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    Don't be sorry! I'm more impressed than anything.

    Whoa, you, you must have piles of magazines if you've kept them since back then! That seems like good advice, but what an odd name. Kinda makes you wonder what sort of a person wrote the book, doesn't it?

    You're welcome. I hope that if you do, then it makes you feel better about everything.

    That's true. Dislike those reviewers on big sites that always give certain series automatically high scores and shining reviews. Even if the game is fairly bad.

    I've never played it myself, but I'd seen and heard of it before. Though, that part was new on me...

    Ah, so the fetch quest was actually a jab at the industry? Shame they made it an extra mean one, but that's still awesome, hehe. I never really read-up on the game, but a lot of people seem to like it..

    I think you'd be dead. xD But who knows? Maybe if you wore some purdy gloves with lights on...<3 Me neither, not since I was tiny. Reese's Pieces are chicken, right? We don't get them here. Boooo. One day I wanna go to America and eat the yummy food. Something tells me you guys will have better burgers and things.

    I guess Demon's Souls becuase everybody bitches about how hard it is, but my most proud one is my Marvel vs Capcom 3 platinum. I know it's supposed to be an easy game, so that might seem a weird one to be proud of...but! One of the trophies is to do 320 challenges. The challenges are just character-percific combos that get harder as you go along, it's the only trophy that is hard and it puts most people off even thinking of getting the platty.

    I'm most proud of that one becuase at first I couldn't even beat the characters mission/combo 5 (any of the characters fith mission out of ten). ^^; I was that sucky at fighting games. But now I have beaten a lot of their 10th combos/missions. So I guess that platinum represents the most effort and biggest increase in skill.

    I still suck at fighting games, but now at least I can do combos. ^^; It seems to have really helped my speed and trained my eyes. That game used to look really fast, but now I can track what's going on pretty easily.

    Haha, I platted FFXIII! I sat on my exercise bike whilst doing the stupid/boring stuff. I think that's the secret to platting that game if you don't have the patience. Aww...those big ones aren't so bad. Get Vannile in your party, summon her pervy robot thing so the turtle falls over (why do they do that?), then spam death.

    That's cool, it's nice to know there are some plats that don't ask you to do anything stupid, just to enjoy all of the story.

    Yeah, seems a little bananas, I'll probably try it at some point. I feel it's mocking me a little. Cheers, think I will have to look for shorties on the ICO one. Shadow of the Colossus asks you to find all the lizards for its hardest trophy (imo), I thought that sounded easy becuase you get a lizard map after beating certain time-attacks, but nooo. even with the map I can't find a lot of them... ^^;
  2. View Conversation
    Yeah, it seems bizarre, and the fellow said it wasn't all that easy to find, either. I wonder what made them think that would be a good idea? Just so it would be something different? It's a real shame, the first shots of the game had me all excited. I can't think of many games with an old-west setting, and most the ones that I can think of were daft. I'm sure somebody could make a really cool old-west game.

    Ever play Wild Arms back in the day? Fantastic JRPG with an old-west setting.

    If you don't feel better soon, maybe you'd feel better on the inside if you did some volunteering as well. There are some voluntary things that can be done from home.

    Haha, well you've met one now! I'm probably rather over-critical of games, though. There isn't a single game that I can't see something wrong with. Then again, maybe that's normal. If only! Review copies of games aren't pretty enough to be sold (at least not the ones I got so far, I think some companies sometimes do send them in the final packaging). Most review copies come in a sleeveless CD case with no disc art, and 'review copy' printed on.

    I think the biggest clunkers so far were probably White Knight Chronicles/Which Knight Chronicles 2, and Ar Tonelico Qoga. I knew White Knight would not sit well with me since I dislike MMORPGs, but I thought I'd at least kinda like Ar Tonelico. Usually I love the odd sex joke, but that game rams them down your throat, and tries way too hard at making them, so you're left with a river of none-funny jokes. At times it goes far too far as well. Jokes about being into poop is where I draw the line....

    Aw..fetch quests. How do they make it into games? Who finds them fun and why? What is so appealing about walking from point A to point B, then back again in a video game? Doesn't it just seem like a waste of time to make the game seem longer? I complain, but some people must enjoy them...xD

    Good question, I have no idea. I'm guessing not since the Move has that helpful globe/ball of light on the end for the camera, but nobody has glowing hands. Maybe E.T. could use the kinect in the dark, who knows. ^^;

    I am a bit of a sucker for trophies. I would try and get everything pre-trophy/achievement consoles on games I loved anyway. Trophies/achievements just encourage me. ^^; Sometimes I'll go for it if the platinum can be quickly obtained as well. I kinda have 17 platinums....yeah.... I like it since it means you get patted on the back by other players if you get one of the hard ones.

    So what makes you platinum a game? Do you just go for whatever you think you'll have time to get? I think the HR one doesn't take much time?

    I want the ICO one becuase I love it, but you have to beat the game in under two hours. How is that possible without the jump glitch (which they removed for the HD collection?)? I could kind of imagine doing it in a little under 3, but under 2? There must be some short-cuts I don't know about.
  3. View Conversation
    I heard the ending is hidden....xD I wonder if that's true? Imagine a game where the ending is hidden.

    That seems so wrong that you don't get paid. Hehe, I just hope you believe it, there's really no reason to e hard on yourself over being unwell. I hope you get better soon, by the way.

    The interview was just about the phone version of Final Fantasy Tactics, but it still feels kinda awesome I can say I got an interview out of them. Oh, yeah. It would be so awesome to have a job you enjoy. And that job is almost like play, even the writing part, becuase I love talking about games.

    Sometimes you get total rubbish games sent up and you have to finish them to review them, that's the only downside.

    Thank you for you good wishes, sis!

    I watched a trailer for Nier, looks like it is actually pretty darned good, will have to read mor eon it. o_o

    No, but I have been told to get it before. ^^; One of these days I'll get all these games I've forgotten about. But not right now...too many games...o_o I have a PS3 and a 360, you definitely made the right pick as a JRPG fan. Hardly touch my 360.

    I kinda want a kinect now...Child of Eden is so amazing! I got a PS Move, and it's great with that, but can imagine not using a controller is great for that game. Finally a game that makes me glad I got a Move. It just feels really nice to play when you get into it, I kept smiling the whole time. Total absorbing fun. Plus it's gorgeous.

    At first I was playing it wrong like a foolie, but it was still enjoyable. The tutorials could have been slightly better written! Or I could just have been acting blonde...^^;

    Found that the PS Move actually works in the dark, making it even better.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, that is cool. There's not enough good stealth games, so that's good. Oh, I'd say Uncharted is definitely worth a shot, I'd just say it's just not the best thing evah, like so many seem to claim. It's certainly a very handsome game with some decent environments to be explored if nothing else.

    Really? I didn't think it was that popular. Tried it at a friends and it was pretty boring. It looked so great before it came out, but then it seemed like just a bunch of boring quests. Like, let's go pick some flowers? Seriously? I seem to remember it had quests like that, anyway. Its definitely took too long to get from point A to point B.

    Wat? They don't pay you during sick-leave....? That's messed up. It isn't your fault, though. You shouldn't feel bad about it. If you must feel bad about it you should try and do something like work on your art so you feel it's not time wasted. Anything that will make you feel like it's time well spent (assuming that's why it's making you feel bad).

    Pretty bad job shortage here right now, not been able to get myself one, but I do volunteer at a charity book shop, and as a video games journalist. Nets me the odd free game & free tickets to gaming events. I get to talk to some interesting people too, I got to do an interview with a fella from Square Enix a while ago.

    If I'm lucky I'll get to do that for a real job some day. Right now I'd be happy with some crappy shop job, though. Christmas is coming, so maybe I'll get lucky....I'm hoping one of the local game shops will take me on since I probably know way above average about games (I should do anyway ).
  5. View Conversation
    Oh, yes. That might be part of it. It seems like free advertising. Good thinking there. There's a few games I want that I believe are well spread out, which are coming next year. I might be lucky and not suffer in the summer. Oh, and I guess sales must drop in the summer becuase a lot of people are on holiday.

    Ooh, Deus Ex is supposed to be great! A lotta people will wanna burn me for this, but I think Uncharted is grossly over-rated. It's a good game, but I don't get why people wet their pants over it. It's certainly a very pretty game. The environments are great to explore.

    I wanted L.A. Noire myself, but after watching videos of it since release, not too sure about it anymore. And nobody on my friends list bothered to finish it. ^^; Doh, I never did get around to buying ME2...xD I'm surprised you didn't get Okamiden. Sucks you don't have the dosh for the games you want. :/

    Do you have any work? Is it okay to ask?

    I have heard of it, but never played it. I don't like button mashy things, but I'll have a look at it. thanks.

    Yay! I realized I could have come off pretty strong there. x3 You're definitely awesome!
  6. View Conversation
    I hope you won't be disappoint. And I hope that it does drop sharpish.

    I wish I knew the answer to that...maybe they think people will be starting to buy Christmas presents already? I kinda hate it, though. I actually feel over-whelmed. I know what order I'll likely play everything in, but I wanna finish them all. Kinda rushed through SOTC today, not the best way to play.

    What are th other games you kinda wanted?

    You really sound like somebody else I know...I realized I need to be reminded I only knew you for a few days. Sorry if I kinda jumped on you. ^^; I miss the one you remind me of. But that just means you're as awesome?
  7. View Conversation
    He is such a cutie. <3 Weird how his acting was so much better then, now he just seems pretty much the same in every film.

    That's pretty bad you could skip PE. :|

    My friggin' gawwwd. The collection is gorgeous....even the menu screen is lovely. A friend said she almost teared up when she lingered at it. I'm not surprised. I literally did shed a tear during the SOTC intro.

    It might sound weird, but 'you were there' starts playing, and there was just something magic about that menu screen! I'm glad I brought some official Sony PS3 component cables last week, they make it look even nicer than my HDMI cable. And WOW do the games look good now. o_o

    I swear, it almost made me feel like I was playing SOTC for the first time again, only better. They should go down in price pretty sharpish, the other HD collections did.

    Only minor complaints, it still pops textures pretty badly/slowly at times, and some things have not been done any favors by the up-scaling, but generally it looks like some yummy chocolaty thing with extra chocolate on top! <3

    Is it gonna be better than the last one do you think? I never got around to picking up Arkham Asylum.

    Too many games coming out just now. Tomorrow Child of Eden is coming, next week is Dark Souls, then I still didn't finish Disgaea, or Totori. In November I'm gonna get Saints Row + Metal Gear HD. Possibly Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (depends on how much new stuff there will be, and time ).

    I'm kinda expecting a review copy of Xenoblade chronicles as well, Nintendo ran out so they didn't send me it back in August. Also hoping it doesn't come until December now. Possibly never. xD

    What are you gonna buy this year? Just Batman?

    Never played Rez either. Looks like it'll be a little trippy as well. Will be nice for my PS Move to finally see some use.

    Sorry to hear that. :/ Interesting story to have behind your username, though.

    Sorry, I think I rambled on a bit there.
  8. View Conversation
    Aww, I wish you didn't have to know what it was like. Yeah, I was super impressed by that lady. I got to watch the first Back to the Future, and the Bill and Ted films again! It was a pretty good watch, cheers for reminding me they exist. xD

    People soon learn to be the ones running away from ME in field hockey. xD You should try it anyways if you ever get the chance, it is actually very fun. Didn't you have to do many sports in school?

    Aw, you gotta try Domino's as well! But Pizza Hut is super duper yummy too. <3 Gwah, you lve in heaven....xD Are you like meee, then? Fast metabolism?

    Yeah..I wish you could get to play them too. :/ At first I was gonna go with ICO to be orderly, but SOTC is supposed to have had a better job done on it, so I'm gonna beat the first colossi, then I'm gonna go back and play ICO....gawd...where is the post!? This is so sad, but I had trouble sleeping last night with excitement. xD I get over-excited about some odd stuff. At the end of the day, we have played these games before.

    You gotta look it up, it looks gorgeous, it looks like something on another level. It looks like one of those small, but special games. Child of Eden -- Launch Trailer [UK] - YouTube the trailer is misleading, you don't really get glowing hands. Sorry.

    Ah, that sucks you can't use on with your media player. :/

    Hey, what inspired your username? ^^
  9. View Conversation
    Thanks for being so understanding. The worst part is, the woman who brought her body by (who also saw it happen) seemed to think it was easily avoidable, and she was just hit in the side of the head which would seem to kinda back that up...:/ It was real decent of the woman to put her in a blanket and go about asking about whom the cat belonged to, though.

    Heehee, not that sort of hockey, sorry! The kind you play on a field. I'd fall on my behind too if it was on the ice. x3 Field hockey can be pretty aggressive too, though. I've dished out a few nasty accidental bruises to people in the past. >_<

    Oh, man...I'm drooling now, that's for sure. xD I never saw the first two foods before, but the last two look ultra yummmyyyyyyy! <3 Haha, I was expecting you to say something a little more exotic after seeing the pictures for some reason. Gotta love cheese burgers...and bacon cheeseburgers, gawd...sometimes I'd love to live closer to civilization. Just so I could go order things like burgers, I mean. Domino's don't deliver this far out either, boo. I think Americans get Domino's pizza as well (reason I used it in my example)?

    You have a unique way of getting inspired, I must say! I hope you do soon. It would be nice to see more of your art when you feel like it.

    Waahhhhh, me happy...ICO/SOTC should get here tomorrow/a day early. So pumped. I ordered child of Eden as well, but no word on that yet. Have you seen videos of it, or got the 360 version? It looks so purdy....<3 Do you have a 360 as well? I've got one, but I hardly touched in in a year. ^^;

    Aww, hehe, I'm sure you must still look young for your age if that's the case, though!

    Thank kew, I'm glad you're not offended. I would have been pretty bummed if you were.

    Oooh, you're pretty fresh, then. Not so internetted. Naughty girl. Think YouTube suckers are the way to go for nicking music. I like this one, it's web-based, pretty quick, and as far as I can tell it's clean YouTube to MP3 Converter - Video2mp3- Converter
    It's just faster to find what you want on YouTube. Uh, should I be writing this here? Maybe I should have sent you a PM instead. xD
  10. View Conversation
    Hehee, maybe you really would...*sigh* I miss her already. Losing a cat seems to be harder than smaller pets. We've always had a cat, but the last one must been before I was 12 and he went off to die of old age, so it wasn't as bad.

    Oh, me too. But I do like to keep fit. Tennish and Hockey are the exceptions. Naw, it was last thing at night when I got your reply. Oh, love of food is something we have in common. ^^ Hahahaha! Food porn daily? xD Each day has different food porn? Do you have a favourite food? :3

    Aw..It did sounds a little odd at first, but when you said it's textured, it made a lot more sense. So when you wanna get yourself to draw you have to lay on your back and stare at the ceiling? Kind of a strange image. Hm, I wish I could help.

    Yes and no. Even though they make me nervous easily, there is the odd person I'm totally fine with right away, and most people seem to think I'm cute for some reason. Maybe because i have a bit of a baby face still, and I'm pretty small. I still get mistaken for a high school kid once in a while. ;_;

    I dunno if I should say the other reason, or, I'm just gonna say it. I'm hardly interested in men, I can't imagine being able to get along with one romantically long enough to even think of a family. The longest relationship I had with a guy was two months. ^^; It's not that I'm bad with them, they just kinda get on my nerves/don't do it for me romantically (even though I do like their bodies *shifty*). I need somebody with pretty high emotional intelligence. Sorry if you're offended.

    Heh. That's great you'd consider adoption. I thought about it myself (for one day) too.

    You seem plenty memorable. ^^ I didn't mean to call you odd, sorry. Just it seemed odd.

    I didn't get my first PC until I was 17, then I did go kinda nuts with forums. Yes, I have seen a lot of them come and go. There are a couple I really miss, yes...miss one or two friends a great deal. How long have you been doing the forum thang?
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    Thank you. No, they didn't....but I don't think many people would. :/

    I hope you get the chance to, it really is a very fun sport, and great exercise as you say. You're right. It would be a great way to meet new people. I kinda really suck with most people offline, so it would help (I get nervous easily...). Are there any sports you like to play?
    Heehee, I never heard it said like that before. I like. You made me hungry.

    Thankies. Some music seems to solve that problem for me. What usually inspires you?

    Haha, never? 99% of the time I feel the same way, but when I was 24 I started thinking about it a tiny bit for the first time...but I doubt I'll ever get to have any.

    It's okay, I wouldn't mind if it was you stalking me anyway. It was just odd. That's cool you pay that much attention, you must be a smarty one.

    Heehee. Heh, actually I already look forwards to your replies, big sis. ^^ I've been a forum-dweller since I was 17, so I feel at home pretty fast if I'm gonna feel at home. ^^;
  12. View Conversation
    I had a quick look, seems like a lively site/like it has a lot of personality. Ah, I see they did Okami.

    I like Tennis a lot, I play whenever somebody will play with me. I wanna join the local club, but I feel shy at the thought of going alone...^^; All my friends that play Tennis with me live near, or in the city. Are there no courts near you? You've really never played...? Aw, I wanna play with you. Everybody should get to try it at least once. A cookout is a BBQ? Sorry it was so hot. :/

    Hmhm, you actually motivated me to draw a little yesterday to be honest. :3 Maybe we could try and encourage each other to practice somehow... you'll be great with practice! Your colouring is already better than mine.

    Oh, don't worry about it....ugh, to be honest. My cat got run over about an hour after my last reply....I'm kinda grateful for the spoiler. I don't think I wanna see anything where a pet is put to sleep for a while. I had her since I was 12, so I'm pretty upset and angry. Feel a lot better now I talked about it with Bear, though.

    Aw, thank you! I wasn't sure how that would sound. xD But thanks, big sis. I don't have any sisters by blood, either. But I call Meigumi "little sis." Nobody else has made me wanna call them 'sis' until now. That's a big family you have! I have one older brother, that be all.

    Haha. That sounds like Bear all right. Hmm...I guess, but I'm still every so slightly creeped out that you guessed that many right. xD Just as long as you can't guess the other two I guess I shouldn't be too scared, hehe.

    Phew! I'm really glad. I hope I never will be. I know I can talk a lot. Did you worry you were bothering me? From my impressions of you so far, you could never be a bother to me. ^^ *huggles big sis*
  13. View Conversation
    Haha, yeah. I think her comments will dispel most of the scariness. She seems to love her horror. She said she likes doing let's plays of them becuase they're easy to LP. Do you have a favourite let's play person?

    Hee, that's a great idea! I had to go out earlier so my last reply was a little rushed (will reply the the bits I missed before). I'd also have gone walking more than I did. I love to walk, and I'm lucky becuase I live in such a gorgeous place. And play Tennis. I love Tennis. Did you do anything cool with your summer?

    I'm the same way. I hardly practice anymore though, so if I gotta stick to fan art to be motivated then so be it.

    Aww, maybe I'll watch that film as well. Not that I enjoy being upset, I'm just curious.

    Just you, sorry. It's nice having somebody older to talk with, though. Us old-un's are somebody for the young ones to look up to *cough*

    Say, can I call you 'big sis' or is that too weird? ^//^ I'm a bit retarded with names, so I like to come up with pet names/nicknames, and so far I never had an older sis. listed most the people I know...just two are missing from your list. Do you go to SOU, or something? How'd you know who I know...?

    I'm glad I could remind you of pleasant old times with those two. They're a great pair of lads. Funnily enough, talking with your is reminding me of somebody else too...'chatting it up' hehe, you word things in a cool way.

    Okay, if you're sure. I don't wanna be a bother in some way. I really don't wanna be one of those.
  14. View Conversation
    Heehee, hopefully I'll find a copy of both soon, re-live those childhood films.

    Hehe, I hope you like it. This girl did an amusing SH2 one: Mangaminx&#39;s Channel - YouTube
    She's a funny lass, and I'm sure you will approve of her accent. xD

    Swimming and food on the grill would definitely have been on the agenda. I need a new swimming costume, but didn't get chance to swim, so I never got one. At least I saved money. Hmm...BeeBeeQuoooo, I love youuuuu. <3

    Maybe you guys should try again with a lower target number? It sounded like fun.

    Yay, a fellow wuss. xD Apparently...I thought the same thing about that film. Did it make you teary?

    Heee, when you said that I thought you were gonna be way older. It's nice to find somebody so close to my age who likes similar things on here. :3

    You know Bear (Fate) and Vivi?! <3 I wonder who else we both know. Oh, no. I feel kinda rude if I don't reply and I very much feel like it. But if that's your way of telling my the replies are too long, I'll shorten them.

    You, uh...don't have to reply if you don't wanna, though.
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    Aww...I haven't seen those since I was titch. I don't remember what happens in them. ;_; Oh, I'm gonna have to watch them soon, thank you for reminding me! I know I loved Bill and Ted when I was little.

    Silent Hill is the most scary if you ask me, it's more of a mind f**k than other horrors, so I'm not as immune to them. I recommend Silent Hill 2. Do you watch a lot of let's plays? The film is great for one based on a video game, but the games are much better (imo).

    Yeah, it's kinda depressing to be honest. We hardly had a summer this year, in fact, I don't really feel like we had one at all. ^^; Oh, me too! I never even left the UK before, though..You're safe in the cities, but yeah.

    Aw, that's a shame. 200 is still a lot, though! Shame it wasn't better organized. I kinda meant in person, though. Drawing beside a friend is so much fun.

    Hehe, me too. I'm kinda wussy about heartwarming stuff, it really touches my...heart. I cry often at films and things. >_<

    Really? Kind of you to say. Are you much older than me? Or are you just being a sweet young person? xD

    Hehe, you're easy & nice to talk to. We talked a lot already.
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