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    Good to hear it's the holidays it's been pretty eventful tbh
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    Hmm. I looked a couple, but they didn't really hlpe any. Maybe I should look again, it was a long time since the previous time. Aww, thank you. You really are observant, huh? Gradient signature....hmmmmm, you give me idea. I think next time I make a sig I'll try and use the gradient tool in it somehow. I don't think I ever used gradients in signatures before. ^^; Aww, that sucks. :/ Gradient must be hard in GIMP.

    Not the money kind of cheap! xD Like, as in, cheap tactics, hehe.

    Man, was it THAT short? Gonna have to look at a pic. I thought it covered all her things without too much trouble. Gah, it only just covers her cheeks and it has a slit in? >_< Nawww, could never do Ashe. Shortest a skirt should get is JUST above the knees imo. Uh, I guess they might. >//<

    Very awesome of you. Yes, sometimes I have done website banners, some honestly terrible wallpapers, forum skins, and pixel art type things. I should probably try making wallpapers again, I have gotten so much better since last time I tried, hehe. Some of my pixely art (just coz adorable) ~

    Nuuuu, I think it will have taken me three weeks in total. I mean it will probably take me 2-3 days more depends if the game behaves and gives me the rare drops I need, hehe. But once I get those it won't be long before I got the plat. I THINK it will be my 18th plat (goes to confirm...yep!). Yes, even the most time-consuming ones. I should really get those Team ICO plats. I feel like I could be okay to look for the last lizard respawns again.
  3. View Conversation
    Thank ya. Yes, lots and lots of room. ^^; Mostly in the text. I don't really understand what makes good text, but I'm a lot better with it than I was. Placement seems a bit tricky with text. You don't want it to just be floating there, and you don't really want it on its own in the corner. But that's how my text sometimes ends up. xD

    To be honest I was like "oh, phew!" when you didn't want text.

    It's always wise to stay on guard, hehe. Maybe the whole hero thing itself is a trick after all. But he really does seem to be putting in effort to being all heroic. Even he started to try and resist the 'cheap' side of the force in games.

    Haha. Well. Not many people seem to do Power Rangers. Maybe it would be a good one. xD Ugh, I forgot about her skirt. Okay, there's no way I'd do an Ashe. That is far too high above the knees for me to go out in. Call me old-fashioned, but that's just how it is. >_<

    Haha, no worries. I wasn't sure if it was a typo, or if you were trying to be cute with it since it sounds the same. Thanks again. Not many people give cred. :>

    Hee, I think Dark Souls plat in 2-3 days? Isn't as bad as it could have been. Actually less time-consuming/annoying than the Demon's souls plat.
  4. View Conversation
    Hehe, you should keep up with the sig making. Yes, he is good. I gotta get better. ><

    Aww, he's trying his best, from what I can tell. I think with some practice he could becomeeeeeee Hero Bear!

    Haha. There are plenty of masked characters if you don't look like nobody. I don't really look much like anybody either. MAYBE I could get away with Ashe from FFXII since our hair is kinda similar. With some work, could possibly get away with doing an Integra Hellsing too.

    Yeah, if I got a wig, or something and kept a serious look, I think I could do a good Integra.

    Ah. Just never caught with me. I liked Blue version, but that was the start and the end of my Pokémon fandom.

    Hey, just noticed one of your posts on the forum. Thanks for the credit. :> You probably did it on purpose, but just in case it was a typo, you put in an i instead of a y.
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    Hmm, I think I will try to do one when I've been around a while. Seems better to build up some rep first. Nice one! You had some tough competition. Heh-heh. Number three of that selection must belong to Bear. He seems to like his boxes.

    Bear says he is 'hero bear' now. No more naughty ninja bizz. Or so he says.

    I had just got my motivation back too. Oh, well. That's just tough-titties. It would be nice, but I think a crappy job with nice co-workers would be waaaaay better than a cool job with naff ones. Dunno 'bout you.

    Would you only cosplay character you look kind of like?

    Afraid I don't know either. Not into Pokémon myself. They all seem the same to me. ^^;
  6. View Conversation
    Is that so? Thanks for the info. I'll probably try and get myself to start helping out soon. Shame about that girl, maybe somebody could take over? Did you ever enter?

    Edit: ah, yeah. I see that sub forum now. Aw, the requests were all really old except for a guy who only had two posts...kinda made him a sig anyway. Maybe it would be okay to bump the old ones? I dunno...they probably all want something different by now. Guess I'll just wait on fresh requests. Maybe open up one of those shop thingys. The only problem with that is sometimes people request fairly ridiculous things, and in the shop it would be harder to ignore those. xD

    He looks older in the ones where you can see his eyes. I swear, he looks so different between pictures.

    I still had to pay for the train, but it was cool that at least the ticket was free. Yeah, I did. And I could get in if I keep writing for the guys I write for now, but I kinda seem to have lost all motivation.

    Overpriced? Isn't cheap better? ^^; Hmm...maybe if my face was hidden. Too lazy to make a costume. Really? No idea who you'd wanna be at all?

    o_o I never knew it got a Wii release. That seems kinda surprising

    How cute were the Petalars? <3 Reminded me of Princess Mononke. Which I'm guessing you've seen since I think you said you liked the company.

    Hm, I wonder why you fell back to sleep for three hours. Maybe you were still tired from The Bat night, hehe. Thank kew, I did have a nice day. :3
  7. View Conversation
    Wow...really? Maybe I should start to take requests again. I'm glad you like it so much. Yeah, yellow is, like, the colour of Persona 4. Which made picking the 'pop' colour nice and easy. I should really lurk less around here myself. It still seems odd there are not more posts. This place must attract lurky people.

    Have you seen his pictures? He looks so tiny in most of them. <3 He managed to take a few where he actually looks older than he is. Which he was very proud of. xD

    No. They actually got me tickets to Eurogamer this year, but it's such a faff getting down to London, and I wasn't sure what I'd be doing on the day that I kinda passed on the opportunity. ^^;
    I wanna go to E3 one year. And since I wanna go to America as well, that works out. Maybe one day I'll actually go. I think it is in Vegas this year. Or was that Evo...stupid brain. >_<

    What one do you wanna visit most?

    Did Bully do well? Can't really remember. Maybe they will. Yeah, it doesn't feel like it, but it has actually been ages since GTA 4.

    Man, did you hit episode 4 of Thundercats yet? It's so damn good, I actually cried. xD Thundercats 2011 Episode 4 - YouTube <- if not.

    Aww...hmm...did you go to bed late? Maybe you are just a person that needs more sleep than most? Glad you're doing all right, sis.
  8. View Conversation
    Heyyy Dodie i haven't spoken to you in a while how've you been?
  9. View Conversation
    One avatar done and done, m'lady person. Uh, it might e bit gross? I wanted it to look kinda meaty/blend with her steak. Preview of it in-use (needs zooming for full-size): Hope it sticks out enough.

    Actual avy ~

    Hope you like it, man! That's a lot more info than I'm used to getting when making graphics for people, aha. Cheers. You forgot to mention if you want text, or not though. Shame about your graphics course. Cool pick in subjects though, I must say. Bear (Fate) makes stronger graphics than I, but I try to do something a little different with mine.

    Yursh. Imagine he will get as addicted as I seem to have gotten, ^^; Haha, he sent me that as well. Doesn't he pretty much always sound happy? <3

    Haha, true. At least it dried up...I guess...xD Yes, hopefully I can save people from some snotty experiences of their own.

    Hopefully not. It does sound pretty bad. Hope it doesn't weigh down on your mind too much, lass.

    My main sources are -- Japanese Game Database (really fast, love their write-up's. Japanese news only). My second main source is actually a forum. It's full of awful people for some reason, but they're awful people who are fast with putting up the news: Gaming Discussion - NeoGAF

    There was a lot of crying on there becuase a site gave Uncharted 3 8/10 in a review (Eurogamer). ;_; That's what happens when they get too used to so many games getting 10/10, I guess. Ooo, just noticed GTA V was announced when I went to fetch the link. Hopefully they'll take something from Saints Row and make GTA fun again. The fourth one was pretty 'meh.'

    Last, but not least: Shoryuken for my fighting game needs! <3

    I looked on Siliconera a couple of times. It does seem like a good one for the things that usually slip by.

    Glad you liked it!

    Hope you're well/having a good day.
  10. View Conversation
    Hm, I agree. Looks like she is offering one? ^^ Thanks for the link. Hmm. I'm not brilliant myself, but not terrible either (usually). I'll have a go at it you want. I won't be offended if you don't use it. I did my signature & avatar. If that helps. Fate like doing avatars more than me, but he's probably a little busy with Dark Souls, and school.

    Yeah..that wasn't the best freebie I ever got. xD You know kids, though. Wipe their noses on everything. Just don't get kiddies games second-hand is probably the moral of the story.

    Oh, right. >_< i had imagined you had spent a while saving for it. Sorry. :/

    Hehe, you were probably tiredish.

    Really? I should watch it again. Talking about it reminds me I only remember about three things from it.

    Hmm...would be good if they did. I'm glad Japanese Teddy didn't sound so scary like he did in the Persona arena game trailers. xD Speaking of which, he got confirmed as a playable character. Will be interested to see his play style...

    Seems like it's needed for ze tv. All those cartoons/anime. Need more Persona...just one left I didn't watch. ^^;

    Hee, I know you don't play it or nuthin, but since you liked the other Blazblue track I linked, thought you might like one of the new tracks they just released. Been listening to it a lot, me likey. BBCS:EX Theme of Carl Clover VS Relius Clover~X-Matic~ - YouTube
  11. View Conversation
    Yer. I'm starting to like Chie a lot now. Awesome picture of her too. I like dat one.

    Yeah. He added at the bottom, written by Rosalyn, and Rich. It was still posted under my name as well (says it in the regular place at the top). Twas rather, but I'm not 100% surprised. seen them be pretty funny with their volunteers before.

    I'm not sure, either. You seemed so hype for it. :s Man, that is some rotten luck. Why can't people take care of things? Seems odd. Last time I picked up a game second-hand was Crash Team racing. I guess it belonged to some kid last becuase the manual had snot in it...yeah, never again...xD

    Sooo excited for Novembers games. I dunno how you can be so restrained. You're stronger willed than I am, I guess.

    Oh, sorry. it equals over the top. Agreed, games seem to be getting more serious as they get prettier. That's why Atelier Rorona is so awesome. I swear, there were maybe five scenes in the entire game (ignoring the ones where you hand in your assignments) that didn't at least make me smile. Recommend watching the scenes if you ever get chance.

    Oh. ^^; Well, it's good you don't have it. You're just a completionist? :>

    Glad you liked it, duder!

    Hehe, sailor Moon, huh? That was the first anime I ever saw, so it seemed super different. xD

    Think Nanako is one of the few that was better in the game, but yes, She is very cute. Had trouble not watching all four episodes today. Aw, the main character is so much better in the anime, he was really boring in the game. I guess you were supposed to put yourself in his shoes more easily since he has no personality of his own, or something.

    Oh, good. Sucks to have to use anything slower than broadband if you're into gaming.
  12. View Conversation
    y u have avy of mai waifu
  13. View Conversation
    Dodie is wearing new colours! I was like...oooo, "who posted on my profile" for a second. x3

    I guess the newer ones weren't worth rememberin?

    Yeah, they just went ahead and deleted everything apart from the contents of the special editions and the banner I made. They actually added in an error, so I got a smile out of that. I wouldn't have minded so much if they hadn't taken a chipper post and made it into something miserable (and fairly stupid). I wondered why they would do that. These guys know their stuff, so moans must be what people want to read? The way you put it makes sense. That must be why they did it.

    Are you waiting on Batman to pop in second-hand? You're safe with second hand games, right? I people probably wouldn't put a disc someplace strange...? I hope? ...*shudders* Man, that sucks. I hope you can experience that new-game smell more often in the future.

    It is like GTA, yeah. But as Yartzee (spelt?) says, they seem to have a better understanding of their target audience than Rockstar did. It's far more OTT than GTA. You can do things like run up to a pedestrian, smack them in the face, then strike a pose. xD No, I don't think you have mentioned that before. But my memory stinks. Because there's so much to do, huh?

    Thank you, thank you. <3 Naww, never did. They changed it from Demon's souls to it's hard to meet friends in-game. Real shame. Loved co-op with friends on Demon's Souls.'s strange. This place has a ton of members, and says plenty of them are active, but not many new posts seem to get made?

    Okay, you already answered my question on sandboxes. xD (never reads whole replies, just goes straight into replying by section). ADD...geez. A lot of people seem to either have ADD, or OCD. Sorry you got ADD, must be a pain. :/ An extra big pain if t means you can't play something that looks so ridiculous yet very fun.

    Can't say I was into the original myself. I think it was episode 8 I watched. It was super. Maybe I should watch more cartoons. If you wanna be silly and dip in at 8 like I did - Thundercats (2011) Episode 8 - YouTube I hope you enjoy it if you do watch it!

    I used to watch a lot of anime, but a lot of them started to seem kinda similar...there are still some I love, like Azumaga Daioh. Do you have a favourite?

    Is that in English!? Man, you are my hero now, haha. Thank youuuuuuuu! *snuggles* <3 Edit: wow! That was awesome! So well done. It's similar to the game, only I think it's better so far. The characters seem more likeable. Especially Youske and Chie. Definitely gonna watch this all the way through. Thanks again! They even use the same music...<3

    Wow, girl! Your internet isn't boardband, I take it? :/
  14. View Conversation
    *in Arnie's voice* That information is classified. Are there any girl terminators? I can only remember the first two films.

    That's maybe for the best, I made my first post on their new site and they totally changed. It was just supposed to be short and informative since it was just announcing the FF XIII-2 special editions + pre-order bonuses, but they decided they'd rather have a post that was a long moan about pre-order bonuses, of all things. I wasn't too impressed. Even when I'm writing about things I don't like I prefer to not sound like a total grump.

    Oh, I'm kinda okay with that...I feel bad for people who like to buy second-hand becuase they can't afford games first hand, though. That whole new thing about stopping games being picked up second hand seems a bit much.

    Thanks, ha. Only trouble is - Saints Row and Marvel are out on the same day. Dunno what to play first! I'll probably take a glance at Saints, then go to Marvel.

    Just beat Dark Souls. Not as good as Demon's Souls imo. Still an alright game, though.

    People keep going on about that, but I'm ignoring it. ^^; I do like some WRPGs, yes. Are you interested in it?

    We're both lazy. :3 Man, have you seen the new Thundercats? I dipped in at the last episode not really expecting much from it, but it was really good! Very well done. Enjoyed it a lot. Gotta recommend it!

    It's fine, it seemed kind of amusing. I had this cartoony image of somebody attacking the button becuase it didn't instantly send. heh.
  15. View Conversation
    Heyy, you'll make me sound like the metal woman. xD

    Hmmm, but I thought the same thing, and now I write for one of the UK's best known video games journalists (I didn't actually know I'd be writing for him, I just got lucky xD). I think you could do a good job, you seem opinionated. All I did was some internet research on writing, and tried to think what other people and myself want when they go to read a review.

    Is it something you would be interested in doing? I could ask if they want any more bodies for you. Dunno if they would send review copies to America, but you never know.

    Hey, you were excited to see the game, I think it's cool you could get so excited. But it probably would have been better to wait...

    Oh, so you gotta pay for Cat Woman? It's really annoying they keep making you pay for content that's ready on release day/ they could have slapped on the disc.

    I certainly do got some awesome friends, yes. <3 Hm, did you just call yourself awesome? ^^ Hehe. Ha, doesn't it just. Kinda scary, huh? Man, money is that bad? So sorry to hear that. :/ Saints Row: the third (can't wait, looks so funny when you get to the free-roaming parts), Metal Gear HD collection, and Ultimate Marvel vs capcom 3. I had been looking at getting Sonic Generations as well, but I tried the demo yesterday, and that kinda put me off.

    Guess I'll have to wait until December for Uncharted if she does get me it.

    Might also get Batman. Gonna wait until more footage of it comes out, and I've finished more games.

    Most mornings I wake up at about seven, but usually it takes me at least an hour to bother getting out of bed. ^^; I'm trying to get myself to not be so slow to rise. You should try it. The earlier I manage to drag myself out of bed the fresher I seem to feel.

    Hehe, you been spamming the 'post message' button?
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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