why do they care if somebody has their trophies displayed, or not? Straaange people. Oh, it actually seem to be user submitted ideas, but it's an official Sony page ~ PlayStation.Blog Share : Have an idea to improve the PlayStation experience? Share.

    Wow, that's pretty awesome! You must be one hell of a swimmer. Aww...that seems like a real shame. :/ Grown up stuff sucks... *hugs big sis* Do you ever think of going back to being like that, or is it still not an option? Man, that really does seem awful harsh.

    Oh, I didn't actually know there was one with an easy mode. Thank goodness...xD Is that the only diff? Sorry to hear that. the game sure is mean. They have already hinted at Kingdom Hearts HD. Big series? I can sort of imagine an Onimusha Warlords one. Square will probably do 10-2 + 12 at some point after (or with?) their FF10 HD. Jak and Daxter is getting done, dunno if you knew that.

    I wanna see a Tenchu HD collection, but it probably won't happen since it isn't one of those massively popular series. How about you? Any you're dreaming of? Oh, Persona? I guess 4 (golden show, or whatever they're calling it) for the Vita will be HD....there must be more, but I'm drawing a blank right now.

    I used to watch AVGN, and spoony Experiment. Now I watch Zero Punctuation reviews (since he is the only reviewer who finds as much to complain about as I do ^^, and I LOVE Cross Counter TV now I'm into fighting games. A few of the episodes are priceless, maybe even if you don't care about fighting games. Sometimes they have my favourite famous player as a guest. <3 <3 <3

    Oooh, Nostalgia Critic and that guy with the glasses are the same? *confusedish* xD I didn't watch his stuff in a long time, me think I'll watch some tomorrow when I've had my beauty sleep. <3 And on that note, nighty night sis (even if I will probably already be asleep by the time you read this xD)!
  5. Okay, You Have To Check This Out:

    This Is My New Thread, I Just Discovered Something Today, And I Saw That Nobody Posted About It, So I Decided To Post It Myself. Please Comment In It When You're Done, Thanks
  6. View Conversation
    Me too...if I can be bothered I think I'll research how. You're welcome! It was too awesome to not be shared.

    Oh, that's true. Bloody hormones.

    Sony have this thing where they put up ideas for new features and people can rate them up, or down. Oddly the only for having the option to hide trophy notes had far more votes down than up. v_v;

    Yeah, that must be it. Darn, just hate the idea that there's something I can't beat. If you're a completionist you'd feel the need to do every little thing in everything, I think?

    A tan is usually ugly (fake ones, anyway, which is pretty much all I see of tans), but that kinda pale that makes you look a bit unwell is no good either. Wow, southern American gal is pale? Is it hard for you to tolerate your own sun?

    Aww. :/ That does sound boring.

    Oh, they announced DMC HD today. Kinda...vaguely tempting if they include all three. Probably good timing since people will be missing the old-style Dante.
  7. View Conversation
    Nawww. I have the software to do it, but I'm afraid I know know how to animate from scratch. I dunno how you cap little bits of footage into a .gif like that. BUT I DID upload it JUST for you! That's how much I like you.

    Its hard to stop watching it once you start....

    Agreed! But the boys just want in their pants. ^^;

    Yes, you're a smarty mc smart pants.

    They could just give you the option to hide the notification already! You can hide every other type, but not trophy pops.

    7 is above average from me, becuase I'm a meany mean pants. I do like a challenge, especially now I can be a show-off pants, thanks to trophies. Big review sites make me sad. 10/10 scores especially make me sad.

    To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm enjoying it. Maybe it is the challenge? I know part of me gets upperty (is that the right word? I over-slept so I feel pretty groggy/tired ^^; ) if I can't beat something.

    I mostly sat around outside, ^^; I did walk a few times, though. Still pale as hell, but never mind.

    Oh, I hope you have fun.
  8. View Conversation
    Oh, you're right! I guess most people would rather be a regular looking, or ,manly type than a big green giant, too. Even if they are super powerful. Hehe, thanks again, sis. <3

    Here, this is for you. ^^

    Oh, yes. It is like that. ;_; You can be pretty ugly, but they will still throw themselves at you which is weird. Something about the girl gamer really does it for them.

    Hm, I see...I can't believe you quit psychology becuase you felt it was too tough for seem really smart. :s Not so upset by the lack of attention, more just when she isn't around I have chance to think/remember that she can't be trusted, no matter what nice things she says.... But, anyways, you're right. I'll try and keep my coool. B) Mew, big sis. <3

    Hm, could be? I had a very quick look on google, but no answer. Haha, it seems slightly better when it pops up becuase you were the one to hit its criteria, but yeah. It's still got nothing on the trophy sound. One thing that is better, though. The position it takes on the screen is oddly less distracting.

    Yeah! That is good. Gonna contradict myself, though. I wish the new-uns and us could play them without trophies. Trophies in ICO/SOTC felt like a bad thing, makes me seem less arty, and more gamey. It's sad to see these emotional scenes then a moment later Ping! A trophy box appears...

    So been playing more Dark Souls, think I'm about half way in? A lot of the changes are good, but demon's Souls is still the better game, it just had so much more atmosphere, and much better music. Dark Souls is still good enough to make ya wanna keep playing, though. However, it really is super hard. I can finish Demon's Souls with no deaths, but this game? Forget about it. No death runs just ain't gonna happen unless you're Godly.

    It's wonderfully open, but to the point I don't really know where to go next, and spent a long time feeling lost. So that's a plus and a minus in one. I feel it's probably a 7/10 game for me. Those will probably be my final feelings. Most people giving it 9's as far as I know.

    Remember I complained the weather sucked allll year? Well something awesome seems to be happening. We had a week of really gorgeous sunny weather...<3 then we had a few gray, but mild days. Then yesterday and today seem to be all sunny again....I'm in heaven. Usually we need the fire on by now. :'D

    Whoa-whoa! That's a bit extreme! xD But then again, you're right it's better to be sure it definitely can never happen. B)

    Hope you are doing good today!
  9. View Conversation
    Man, I'd love to rock a She-Hulk. She's really powerful, but only one person I know plays her. I lose every time she picks one of the Hulks. ^^; Dunno why she isn't more popular. Maybe becuase how she works is a little strange.Thanks! I think I've seen that list before, but I'm forgetful so it never hurts to see it again.

    I think there are actually tons of girl gamers? Almost as many as male now? But they're kinda shy about it, at least in this country. I love it when a girl says she isn't a gamer, or she's a casual gamer, then makes this big list of all the games she owns, hehe.

    Thanks, it helps to get another persons perspective. It's just I've noticed I start to get pretty angry with her about it if she hasn't been around for a few days. Kinda like her warmth/charm starts to fade off and I remember she's being false with me. So when she's been gone I start to think about moving on, sometimes I think about deleting her, but at the same time I know it'll leave me even more upset if I do that.

    Sorry for bothering you about it, but you seem like the best person to ask for one, or two reasons. Hopefully I can repay you some day. Somehow.

    Oh, me too. It's funny ins't it? I wonder what they used to make that sound. Amazing that such a quick sound can be so rewarding/addictive. I can't seem to care that much about XBOX Achievements, but trophies...<3

    Ack. Modern FPS....actually modern gaming in general. It strikes me as sad we actually look forwards to re-releases of old games becuase this gen hasn't really been too hot on the whole (in my opinion). Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, there have been a couple that really did stand out. At least there was Bioshock on the shooter front. <3

    Yeah..isn't that weird? I guess they must enjoy misery, so at least they're getting some kind of fun....>_>; Right...I'm gonna try and forget that before I get to like kids even less.
    The problem is probably that I've been around so few kids. Thankfully it's rare that the hormones try to kick in and tell me to go make babies.
  10. View Conversation
    Ugh, I hate those. They're so stupid, but you always wanna take them anyway. Ah, well. Mystery solved.

    Yeah!! I wanna judge some people, man. B) I love how panicked Doom looks during it, even through that metal mask, haha.

    I know, right? I mean why else are manuals about six pages long these days? To be honest, I never read manuals, I just flick through them, but I still get upset about how small they are now. ^^; Do you care about manuals? Anyways, don't worry. I get the hint.

    Oh, yeah. Capcom are doing (a very slow) tour of the UK at the moment, I'm simply dying for them to get up here tot he north east, ugh! Really can't wait. Hopefully me and my pal won't be the only girls. xD I need to train up for it.

    Hey, about that girl again....if you were in my shoes, would you just move on?

    Aw, yay! I'm glad you fixed your PS2 problems.

    At least you get (some) extras with the HD editions, so it was sort of worth holding off?

    Haha, yeah. They do seem to be taking over a bit, huh? They all look the same to me. Most of them do, anyway.

    Maybe? But some people really do seem kinda joyless.... Oh, no. I'm terrible with children! xD I feel in the spotlight. Like they expect something from me, but all they seem to do is stare, and I can never tell what their stares mean. Why do kids stare so much? I could probably understand their games, though, yeah.

    But there was an instant recently when it good. This kid was gawking at me, then he pulled on his mums sleeve whilst still staring at me and said "look! A flower!" I was like D'aww >///<. That kid is gonna be a real smooth when he grows up! xD

    Aw, I'm glad you managed to have a good day all the same. I hope you get one soon!
  11. View Conversation
    *chooses to be jealous* I bet big sis is real purdy. <3 I wonder why? Is that an introvert thing? I dunno if you are an introvert, but that was all I could think of.

    Ooo, lookie at what came out today. I think you might be interested?

    Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 - Phoenix Wright - YouTube
    NYCC 2011 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Gameplay videos - Phoenix Wright and Nova - YouTube

    Gotta love that hyper combo (judge super move at the end), haha. He looks interesting, like he has a fair range of moves. He seems to have a unique mechanic. Me think it's time to pre-order this game, I've been holding off until now....

    Yeah....well it's nice to find somebody who understands. Isn't it backwards, though? they're basically poisoning themselves, and getting worked into anti-social states, but WE'RE the outcasts? So loco.

    Hm, I'm afraid it expects you to read the manual to learn, but there is a very easy mode. It would be my pleasure to try and help if you wanna be taught. ^^ I complain about being crap, but I floor all my friends, so I'm not totally hopeless. It's just that I wanna be as good as my favourite top-level players. They're so cool!

    Oh, maybe it was just they weren't used tot hat sort of thing? MK is so old, it must have been one of the first really bloody games.

    Have you tried getting the dust out/checking for dust? If the wires are in tact it should be fine?

    Yar, it was a bundle for the PS2. Now it's getting the HD treatment. Aww, you should play the first two! I don't know if 1 has survived the test of time, but 2 was still a lot of fun when I last tried it. The writing isn't as good as I remember...but still a lotta fun! Maybe you're one of the lucky ones that wasn't bothered by the camera, or you got the edition that came out later with the decent camera.

    Yeah, I'm not sure about the second either. I heard it's like the worst part of the first one all the way through, pretty much... (the part where you have to escort the little brat).

    Hehe, thanks sis. <3 *cuddles* I'll miss my little site, but this feels like a promotion. Also, before I was stuck writing about JRPGs. Will be nice to write about other games as well. JRPGs have mostly been disappointing this gen. Did you find that as well?

    I'm still entertained by things other adults would call boring/mundane, but yes. It is strange. Also like some people forget how to play/have fun as well?

    How are you today? Been drawing anything? :3
  12. View Conversation
    Wow, you must be very purdy to get a lot of attention like that! :s *jealous* Hahaha, yeah. I think I'd die a little inside if that happened. Aw, you sure you're not just being hard on yourself?

    Yeah, even worse, one that doesn't drink anything alcoholic. That's practically a crime here. Yay! It's rare to meet another none-drinker. At least for me. Is it different there?

    Yeah, dem videos are great. <3

    I'm at the point where I don't need references. Especially not for animals. I will use a reference for character details, though. Yeah, I like to draw people better now. Lemme know how the animals go if you do! It's just practice getting to do it from your imagination. I'd say try not using any for a while, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Hm, and life drawing is easily the best way to learn quickly. Especially with a half decent teacher.

    Aw, I wouldn't destroy you. It wouldn't be fair to go all-out if you're still a button masher & new (although those can probably go far in Marvel....). I'm more likely to try and give you a biiiiig cuddle...with my fists! Heh, just kidding. ^^; I'd love to help you level your fighting skills up. ^^ I'm not sure how a person would go about training another, but I'd be willing to give it a shot if you wanted.

    Wow...poor dude. So his choices are either to have him die, or sleep for the entire game.

    Hahaha. xD Oh, man...people are real bothered by that? ...maybe I need some sensitivity training. ^^;

    Oh ho, I bet you're well excited for next week, then! I hope it's as awesome as you're expecting. Are you gonna get the Metal Gear collection? I'm hyped for that. Could never play MGS3 becuase of the dreaded camera, and simply never picked up PW, but I loved the first two to pieces. Are you a big Metal Gear fan?

    I lurrrve Bioshock. I don't remember mentioning it...oh well, my memory these days sucks. Never did pick up the second one, though...are you gonna get Infinite?

    Oh, them people from the site wrote to me today, they want me to write on their main site instead....I'm all flattered, and stuff. <3 I'm surprised they want me. I don't know much about writing to be honest. I just do my best and hope for the best whilst doing it. ^^; They said if the main site brings in enough money there's a chance of payment as well. Weeeee.

    Yeah. I'll try it sometime just in case. I'll get scared by a video game again one day, damn it!

    Aye. Except I don't think I'm that patient any more. I'm sure I would have done it as a kid...maybe one day I'll sit on my bike whilst looking. I decided I couldn't do it unless I want to end up hating ICO. It's funny I want to plat it out of love for the game, but it'll probably COST me that love.Did find some good help, though!

    Heeee. ^^
  13. View Conversation
    And our crazy dog? xD No, he needed to be eliminated! We all knew that Zack was the better character and we were just showing our support for him.

    Maybe? We go straight into university after college! xD I always wonder why it is! Thanks a lot! I bet you'd do really well if you just went back to college, Miss Dropout. =D

    You talk about barely taking care of yourself then insult our fine English cooking! xD Just because everything we have isn't deep-fried.
  14. View Conversation
    Oh, I hope nothing creepy happened. :/ you feel tired all the time? Is that why you look bored/sleepy? Or are you actually just bored a lot? ^^; You seem kinda cheery to me. Maybe? It does seem to wake me up faster. All I know for sure is I'm excited to see what people have said in reply as soon as I wake up, sad though that probably sounds. xD

    Nope! I don't drink coffee, tea, or alcohol. I will drink fizzy drinks if they're around though, so I'm not that well behaved.

    Okay, I hope you get as much out of these videos as I did! I suppose it's all obvious stuff at the end of the day, but sometimes you just need somebody to help you think of things in the right way? None of them have the names filled in, but they are all very helpful videos on this channel ~ BaBboonking&#39;s Channel - YouTube

    You bet! I have a Wacom Bamboo, and I LOVE it. The bamboo range is slightly more expensive than what you'll probably want to spend on a limited budget, but they are worth the extra bit in my opinion. It's much nicer than the last tablet I had (a cheap Wacom). It's very sensitive, and it's kind of textured? So it feels more like using paper, and the pen is pretty light which I feel makes a big difference.

    The one I had prior to my Wacom was just poo compared to my first Wacom. Just as pretty much everybody else probably will, I recommend getting a Wacom.

    Oohh, nice! I'm surprised. I think when I saw your sketches on the forum you had shading down. I thought if you were good at shading, then you could do muscles, but I guess I was wrong. Hmm. I think that for muscles it would be best to draw from references a couple of times, just so you know where they're supposed to lay on the skeleton?

    I'll try and think of some better tips. Trying to think of how I learned these things, but until recently I just drew from memory (taking a step back right now to take a step forwards!). When I was little I would always just draw animals, never people. Maybe drawing animals gives you a good understanding of muscles? Muscles on animals tend to be a bit more obvious since most people just sit around these days.

    I'm glad you're doing better, keep it up!

    If you made it this far without one (I'm impressed by that), then I guess you'll never need one? I doubt you'd be one of those people since you're already concerned about it.

    If it's anything like Blazblue, you will get destroyed for button mashing. At least online. The A.I. in Blazblue is a bit on the thick side. But you never know since Atlus is in on it! Maybe it will be masher friendly. I'm guessing they only come along for specials? Will have to wait and see. It comes out in arcades in Japan in summer 2012, and a little later it will come to consoles.

    You can say spoilers if you want on P3, I'll probably not get around to playing it for ages.

    Haha, maybe becuase of Scorpio and Sub-zero? xD They are pretty sameish in MK, yeah. Never got the appeal of MK, did you? Got no problem with violence/blood/gore, but it just doesn't feel fun. Great picture, it does illustrate very well. xD

    Ack, I missed an opportunity in my last reply. I should have said "thanks, Doctor Dodie!" it sounds good. x3

    Hehe, yay. ^^ I have a feeling you will be fun to play against (and with as well, I'm sure). We will have to train you in fighters ~ if you wanna bother getting better at them, that is. xD I wonder if we have any games in common.

    Phew! I said that to somebody else and I was just ignored, made me feel like a huge wuss. xD Oh! I've heard a lot about that! I watched some but it didn't bother me, maybe I'd have to play it to get scared? I really do have nerves of steel, though (except for when it comes to Teddy's voice?). I might not even flinch.
    Halloween, huh? You really must love it! What will you dress up as this year? Do you have plans?

    Good-good. <3 I'm doing great thanks! Except, had a bit of a nightmare realization yesterday. Some of those stupid shining lizards actually respawn, and if you just shoot off their tails they're still alive, so it doesn't count. The trophy actually requires you to murder them. Shooting off their tails for giggles doesn't seem so funny now....^^;

    *snuggles big sis* :3
  15. View Conversation
    Haha, aww...even though I have no clue what you look like, I can imagine this sleepy-eyed girl. xD I'm excited to read & reply from the get-go. Don't think I'm a morning person either, though. Just excitable maybe?

    I found the most awesome tutorial yesterday on drawing better faces, is that something you'd be interested in? I shall link you if you want. They had some great tips. Seem to make you draw extra manly men, though. xD M-mouse? Oh, you need a tablet. :< Your poor hands. Haha, that's a nice way of thinking of it, thank you.

    With men, don't be afraid to make them much bigger than a girl around the trunk, a man is a big, bulky thing after all. <3 And they're rather angular rather than roundy like a lady. I dunno if that helps, but that's the best I can think of to be helpful just now. ^^;

    Ooo, I never thought maybe they don't even realize it...but I'm guessing she must. ^^; Oh yeah, it definitely seems tough-going, but very interesting. Good on you for taking it at college! Haha, I'd never actually heard that one, it's pretty good. x3

    Thank you for your input. I'll just have to be patient with her.

    I hope that you will, it really can't be doing you any good. But then again, you know your body. Maybe it will be fine? Maybe test to see how you feel after a while of sleeping properly? credit card? You must be one of the very few around our age minus one. x3

    Oooh, you didn't know? It looks so cool....<3 Let me link you a trailer - PS3 Atlus are collaborating with Ar System Works (Guilty Gear, Blazblue) to bring us a tub of yummy-stuff. That tub is actually a Persona 4 fighting game called Persona 4 The Ultimate Mayonaka Arena.

    I remember a character with grey hair, and the main one. Oh! And there was a girl with brown hair. I'm really terrible with names, sorry.

    Haha, I can imagine Bear talking about it. <3 I'm glad you liked the music. ^^ It seems perfect for a fighter. Yeah, one of the most interesting things about Blazblue is all the characters are unique, unlike most fighting games where you get a bunch of bland/sameish looking ones in the bag. It's okay! <3 I hope you get the chance one day (if you're interested).

    Ooo, there's a chance of soon? <3 Okay, me happy. I think I'll probably get Ultimate Marvel, so if you get that for the poochy instead of the standard one day, will still be able to play with you if you wanted. <3

    It's in the trailer I linked (I think). You'll probably not be findin' it scary, but I do for some reason. >_<

    Hope you're dong good today, sis. <3
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    Ethan Blitzball King
  15. Fate  Fate is offline

    Tsuna Feesh

  16. Firefly  Firefly is offline

    All is One.One is All.

  17. flux  flux is offline

    Agh! Screw this...

  18. Gummy  Gummy is offline

    Nobody Shaves Me

  19. GypsyElder  GypsyElder is offline


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  20. Heartless Angel  Heartless Angel is offline

    The Mad God

    Heartless Angel
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