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  1. View Conversation
    ahh excellent. Seems like it may be a 14 episode anime afterall. I highly reccomend playing the game, its great.
  2. View Conversation
    Not even cheese pie?Hehe, I'm sure you'll not burn the house down. xD I hope you enjoy your thanksgiving. It is a big deal over there, right?

    If you do enough of it, hoop dancing should help you there, yeah. Helps to teach your body to move a little more interestingly, shall we say. One of the nice things about hoop dancing is you can do it whilst playing video games with a wireless controller when you become confident. What does it entail...hmm..first you start off learning to spin the hoop on your middle without dropping it for long amounts of time, then there's all these cool "tricks" you can learn..maybe it would be easier just to link you a video or two.

    Hilltop Hoop Dance - YouTube
    FlowScience Hoop Troupe: PSI and Superhooper LED Hoops - YouTube ~ plus LED hoops can look frikkin awesome sometimes. you kept insisting you didn't want to dance and he left you alone? I didn't think you were shy...I guess it is hard to tell online.

    Well, I guess these things seem more valid when more than one person feels the same as the complainy pants. Honestly, anybody who rates the difficulty 6 or under must have had the PS2 version in mind. Which was easy imo.

    Nah, I played them at friends houses, but never picked a copy of any of them up myself. They seem pretty good, but grossly over-rated to me, sorry....

    Haha, thanks *pats her squidgy brain for a job well done* So you are always the goodie in games?

    They must be becuase it still didn't arrive. Oh well, I think California is a pretty big distance away from him. Not sure though, I'm horrible ignorant about America's layout. >//<

    Metal Gear HD came yesterday for me though, yaaay! The Ocelot bits remind me of you now, hehe. ;>

    Hope you are doing good.
  3. View Conversation
    You could be right. Maybe they'll be allowed to leave it out for ports. *groans* I forgot about the lightning one. Do you dislike mini games? XIII-2 is set to have mini games. I'd ask how you feel about that, but I'll probably find out the answer from the previous question.

    Naw, afraid not. Storm is pretty rare as well. Most common ones (at least when I ventured online) were Deadpool, Dante, Iron Man, Sentinel, Wolverine, Zero, and Wesker. Yes, you did. And you're right. Dude is popular.

    Sure you can make it! Believeee and practice if it's something you wanna do. :3

    I guess, but shouldn't you enjoy your gift whilst you have it? xD I just do it on my own, I wish there were classes for it near here, that would be so awesome. <3 It's really fun and you should definitely give it a go, easily one of the most fun ways to keep fit. ^^ You will suck really bad at first, but don't be put-off. Your body learns what to do again pretty fast.

    Thank you! the gif Yes, just one more (just found out not many people got it to boot, hehe)! I dunno if it will still be Blazblue becuase all the yummy games about to arrive, but we shull shee. *sigh* sotc still awesome. Started playing it through normally again straight away. The items you get for doing the hard time attacks are pretty fun.

    I wish I was a smarty pants, but I don't usually have reason to use my brain, and becuase of that I'm pretty sure it has gone kinda extra squidgy. xD Haha, that would be awesome! Definitely a merciful God. But I'm still a good few miles off being God-like. Maybe if I apply myself some more I'll be better, though. :>

    Heee. I'm glad you thought it was coo' too. :3 And thanks for the compliments. Yes, he really seemed very happy about it indeed. It was awesome it made him so happy. The power of a card. His prezzie should be there soon too. Apparently it was in California on the 7th, so...
  4. View Conversation
    ahahah so funny chie

    thanks dodie, it was a good time ps i still need to watch the p4 anime :s
  5. View Conversation
    hey there. I noticed you have anime version of chie as your avatar and was wondering what you think of the P4anime? Im a big fan of the series, most of all 4 and watched the first episode but was not inspired to watch the rest. Not sure if its because I know whats going to happen, or because its far too similar to the game. What episode are they upto now?
  6. View Conversation
    Sure it will. :> Ever since some date that I can't remember, all PS3 games have to have trophy support. Mini games...Blitzball? Oh, and the Chocobo ones? I don't remember more minigames than those in X. Didn't you find the X-2 ones harder? Sphere Break was horrible.

    It was okay for what it was. xD Yeah! He was the only one who was there with me from day one, lucky him. Aw, really? I didn't know you were an X-Men gal. ^^ Hmm...she plays slightly funny, her whirlwinds come out pretty slow, but she is much easier to use than Ammy.

    Yeah...I spent so much time staring at that blog when I first found it, isn't it amazing?

    Ah, I thought you said you were one of those high motabalisum people, but I must be remembering wrong. I do a bit of a lotta things so I don't get bored. Mainly walking and hoop dancing, though. x3

    Heehee, you are good at putting a nicer spin on things. Yeah, let's say I did it the crafty persons way. :> No, trust me. You would soon change your mind. There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to do something becuase your character is flying around for no good reason. I think you were supposed to feel bad about it, but in this version it goes more like "HAH, I killed you, Mr. shakey pants! How'd ya like that!?"

    Hehe, it's not too bad until you start playing it on hard mode. But enough of that. Oh my gawwwdddd, Dodie! Please give me a good e-slapping if I ever doubt my sotc skillz ever again. No friggin rewards for guessing who got dat platinum!! Yesssssssss. SOTC platinum is actually the one I am second most proud of myself for getting. That's how broken it is. I must have the patience of a God. I'm also proud that I remembered how to spell your name without having to cheat by looking. Also, you're right. Wander is an asshole.

    Philosophy-like? You make me sound all smart! B)

    Oh, Bear got his card! I'm so happy. He seemed to like it a lot. <3 <3
  7. View Conversation
    It does!
  8. View Conversation
    I like your VM page. It's magical.
  9. View Conversation
    I dunno what you're talking about!
  10. View Conversation
    *WALL OF TEXT from Gummy*
  11. View Conversation
    I know you knew. x3 It seems unfair to think America is more wimpy at gaming, America is a humongous place so there must be a massive skill range thing, but the Japanese sure seemed to think you were a bunch of wusses in the PS2 era. I mean they even stripped out the only challenge in FFX for you guys, which still seems horribly mean (the dark aeons and Penance).

    Good, it can't be healthy staying up to watch a live stream late on like that. My team is 100% different now, I'm looking at having Nemesis, Ghost Rider (Nicolas Cage!), and Rocket Racoon. It's funny becuase that team is so un-me like. I picked them all for pretty dumb reasons (except for Rocket, I picked him becuase he looks fun). Aww, poor Dante. He got replaced by a Racoon at the last minuet. I'm not gonna have him on my team, but I'm definitely excited to play as Phoenix Wright and use his hyper level 3 (the one in that gif) on a few people. xD Who do you think your team would be composed of? I'm guessing Ammy, Wright, and ?? (Dante?).

    All right, I hope you enjoy MGS 1 lots and lots. :>

    Heh.... ^^; covered soughnut. <3 I gotta try and buy one today now, thanks. Here, let me have my revenge ~ FOOD LOVE

    I guess it is to replace the sugar you're losing through all the blood loss. But I dunno, I think you store the blood up slowly over the space of the month, or something? I don't remember. Aw, you gotta watch the weight? That sucks. :/

    Thank you! :3 I'm still not certain, if Metal Gear gets here first I'll be like "fudge this game/platinum, I'm playing Metal Gear." I only got three more hard mode time attacks left. :>

    The hairy foo' gets an extra vital on his had, it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo annoying on the PS3 version. But I found a lame persons way to do it. Just jump off his hand everytime he starts to shake it becuase he shakes it for so long, and you can only get one full stab when you first climb on. I jumped off three or four times and still managed it with 30 seconds left. Go me.

    I watched some videos of somebody playing the PS2 version hard mode time attacks, and I was not impressed. They look like friendly, sleepy giants by comparison. In hard PS3 they are like GIANTS OF RAGE that want you to die with every fiber of their big giant beings.

    Yes, indeed. :< That's true, but does it make it okay?
  12. View Conversation
    Hahaha. xD Noo, please don't eat me, I didn't mean it like that. I've been thinking the US version will actually be easier to plat since it has less difficulty modes. Euro version got European Extreme mode added. Heh, me was already one of the first to get the Atelier Rorona platinum. Yeah? Thank you! Guess people were over-exaggerating as usual. Thank you. People always say how good it is, so it'll probably be very enjoyable. Gotta say, the trophy list for 2 didn't seem to have anything that bad. I already got all the dog tags on the PS2 version.

    It'll have to wait to get platted, though. Hype meter for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is reaching critical levels. It's kinda funny becuase I wasn't even gonna buy it before, but in the last two months before release it made me get very excited for it. Especially in the last two weeks. <3

    Eee 'eck. The stories in Metal Gear are hard to follow, mostly becuase you get sick of hearing from the characters every five seconds. Mate, I'm trying to be sneaky here, piss off! Why do they bother you so much? The first one was much more polite than the ones that followed. Would be worth picking it up if you can (and don't mind ye olde graphics).

    I guess to be normal is to be average? 'average' and 'normal' do sound a little dull as words go, but I for one wouldn't mind being normal. I think I am pretty normal, so yay. :3

    Hehe...I hope the items live up to yours and his hype... ^^;

    Aww....sorry they make you suffer as much as me by the sounds of it. The only things that seem to help for me are hot water bottles, lemonade, Jam doughnuts (basically anything ridiculously sugary), and sitting in a specific way. But you've probably tried all those things already. :/ Hehe, nap time! <3 Naps sound like fun.

    Thank you kindly, nice sis. <3 *bows back* Guess what!? GUESS WHAT!?!?! I keeeled the two that made me wanna chuck the controller at the screen when I wasn't well. Both on the third attempt, both with plenty of time to spare. ^^; I keeled them dead. &^%£% Just one more problem fight left, the rest are pretty much dead as soon as I look at them.

    I think the time does change on some, but not all. The fish one gives you several minuets less, but I think colossus five (beard one) gets an extra minuet for his extra vital.

    Eeeheee. :> I very much appreciate you being so nice to me, but you probably shouldn't encourage it. Same goes for the trophy madness. x3
  13. View Conversation
    Aww, thank you! :> must think I'm crackers, or something... x3 I will probably try going for MGS2's since it's short and fun. Never got very far in 3 becuase I struggled with the camera (camera is different in the collection, will finally be able to beat MGS3!).

    The lists are already up (but no guides (?)). Dunno if you're interested anyway, ya go. :>

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD Trophy List

    Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker HD Trophy List

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Trophy List

    Aww, you seem normal to me! You just have an unusual taste in guys. *huggles*

    Yaaay! Next time I'll go an 'undred percent me-made so there can be no doubt. Heehee, I wonder if he will? It'll be a sign he loved it if he goes around showing it to people. <3

    Yeah, you should stick to whatever you enjoy the most. I like a challenge, so the harder modes are fun for me. Oh, it was nothing for concern, don't worry, but thanks for asking. :3 It's just I get really bad periods sometimes, my brain kinda goes all foggy, and my tummy hurts like hell, but it only lasts a day. Aww..I hope you don't have to put up with a lot of allergies, or put up with any often. :/

    I think you need to spam them for that stupid flying one now. xD I changed my mind again about Shadow of the Colossus. I beat the one that gave me all the trouble on normal time attack second try with five minuets to spare (the flying desert one ~ don't ask me how it gave me trouble, I don't know what is wrong with me). Just gonna see it as a challenge.

    Aww...there are a few tricks I found to make both of those easy. Shame I can't just load up the game to show you. >< ah, well. They probably already got them on YouTube, but you probably don't need help no more anyway. ^^;

    Hehe, thanks. You're very understanding about ramblings. :>
  14. View Conversation
    Oh, man. What a question! I do love me some Metal Gear, so maybe? But from reading peoples comments it seems like they are very grindy trophies. There is one for getting all the dog tags in Metal Gear 2 so you would have to complete it on every difficulty. And they said MGS2 has the easiest trophy set. :|

    That maybe is for the best, lots of people do raise an eyebrow at that sort of thing. So is it mainly older guys in video games rather than reality that you like?

    Oh! I'll have to try and get to watch that, thank you!

    Sorrrrt of. When I was still all "hee hee hee ^^" (extra happy over the Chocobo) I went out way back in June (which is the month of my birthday), and spent some time picking out the card I felt was just right. I picked out one with a quote that seemed to work best for me and Bear (best I can explain it) at the time. Anyway, I tucked it away until the other day, and didn't fill it in.

    Decided it was time to fill it out the other day. Thankfully it was 100% on the inside, I don't like those ones with crappy per-written messages. Went through my draws whilst trying to think of how to pretty-up the insides of the card. After I filled it out I looked at the front and though "Eh...I don't feel this is the right quote anymore. This doesn't seem like the card for Bear, and I really want to get this card right" That's when I had an idea for how to change the front of the card. I kinda mentioned that I felt the front wasn't the one I'd pick now when filling it out, so now it doesn't make too much sense on the inside, whoops. ^^;

    Anyway, they front of the card is entirely different now, I'd tell you what I put on the front, but I confess...I am slightly paranoid he could be reading this.

    so I guess I did make it? Kinda? Maybe not. ^^; I dunno.

    That annoying beardy one that moo's at you. I dunno if you know anything about hard mode, but some of the colossi get an extra vital, he got his new one on his hand, and he would NOT stay the **** still ^$&$£$ Just let me keeeel youuuu! Haha, that one is usually super easy. It was maybe harder becuase I wasn't actually well yesterday, but we'll see. The other one was that second from last one. How do I describe's very big and you have to jump off the long thing bridges to reach his head? He gets a new vital on his chest, and is very good at flicking you around when you're there.

    Maybe I should have recorded it just so the you could see exactly how ridiculous it can be now.

    Aww...I suspect they have fiddled with the bow a little as well. Wind seems to effect the trajectory more now. Thankfully it's nothing spamming arrows doesn't solve half the times. ^^; Where do you shoot it from? The very bottom is best. That one is one of the best behaved ones, it just takes learning the best positioning.

    Hehe at first I read that as "I don't think I ever asked which colossi has your favorite face." xD It was a difficult question for a moment...xD Still a tough question, they are all interesting. Think I liked the third one (big sword one) best when I first played it. Now I like the flying desert one for design, the one with glowing teeth on its head becuase it seems kinda cute. ^^; and the smallest two best.

    That is a surprising fave for a person who has trouble with the bow-needy ones. Heh.

    Sorry, think I may have rambled on again today. :| Edit: yes, i really did.
  15. View Conversation
    I....I'm actually lost for words. xD Um, that was an interesting scene, thanks... Hee, they posted Metal Gear HD to me today, should come next Friday (importing from Canada). Pretty excited for action? But not in the way you would be. xD

    If you like that kind of thing, you should just got for it. xD Him saying it isn't bad is like him saying it is amazing. So still seems very much worth it if you liked the last one.

    Is that one of his new ones? I feel bad, but I never heard of that one.

    Never really used the post, it is so much better than email to get a letter or a card from somebody you care about. :> I think he will love the card, maybe even more than the present in a way. I put a lot of effort into it. Even spent a while putting drawings in. I should have taken a picture. x3

    Yeah, she must be doing better to be on her blog again. Hopefully it'll never happen again.

    Maan, I might have to abort on the SOTC platinum. I was suspicious they had tweaked the game to make it so that Wander is more easily knocked off balance, and the colossi more aggressive in normal mode becuase the game seemed a lot more frustrating at times than I remembered. But now I've played hard mode I'm 100% sure of it. two of the colossi were incredibly frustrating to kill. You really had very little chance to hit them before they started to move again. I spent over twenty minuets trying to take out one vital earlier....

    They just shake around so much, and it shouldn't be becuase I'm sucking super badly becuase I already beat time attack hard mode on the PS2. I dunno. Maybe I could manage time attack hard mode on the PS3, but it would probably cause a lot of rage.... Seems a shame to give up with only one trophy left, but never mind. Will at least try the new hard time attacks.
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