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    You're welcome! Oh, you buy your soundtracks? They let out some new 13-2 info. Apparently the Japanese version is finished now. Japanese Final Fantasy XIII-2 is Complete -- Andriasang.com

    When they play with dolls they're usually really young, though. But I dunno, I guess it's something we always have. Eww...there's is one that poops? That's even worse....whhyyyy do they make these things.

    Aw...I guess I'm lucky becuase I forgot just about everything.

    Haha, thanks. Man, why do you do when your sleeping pattern is all messed up? I kinda stayed up late twice this week. ^^; Woke up this morning feeling pretty naff. I dunno who people stay up till these weird hours of night.

    What are you playin' recently, anyways? ^^

    Oh, Bear's birthday tomorrow. Wonder if he's doing anything for it or if we'll see him online.
  2. View Conversation
    Pff, the music seems to start off so well on 13-2 (in the preview), but it doesn't go out on a high note, unfortunately. Thought you might wanna hear. Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3, Xbox 360) : OST Preview - Disc 1 - YouTube

    Hey, i got a tough question for ya. What's your favorite game soundtrack? :>

    You have a damn fine point there. And now that you mention it, that seems really weird, why would you pretend a piece of plastic was a real baby...why would you want a real baby? The whole peeing baby thing...who comes up with this stuff?

    Hmm...I think I'm kind of a lazy perfectionist. It probably is kinda busy, yeah. School was so long ago for us, you still remember what it was like? Your school sounds pretty tough if they made you re-do things. :/

    Ahh, that explains it. I'm always in stalk mode too.

    That would make an interesting headline...xD I never heard of them before, so went to watch some clips on YouTube. gotta agree. Not funny. :|
  3. View Conversation
    No, I guess not... but it would be nice to be naturally a little more girly. ^^; Thanks for saying, though. Noes, I mean baby doll eyes. Barbie has many freakish aspect to her body. Poor Bars.

    I don't have to let anybody see a review before I post it, but I didn't feel confident enough about this one to post it straight away. The bawss still didn't get back to me. They aren't very good at keeping their word. :| It would be kinda heart-breaking to have one rejected. Thankfully it never happened the times I did email the review before posting it.

    Awesome. I had a quick look on MSN, but it said you were offline (you were already in my list from when I tried adding you, so can't tell if it worked..). Hopefully will find out if it did or not soon. That does sound like a pain. MSN is lame. Kinda worried it won't let us chat.

    Taking pictures seemed better, that way I could show you the giant dildo. xD It hits really hard as well *smurk* you can kill people in two hits with it. Hopefully there will be more funny weapons. Aww, it seemed really funny to me. xD We must get scared by very different things.
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    Haha, that pretty much says it all for how good that game isn't.

    No, I was always kind of a boyish girl. >.>; Man, those really are damn creepy...those eyes. o_o I feel uncomfortable thinking about those even at this age.

    Maybe try resistance bands for building up dem arms. They are easy to store, don't stress the muscles, and seem to build you up at a good rate. Think they are also cheap. At least cheaper than weights. <3

    Really? You seem pretty opinionated to me. :> I did finish it. Boss said he will look over it today.

    It's really just that MSN hates me. Anyways. Mine is - zana_86@hotmail.co.uk Nope, never been called lyn. You can call me it if you like it as much as ya seem to. ^^ Personally, I'd say to go for May Lynn. People will sound it out more nicely that way.

    Yeah, done plenty of silly/nuts things. xD I'll take a picture for you. Problem is, seem to have lost my camera to PC cable. As soon as I find that I'll stick the pics in this reply for you. :> If it's properly lost I'll just make a video clip.

    Edit: Woo! Found it.

    Bonus shot ~ this is what a review copy of a game usually looks like http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/4207/dsc01362e.jpg

    You can design your own cars. Here is my main car with my character in http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/2834/dsc01373i.jpg

    The most ridiculous weapon ever... http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/869/dsc01375mb.jpg it looks stiff there, but it flops around and stuff... xD

    Pre-order bonus car. You can suck people up with it, then shoot them into walls and things with the cannon on top http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/2848/dsc01378wu.jpg
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    Didn't she go kinda nuts at the end and drop the whole protective act for a bit? I dunno, that whole bit seemed odd.

    Ahh, so that's why most girls love the Sims? Dolls always kinda creeped me out, so I guess it all begins to make sense now.

    Sweet. Been working out long? Wow...how can 5 be your best? Maybe work on those arm muscles.... ^^;

    Hm, don't expect anything great. ^^; I hope you like it though. Really should get it done today.

    Ah, that's good it wasn't forced on you.

    Okay, MSN has something against me so I'm not surprised. Shall try adding you again. Thank you! Sometimes I get called Rosie, or Rose for short.
    Edit: l' sigh. MSN won't let me try again. It seems sure the invite sent. Hopefully it will fix itself at your end.

    Yeah. ^^; I guess your Hulk-smash muscles need some more workin on. Oh, tried some more Saint's Row, really getting into it now. Was hard to stop playin it yesterday! The aiming problems I had were just me being baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
  6. View Conversation
    Fang was kind of strange, wasn't she? It seemed like she jumped between warm and cold a lot, maybe she has a mood disorder. Square went and released more screenies ~ Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots -- Andriasang.com

    Oh, phew. Manners are important to me, but I'm not perfect. Ah, so the freedom is the appeal? It's a surprise you don't go in for more sandbox games. Then again, the Sims doesn't try and get you to do anything...

    Anytime. :> Yeah, I understand. It's not easy being shy and an introvert. Maybe if you worked on the negative feelings to do with your looks it would remove most the shyness. I wish I knew what to suggest to help with that, but I got my own issues with my looks. Even having people say you look great doesn't seem to help (least for me) in the long-term. Think it's something silly that gets in your head when you're young, so it's hard to shake. I dunno.

    Heee, all righty! ^^ I'll have to make an extra effort when giving it some polish. :3 If they do edit it heavily I'll copy & paste the original. I'm sure anything they add will be pretty negative. >.>

    Awww....that's cute. Naughty, but cute. He gets up crazy early, so it's probably to be expected. Ew, having to go? That's no fun. :/ Are you a Christian? So are you in the middle? It's so weird to me that even the different coasts got different time zones. The whole of the UK is just one time zone. Yeah, it is definitely hard having friends in the different zones. Yeah, hope you're sleeping better now.

    Oh. I added you last night. Probably should have mentioned in my last reply so you knew it was me. Had to run off to bed after though since it was late. Edit: Just saw your Facebook edit too. Thankies! :> I'm Rosalyn Byrne (pleased to meetcha? Heehee). I think the invite sent, but Facebook went a bit funny, as Facebook sometimes does....

    Thank ya. :> Haha, you should be fine to just squeeze unless you have Hulk-strength. xD
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    Maybe she is a bit too cold/tough to you? The part where she kinda ditches Hope for a while seemed a bit much.

    Oooooh, haha. I never saw it like that before. Sorry if I seemed rude there, forgot that I told you, you can bring the Sims up as often as you like. It was interesting how you seemed to have all these plans with it.

    That's awful...so they reoccur AS well? Man, that's pretty rough. :| Dodie shouldn't feel inadequate. You seem very awesome to me, and I'm not just saying that to be nice, or whatever. I really think it. As for looks...they aren't all that important. Never met somebody who wasn't all-that looks wise, but they start to look more & more attractive becuase of their personality being great? You probably look better than you think, anyways. I hope that nice fella comes along for you soon. <3

    Haha, I feel that bit more silly when you word it like that. But it's fine, I guess I am. xD And yay, review is about 90% complete! Hopefully I can make it as shiny as my abilities will allow by the end of tomorrow. Will link you it when it goes up if you wanna learn more about Tekken Hybrid if you want.

    Naughty laddy is often on his phone during class. but you probably already knew that. Thank you! Hopefully will catch you on at some point, somehow. It's tricky having American friends online.

    It seemed hard to aim on it (maybe that's just me?), but I did enjoy punching people and then dancing after. xD It was definitely the stress relief that was needed. Me over that night now, so it's all good, thanks. :> Oh dear...that's no good! Ever tried squeezing the controller instead? Doesn't harm it, but helps get some of the frustration out still.
  8. View Conversation
    That's a point. Just wait a little and you could probably get 13-2 good and cheap. <3 Thinking about it, Versus probably will be THE game. At least a little better. 13-2 story trailers/videos really do look horrendous. Dunno if you saw the Comic Con one? Ewww. https://member.eu.square-enix.com/en...ic-con-trailer at least it doesn't have any rap in it.

    Hee, yay! That would be pretty awesome if you did manage to get your paws on it. Bitchsuru, so silly. xD

    What mean YMMV!?? *more pointless question marks* The Sims always looked boring to me. Never really understood the appeal to be honest. >_<

    You have troubled dreams a lot, I take it? :/

    Hahaha, I guess that is one way to look at it. xD Yeah film + game(s). ^^ The film is the new Tekken film called Tekken: Blood Vengeance. It's a feature-length CG flick. You can watch it in 3D too if you have such smarty smart equipment. Yeah, me saw that, but thankies. :> Aww...I wonder if you would cry over the Tekken film as well then. xD

    Oh, really? That's good to hear. He said he liked it, but he seemed a lot more excited for the card. That's rally good to hear he liked it so much. <3 His favorite paring.....I wonder what that could be. I feel so outta the loop. Maybe Cole x Iskey! xD It will definitely involve Cole. I guess you must get to talk to him more than I do these days. Kinda my fault since I don't go on MSN very often recently. :| Do you maybe wanna talk on MSN sometime? Think I'll try and get on more.

    Man, Saints Row should be here today. I'm in the perfect mood to go around trashing things too (bit of a bad night last night). So many games to go through just now though. Shelf space just became an issue. Do you ever use violent games for stress relief? It's funny how they always go on about violent games being bad for people, but they can be good for you at times. Kinda.
  9. View Conversation
    Same here. Did you see the newish picture I posted the other week for 13-2 on the forum? Looks like the amusement park bit should be fun at least. I doubt that would be enough to make ya wanna buy it, though. xD Versus looks as though the combat will be fun, which puts it a step in the right direction over 13-2, which looks to have the same ass combat from 13. Trouble with Versus is I get a hunch that the story will be as badly done as 13's. Will just have to see. :| Yeah, it's been six years, right? And it still is no where near complete? some new stuff about 13-2 appeared online - Final Fantasy XIII-2: Monster Crystarium, Ability Inheritance and the Mysterious Augustia Tower -- Andriasang.com

    Not sure which would be THE game. Both will probably have glaring issues, but it does look as though a surprisingly big amount of effort has gone into 13-2.

    Our tastes in guys seem pretty different. xD maybe you'd like the guys here.

    It isn't just coming to the Vita (is it coming to the Vita? I'll have to look that up later). It's also coming to the Playstation 3. I hope Edge looks as good as you'd like.

    You cruel woman, hehe (I'm kidding, I know you aren't). That sounds very strange. The Sims must have advanced since I last saw a Sims game.

    If they were paying me I'm sure they'd be breathing down my neck. I'm certainly feeling some pressure anyway, I had a dream about it last night.

    Watched the new Tekken film that comes with Tekken Hybrid, I kept thinking how silly it was all the way through, but then I was almost in tears at the end. xD It's amazing the crap that can reduce you to that, huh? I seem to remember you saying you get involved in films to the point of tears as well? I hope I'm not thinking of somebody else. ^^;

    Same. So amazing those models are. Especially liked that Wolverine & Phoenix (x-men phoenix). <3 Did any stand out to you?

    Hee, Bear finally got his present. Thank goodness...was starting to wonder what they were up to with it. He seems to like it. :> Oh, never did say what is was. I got him an Atelier series art book.
  10. View Conversation
    Could be, or they just like rap. There was this really random rap boss music in Star Ocean 3 as well. Very strange.

    Aww...hmm...at least it must help you get used to it a little? Well, probably not, but...I hope you manage to have a nice time all the same.

    Can't say I've seen any hotties living in my village, no. xD It is a gorgeous place to live, though. And there's this one walk up the hill where you almost never see anybody else going along it. Bliss. But yeah. Kinda lonely out here if you're lookin' for lurve.

    I'm looking at Kanji, the dude beats people up with chairs! What a beasty. Either that or Chie, she is a fast character, which is always nice. Oooh, maybe Dodie would get it one day? Hee. :3 That's right! There's a live action Phoenix Wright film in the works.

    Oh, so you tried a few other methods of killing as well....? ^^; Wow, you must have it in for the Turks? x]

    Yeah, but not so many that are focused on it. You can fight your way normally through all those games, I think? Sorry, should have found you a piccy, or better yet, maybe I'll take some. The pictures I've seen of it online don't do it justice.

    You have to beat the game first, but yes. It unlocks a 2 player mode which was (Lawd knows why) cut for the American release. In real life whilst you're playing? xD Uh, I guess that could be fun, depending on who ICO is it could be pretty nice. >///<

    In an arcade...that's pretty awesome! Yeah, it would be pretty terrible not to do one, hehe. They have yet to ever gimme a time-limit on any of them, but I better get this one done since they sent me it out over a week before release. Guess I should be a good girl and start writing for them often again. They've bribed me back with their free games. xD

    Edit: holy smokes! Tekken and Ultimate came in the post, haha. Aw crap, I guess Tekken can wait a little. ^^;
    The intro is a short version of the newest trailer. It's awesome... <3 Ultimate MvC3 full cinematic trailer - YouTube
  11. View Conversation
    Rep: 15th Nov 2011 09:19 PM

    Current time: 15th Nov 2011 09:15 PM

    What aren't you telling me?
  12. View Conversation
    Oh that's meat? I thought it was like a rose or something. Gross.
  13. View Conversation
    Not a fan of rap myself, and the lyrics were just terrible. Something about smiley faces? xD Square are crazy. Rap really doesn't seem to fit with the Final Fantasy games.

    You don't sound too enthusiastic. ^^; I hope you have a great thanksgiving, though. :>

    You know? I didn't even notice their boots....xD They are pretty bad. If those are supposed to be cool, then it seems better to be out of touch.

    In most cases definitely for the worse, but in a shy nice persons case it seems good. Just me and some pretty old lady were there on the day I went to actually do some playing, so nobody was really impressing anybody. I live in a village out in the countryside, so there's not a whole lotta people.

    Ouch that is really bad. I had heard of there being glitches, but that's huge. :/ It is sad, huh? What is the point of reviewers when they aren't even allowed by the gamers to give their honest views?

    Aye, sure am. Can't wait for the fighting game. >_< If it was easier to lend you my copy I would, but you'd also need a PAL PS2 on top of that. Speaking of Persona 4 ~ Persona 4 Getting Theatrical Adaptation -- Andriasang.com Aww..hmmm...I hope you get inspired soon. :<

    ....you burned him to death? xD What inspired that? You suddenly seem like the last person to do something like that. I thought you could only drown them and starve them to death.

    Oh yeah, I'm very sneaky. :3 Stealth games are so much fun. Wonder why there aren't more of them? Thank you! I know I will> So excite. I haven't traded a game in since middle school. There's no way I'm trading in my MvC3 since it has the pre-order bonus/steelbook case -- most smexy case of them all! Seriously. MvC3 has a gorgeous Steelbook case. Plus you need it to play other people with the original.

    If you ever get the HD version you can! The HD version American ICO/SOTC is based off the European versions. Everything we got is there; translation, ability to play as Yorda on second playthrough, Water Melon ending, Shining Sword/Light-Saber weapon. I guess you could call it a 'downside' but the downside is that our SOTC is harder ( colossus take more stabs to kill). So it's harder and broken. (note: I could be wrong about SOTC, but I know your HD ICO is definitely our ICO)

    Heh-heh-heh. I guess either the guys at the site didn't notice or just don't mind I didn't write anything in weeks. They emailed today saying they were sending me a review copy of Tekken Hybrid. It's one of those things you want, but not quite enough to justify spending money on, so pretty chuffed over that. Ever play any Tekken? Pretty lucky day today. :>
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    I like your avatar. I don't know what it's from or anything, but I like it nonetheless. It's very Dodie.
  15. View Conversation
    Not sure about XIII-2 myself, but kinda keeping an eye on it. Anyways, it seems they have picked some interesting music for the boss fights (hopefully just the one)... Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Boss Battle ENG (part 1) - HD 720p - YouTube At least the Moogle sounds pretty cute.

    Nope! I had cheese pasties on the brain. But you said you were making pie crusts, so I'm not sure why it jumped to pasties. Ah, you excited for it, then? ^^

    Yeah? That's awesome. I hope you enjoy it lots and lots. As much as I do and more. ^^ Yeah...unfortunately the less clothes you have, the easier it is to hoop. But they still could have done better than that. That's something to keep in mind when you're starting out, actually. Most clothes make very little difference, but some tops make hooping much harder.

    Aww...you come across as super confident, but I guess it's just the internet working for you there. I can totally relate. :| Hopefully we'll both be able to get over it one day. Feels like I'm doing a little better recently. Went down to the Tennis club and I did okay. Maybe hooping will help you feel a little more confident. <3

    Hehehe.....I dunno if you know it, but there actually was a reviewer that gave Uncharted three 8/10 and people had a fit. xD I did enjoy it, thanks. :>

    Cheers for the comment/compliment of Kanji (hehe, Kanji compliment). Did you draw anything recently?

    Cannot tell if serious. A Sim? Is it that they make a fuss when they're dying that upset you? Have you ever played the first Dragon Age? That is one of the few that's more fun to be a bastard in. After being a goody, it's fun to be mean (if you can be) to see how the scenes change.

    Raaaah! Raah! Ray! Good, I guess. I got the one for beating the game without setting off 'alert mode.' Which I guess is one of the harder ones... Don't think I'll bother with the plats for a long time since I got an email saying I can expect to get Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 tomorrow/early! <3 <3 <3 I'm playing in the order they came out in. They must have decided to base the port off the PAL version because 'European Extreme' mode got unlocked, hehe. They did the same for ICO & SOTC (which were the most compete (if you like) versions too).

    Good. I'm glad things are going alright. ;>
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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