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    You can get third party ones pretty cheap. And as you say, there is always Skype/MSM ect. PC mics are cheaper. You can get really good PC mics for cheap now, even ones with USB connections so they work on both. ^^ I as forgetting about Metal Gear Peace Walker! No idea if it has Ocelot in, though. Plus, on the PC we can talk with any game. ^^

    Oh, Dodie....xD You're into fellas who are starting to get on a bit? xD So has Uncharted 3 been added to your wishlist? Zero Punctuation put up a review on the new Batman. Dunno if you saw. The Escapist : Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation : Batman: Arkham City

    It is pretty behind, but the PSN is a free service, so it's a little hard to get mad about it. The 360 has had cross-game chat since the start, though. I'm surprised they didn't add it to the PSN to look cooler/as good.

    Are you generally not a fan of Tim Burton's films, or just the newer ones? His take on Alice in Wonderland was pretty "whatever". :/

    Maybe. I'll ask him if you like? Wow...that is pretty damn awesome that you got a car for your birthday! Nice one! :> they still seem a little exciting to me, but not a real big deal. Other people seem to care about it more than we do at our ages, huh? xD

    Man, you were getting twitchy on your first playthrough? :s The lizards with the blue tail tips increase your grip, whilst ones with regular tails just replenish your health (how pointless is that?). The fruits increase the health bar (except for the forbidden fruit in the shrine garden).

    I actually went out yesterday, it took me a while to remember, but I did. My memory really is just terrible. Posted Bear's card. Man, it's kinda mad how much it costs just to post a card to America. I think the equivalent to two dollars? Maybe I'm just being a little tight, but it seemed like a lot for what it was.

    Heee, she is awesome. <3 Yeah, I read it. :/ It is awful she got to feeling that down, but it was an interesting read, it seemed very honest and an accurate account of what it's like to be in that state. It sucks that somebody as amazing as that can still get so hard on themselves. Well, thanks to Jamanji, she seems to be back on top of things. Who knew what Jamanji would one day do. That is would one day kind of save a life. Crazy world.
    It would be kinda nice if she didn't manage to make even tales of her misery amusing, though. Guilt tends to rush in when you find you've been smiling at this poor womans suffering, even if it was becuase of the funny pictures.
  2. View Conversation
    Awww. That does sound like fun. Maybe one day we could when your PS3 is hooked up! I guess you probably don't have a PS3 mic though, so the silly talking part would be kinda hard.... Sometimes I sit and talk to myself if a friend doesn't have a mic, but then it feels like an awkward silence if I pause after making a bad joke. Shame Metal Gear is offline only, so no comments on"sexy" Ocelot is. Unless we pretend he is there in another game.

    I hope they add cross-game chat to the PS3 one of these days. It's mostly fighting games only on the PS3 that let you voice chat whilst playing. Which is strange becuase those are ones you don't need it for, and one of the most likely genre that abuse will get yelled at you.

    That's totally understandable. I hope you find the nerve, though. Ugh, that must have been awful having to live with a smoker. For a second there I thought you were gonna tell me you had licked one. x3 Hmm, how yum would that taste. Ugh.

    I probably shouldn't tease you about it even if it is only a mild problem for you, sorry. It has to be pretty awful to be worried about germs. What worries me is that other people won't treat it with respect rather than they will make it dirty. Plus, prized possessions just make you act that way for some reason sometimes, don't they? xD Most would just see it as a silly toy kind of thing. Reminds me of that line in the new(er) Willy Wonka film "Don't touch that Squirrels nuts! You'll make him angry."

    Hehe, speaking of Bear. He changed his PSN message to "[22 more days..»" xD It's cute how he gets so excited about his birthday.

    Hmm, I will try and keep that in mind, it is hard to tell these things over the internet. Sometimes. Oh, 'eck. Hopefully it won't be too hard to tell.

    You know you can skip most of 'em with the start button? Also, every save shrine has a shining lizard on it. There's an actually useful hint for ya!

    Yeah, your reply gave a happy vibe today. So you must be "doing good." :3 I think I had a decent day, thank you! But in all honesty, I forgot most of what happened already. ^^;

    I was shown a funny blog recently (by Paddy), it has funny pictures too. You might like it if you find the time to read some. Link to random post ~ Hyperbole and a Half: The God of Cake
  3. View Conversation
    Thank you very much?
  4. View Conversation
    Haha, oh, I wanna play Metal Gear with you, I'm sure you'd have some interesting comments. xD should try asking one of the cute ones out. You never know. Maybe you will get lucky this time. Hmm...waiting for the 'perfect' man...good luck with that one. ^^; Hehe, no, it is good to wait for a decent guy. I dunno what an ash tray tastes like, but the taste of a smoker..I'm guessing is not really like an ash tray. It seems to have its own unique nasty taste, even if hey just had a mint to try and mask it. ><

    Hmm, they probably just wanted to feel independent.

    How about pizza? It isn't hard, and you can make the toppings exactly how you like them. Hmm, you can put mountains of cheese on if you like...

    Oh lawdy *shudder*. Felicia is kinda creepy, so I don't think even those types of people would be into her. Maybe it's just me that finds her a bit creepy, though.

    That is exactly right! <3 Are you worried about germs again? People aren't THAT filthy you know. xD Yeah. Bear is good Bear. <3

    Ahahaha. Wow, he must have been fun/easy to tease? x3

    Did you know? You can move the camera around with the right stick on the title/main menu screen? I only just noticed that. ^^; Seems it take four and a half playthroughs total to get max stamina + however many lizard tails I ate. The bar is almost invisible at max. :s

    Hope you're doing good. B)
  5. View Conversation
    Oh, wow. Hehehehe. xD That was pretty funny to read before seeing the picture. Having somebody call Ocelot a "strapping" anything. x3 Is my mind really kinda dirty, or did they made that sound dirty on purpose? That went over my head last time I played, but I was pretty young. Did you link becuase you found it dirty too? I get the feeling my question is dumb. *asks anyway* ^^;

    Aww...I hope you find some nice guy who is just right for you, sis. <3 Any lucky guys you have your eye on at the moment? ;> In my experience you don't taste it unless they had something really strong to eat. Just never French kiss somebody who smokes at all, it is so disgusting. They taste foul. That makes me wonder if some people just tend to taste more than others, or if some people are just better at tasting than others...xD hehe, kinda funny thing to think about.

    Oooh, I couldn't remember the American name. Here French fries are really slim chips, like the kind you get in Mc Donalds, whilst fatter ones are just called "chips." I think you guys changed the names of things just so you could have your own language. ^^; Tis! We also have Hobnob biscuits. full of oaty, yummyness.

    Oooh, so you DO cook? ;>

    Rocket Raccoon is kinda human-like since he stands upright and talks, so Felicia should be allowed, yeah. :> I didn't face any so not sure how good she is, though. She is really unpopular now you mention it.

    'course not. You can ask me anything. :> He got me a cuddly Chocobo! <3 I was so chuffed. I hugged it as often as I could for a week or so after it arrived, hehe. <3 It still kind of annoys me when other people pick it up, save for a select few. ^^; I actually took pictures to show Bear, here is my wittle Chocobo and my big-ass smile the day he arrived. xD

    Heehee, me no think he would read. He doesn't see to come around here much. I think? It just looks bad sending a gift the age somebody turns legal (in this country, anyway). xD
    Haha "bikini briefs." No, I won't ever send him those, not even for a joke.

    My grip bar/circle on SOTC suddenly got so transparent I can only see it on dark backgrounds, I guess that's probably normal, but it seems odd that they made it go so hard to see after a certain size.
  6. View Conversation
    I'd tell you if I knew, but, alas, I do not. Never played Peace Walker you see. Wow, you're into Ocelot? An unusual pick!

    Oh, that was it, yeah. ^^;I hope you aren't becuase it seems like an awful thing to have live in fear of germs since (and seriously not wanting to scare you here) they are everywhere. Because if you French kiss the right person, one who is a good kisser, it feels so very good. <3 Really now, you never felt the desire to kiss anybody? I'd think you were asexual, but I think you just implied you'd be interested in a young Revolver Ocelot. xD

    I...had no mental images until you said that...xD To you I guess it would seem interesting. Hmm...interesting English, our chips are the most yummy in the world (and by that I don't mean crisps, or potato chips as you call them there)! :> We have some super yummy Ice Cream that I don't think you get there called Feast. As for other things, me no know.

    I'm really good at bakery, but pretty average to bad at meals. ^^; I like to cook once in a while, yes. Make little cakes with chocolate chips in! Seems like a good one becuase they are easy and yummy. =D

    Yeah, gonna be such a pain to fight other peoples Racoons. They need one more animal character so we can make annoying animal teams (Amerturasu is pretty powerful herself).

    Heehee, I'm sending Bear a birthday prezzie. He sent me one this year too. First one I got off somebody online. It seems a bit creepy though, I'm 25 and mailing a 15 turning 16 year old a gift. He makes such a fuss over his birthday, it's pretty cute. Even over a month in advance he seems to start talking about it. x3 He probably won't let you, but don't forget it is this month. :>
  7. View Conversation
    I'm sure taking over-the-counter drugs will help with my profile sneaking in all regards. Thank you for the impartial advice my American Pharmacist.
  8. View Conversation
    I came onto this user page and suddenly felt incredibly dizzy. What have you done to me!?
  9. View Conversation
    In Japan it comes with a DLC token for the first game, but we get Peace Walker with our collection, so it's not too bad. Most collections are PS2 games only. I think that the Gamecube is the most complete version, isn't it? So that is a good idea. It definitely has better graphics!

    Oh, wow. You really do sound like one of those...what is the disorder again? Oh, well just go with germiphobe. You know, the chances of you getting sick, even if you touch something covered with germs is tiny, right? And isn't the most germ-filled part of the body actually the mouth? Something surprising like that. Plus, some humans are pretty cute. Don't you think so? :<

    He looked like he was laughing after being tickled, didn't he? Too adorable. <3

    Really? Thanks, nice of you. I was curious about how it looks. :> Oh, ask away, girl, I don't mind one bit. It's totally worth getting up there. Lovely little area of the game.

    I had to re-read that three times before I stopped seeing it as "a bugger with doughnuts" xD Gotta love America for the amazing food. *sigh* I wanna go there and eat all your pie. Aww...that's kind of a shame you can drive, but no car. Even if it does mean less expenses. Hopefully one day you will be able to afford one.

    me not know if you interested, but they just released the first footage of Ulatmate Marvel's version of Rocket Raccoon, he looks ridiculous (in a good way). xD Rocket Raccoon Character Vignette - Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - YouTube
  10. View Conversation
    Hey Dodie, thanks for the birthday greeting! :3
  11. View Conversation
    The collection doesn't have the first one in, sorry. Aww...I did not know that. I feel all fuzzy, haha. Thanks for sharing, big sis. :> I wish people could hold hands more. But then again that's probably just with their relatives? ^^;

    Maybe if lucky could be reincarnated as Otter. <3 Otters are underrated.

    Me share this Otter too. He is even more adorable! <3

    Hrm, U know I'm obviously really sad I'm not THAT sad. xD There's a trophy for getting max stamina. :> Aw, nice. I'm pretty sure you should be able to reach the shrine.There are a couple of places you can rest in the PS2 version.

    Pff. I'm a bit of a Tenchu freak. I'm gonna be kind of upset if they make another Demon's/Dark souls thing before they make another Tenchu. I need my Tenchu fix. Tenchu come to PS3 plox

    A nerd? I guess we're both nerds. ><

    Haha, I see. Hm, it's good when you find somebody who loves food as much. I saw a video yesterday with a woman that made a burger with doughnuts instead of bread & an egg....amazing... *drool* Oh, so they're rare in America? Or do you just not go to many stations? Do you drive, lass?

    Yeah, I thought it was popular too...but I guess not. :s Heeee, I think that 4 playthroughs was some crazy over-guesstimating since I got up to the garden. Probably more like one and a half. I dunno why I thought thought the stamina would go up much more than that. ^^;
  12. View Conversation
    "level-grinding is a chore,
    but I hate losing important battles even more"

    Hehe, you rhymed. <3

    That is the problem with the Metal Gear games. If only they didn't talk so muuuuch.

    At least they didn't talk too much in the first one. <3

    It might be less. I never had max stamina before, so I actually got no idea what it looks like, nor how long it takes to get. ^^; Hee, the game is so lovely itself that playing it over and over doesn't seem like a chore.

    Hmm, me too. Ever played any of the Tenchu games? They are kinda hit and miss, but some of them are totally fantastic (stealth ninja type games).

    Hopefully I will be as lucky for you as you were for me. You'll be loaded for sure! Do you ever play the lotto (dunno if Americans get that)?

    You were so close! You were only mistaken on one small thing. You feed your princess cake to make it harder for the enemy to carry her out...I think...after reading your words I'm second-guessing myself a little.

    No, sorry. As much as I like adorable animal things, I just don't like that adorable animal thing. ^^; Aww...can you imagine if it was little though? Now that would be cute! I'd like it then. <3 Yes, they must really feel a lot of pressure....probably. Ueda said that he felt the games did not sell very well becuase they 'were not good enough.' So the team must be feeling pressure from that to make something that tops the previous two games.

    Seem to remember him saying something like the creature is supposed to be kind of dog-like/pet like becuase people love animals/pets and he wants the game to appeal to a wider audience. I don't remember his exact words, but it was something tot hat effect.

    I think he crazy. The game didn't sell well becuase it's something a bit "different" and hardly action-packed. I dunno..what do you think?
  13. View Conversation
    Ooooh, I gotta try and remember that one. Kinda cool? Do you like grinding?

    Snake's butt? *shudders* I just hope it wasn't old Snake. Raiden's butt though...hmm..that was interesting. Haha, probably a lot, ya know. x3

    Ooooh! I'm glad you liked, heehee.

    I will try giving some of mine in case I am lucky for luck! I got maybe four more playthroughs to do, but I can beat it in six hours. Maybe less. + time attack on hard.

    Yeah, you're right. It can be stressful if something goes wrong. ^^; Hmmm....if only Blazblue was more well known, then it would be a great one to plat for that reason (cheesing people off). xD Ninja Gaiden? I think there is only one on the PS3? Do you like stealth/ninja games? :>

    Aww, well, you never know! Maybe you'll get a job that pays more, or a raise. <3 I think I'll wish you luck in money.

    I have thought about it, but none so far. Fat Princess: Let Her Eat Cake looks good.

    ! xD Wow, comparing the games to your babies. That's love of a game. Aw, I guess I'll let you get away with calling it a "draw". ;>

    Hmmm, you know? I really wanna get excited for it, but for some reason I look at it, and it doesn't make me wanna get it. Really don't like the creature design, they went overboard on the cute seal-eye look. Even though it is realistic-looking, it still has an almost cartoonish look to it. To me it looks out of place in one of these games. Plus, they already did the escort thing with Yorda & ICO.

    Eh, it will probably actually be better than the average game, just doesn't look like it'll have the magic of the older ones. I hope you enjoy it, though. :>
  14. View Conversation
    Oh, it will, thanks. Every little counts, ya know? Darns. Thanks for the thought, though! I'll have to keep a closer eye out for myself. must be harder to tolerate when you live in a hot place. I wish you many blankies. Hmm...what is OHKO? Gummy no-know. Hahaha. That must have worked pretty good for you so far, else you'd have stopped gaming, I guess. xD

    They should show bum more often. Something to keep the gamer amused.

    Punny? I dunno if this is cuz I tired, but you talk funny today. Me no-know. I'm missing a joke, aren't I? ^^;

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, it must be my lucky day. I was tired from yesterday so I felt too sluggish to do much more than game. ^^; but it was, like, my good luck day in gaming. I got the platty. Then this evening I loaded up SOTC and the missing lizard was in the first place I decided to look. Then did the three time attacks that I find hardest without much trouble.

    I might just ask for your luck when I need it again, hehe. <3

    Thank you! Well, think the next two should be special. So I gotta get a team ICO one ~ looking at SOTC for that. And I think 20 should be a really cool one. One that is a challenge. So I think 20 will have to beeeee *drum roll* Blazblue: Continuum Shift! Not actually sure I can actually do it, but by gum(my?), I'll try my hardest! I love Blazblue to bits, but there's one trophy that has kept me from the platinum becuase it's really hard (to me). ;_;

    Heeeee...I say I'll stop at 20, but I kinda wanna plat Ultimate Marvel 3 and Street Fighter x Tekken when they come out. No, I should stop, right? I mean a person could go on forever.

    It you were about to hit the big two-oh, what game would you go for? Seems like such a high number that you should make it an important one.

    Also, what game do you like more ICO, or SOTC?
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    Damn, I feel soooo stupid. The gradient tool is actually great for helping to blend images, I don't know why I totally ignored it for signatures before you mentioned it. Thanks for the inspiration. xD I'm guessing you like gradients in text though, since it was text linked in your example. Not really seen it used in any signature text...have you seen some that looked cool? more layers instead of paying for heating? I dunno if it ever gets cold there....^^; For example, if a game has a particularly strong attack in he will abuse it by spamming away. I know just what you mean, don't worry. I got that plat too. Only some of us did it the legit way. He does them cheap tacs every time that he can. xD But he claims now that he is hero Bear he will no resort to cheap tactics.

    Wow...I must been to play the game again, I don't remember any butts on display. I remember in Vagrant Story (same team within Square Enix) they had a few guys butts hanging out instead. xD Somebody must love butt.

    I used a reference for the outline, then went nuts on filling it in. Hehe, pie...filling....yeah.

    Thank you very much, your wishes of luck must have helped becuase the game was really nice today and just gave up the things I needed. :s 18 plats, bayeeeee. Hehe. Maybe I'll stop gathering at 20. That seems like a good number (or try to stop temptation, anyway).
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