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    Heehee, it's kinda funny now that you mention it, you look probably about three times stronger than me, but you can't do many push-ups. x3 Yeah, you'll be real strong. ^^

    Hehe, it does sounds like you have an especially destructive feline there. Naw, I don't think you did mention that, but that really sucks. :| Is it easy to get a replacement at least? The Wii sensor bar one is so slim and light, can kinda see a kitty attacking it.

    Oh dear, sorry to hear that.. :/ Surprising she'd offer to get them now, guess she just got used to the idea, huh?

    Naw, you're right. There's two. But where you go to grab your newly firmed up butt you only feel the one with your hands, unless you're very thorough at grabbing your ass. xD It's fine, takes a lot more than that to make me feel uncomfortable. You're totoally welcome for the advice.

    Oooh, I love Perfect Blue! One of the few anime film things I ever picked up on DvD! Thanks for recommending it though, definitely a good pick. And wow, Dodie...the Black Swan was AMAZING! Thank you very much for reccomending it to me! <3 Pretty unusual for an American film to be so slow in building it, really gripping stuff. The bits with the bloody nails and things were kinda hard to watch though, ha.

    Hope you enjoy it. :> His eyes are really scary in the anime for some reason, huh? x3

    Hope you enjoy the kids thing as well. Guess it's better not to say more on it for now, no spoilers.

    Not sure if I'll be able to slip online tomorrow or not, so here ~ Imageshack - sephiroth1w.jpg Merry Christmas, Dodieeee! Did it for you last night. Stupid Imageshack insisted on resizing it, unfortunately. Hope you like it. Girl that does deserve presents.
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    Ahhhh, hello again. ^^

    You look physically strong form your pictures somehow...if you keep up with the working out, you'll probably become mega strong. ^^

    Aw, yeah, they do that stuff for attention. It's so cuuuuute! <3 Eeeeheee, aww.

    So your mum is cool with your gaming? You should totally mention one you want, it isn't like you get many chances at new ones.

    It feels funny when it gets tight, there's only one big muscle you can feel in your butt. xD Heehee, what a topic. Nope! But I'll be sure to try and watch it tomorrow, thanks. :> Haha "foofy frou-frou"? xD

    I HATE that guy, it surprised me when he didn't give me nightmares after he appeared in the game. That first time you encounter him in the game is HORRIBLE. He didn't seem as bad in the anime, then EW EW EW he looked scary last episode *shudders* Yukiko....she's lucky she didn't get raped or something. Anyways, it's online in English now, yay yay yay! :3

    Uoi, you might be interested in this, but serious bubbles alert. I teared up a few times. xD Children Full of Life (1 of 5) - YouTube the whole thing is like, 40 minuets, but it's broken up into sections.
  3. View Conversation
    Aahhh, you'll be like one of those seriously sporty-looking types running down the pavements like that. ^^

    Wow, she tore through your make-up cases? :s That's pretty impressive. We're thinking of calling the kitty 'Munch.'

    I hope it does make you feel at least a tiny bit better, saying stuff like you don't think you deserve presents at Christmas is pretty worrying...

    Hm, and maybe it'll happen faster than you think for you. You'll at least be able to feel your butt muscles getting tighter before you can see the results.

    Yeah...if somebody's butt was moving like that, then it would be kinda hard not to notice. Not long, it was only when my friend was able to go with me, but ballet just once a week seems to make for great exercise, at least it did for me.

    It's just for if you've been doing a fair amount, I think, but it is a good idea to warm down. :> Heeee, it's good to learn, isn't it? You're welcome, ma'am! :3

    Aw, phew! You kinda scared me with that one, haha.

    Oh man, where is Persona Episode 12? It needs ze English already!
  4. View Conversation
    It's good she's doing better. Shame things got to that state. :/

    Winded? Wow...must be a really good exercise! Never knew it had things like that in, but it probably shouldn't come as a surprise. ^^;

    I kinda want a kitten just because they're so darned cute, but my parents want an adult since little kittens can't put their claws away and my parents are sissies. Full grown is fine with me though. Yeah, I think you're right about it being a prequel. probably weren't so bad as you think. And it isn't really your fault, a lotta people do that when they're struggling. You still deserve presents, silly. <3 I hope you can forgive yourself, it is Christmas after-all, ya know? :>

    Hehe...^^; Hmmmmm, I never did them seriously/on a regular basis, so I couldn't say, sorry. :< However, since they are the most targeted butt exercise I can think of, it shouldn't be too long before it takes effect if you focus on 'em. Trouble is there so much natural fat on a ladies rear that it'll probably take longer than most areas to have results visible to others. If you flex/clench one cheek at a time that should help too. xD

    Imagine if you saw somebodies butt moving about when you were in public. My ballet teacher probably did it in public since she said it was okay. xD

    Yup! Definitely good to warm up first! Oh, and it's actually a good idea to do warm-down exercises afterwards too! To warm up you wanna just do some gentle stretching exercises. :> Try shaking your arms and legs a little when exercising too, it kinda re-jigs everything into place, I think.

    There's a bunch of warm-up's here ~ Warm Up Exercise & Stretching Warm-Up probably wouldn't bother doing them all. My favourite two are the Quadriceps Standing & Hand Down the Spine because they are easy, but you (or at least I do) feel a good amount of pull, so it's like you're still workin' it. B)

    My, were you up super later again? Dodieeeeeeeeee. :< Naw, maybe you were up mega early?
  5. View Conversation
    Probably for the best, people like that are just gonna bring you down with them if they can. Sorry about your friend though.

    Aw, they are kinda cute...seemed like a weird thing to say was cute, but they are cute. <3

    Yeah, will send you pictures when we do get the kitty at any rate. <3 It's weird being without a cat, we've almost always had one. Ack, sorry. Pretty sure it's the third one in the series, but shudda thought about the title so not to confuse you if you didn't know that. >_<

    Oh, Dodie...why on Earth would you think that? Of course you deserve presents. Are you sure you're okay? :|

    Aeorbics steps are actuall supposed to be good for working the glutes, but can't say I've felt any pull there. Our ballet teacher (don't go anymore) once told us something though. If you just clench (is that the right word?) your butt muscles for a few seconds then let them relax again that will work it out. She suggested you can do it anywhere at ay time, but I think people might notice you butt move a bit in public.

    You're welcome. :3 it's always good to do exercises slowly because you're less likely to hurt yourself AND you get more benefit from it apparently. I guess because it's harder to keep holding a pose. Uhhhhhhhh....I feel funny saying this, but I'm sure both your chest and rump are perfectly nice/fine.

    Interesting video you posted on Facebook. Further proof that people talk a lot of shit. But why would they say that stuff? Did those teachers recognize their talents and get jealous or what? :s
  6. View Conversation
    Saw it, felt immense happiness
    It's unlike any Zelda before, I never want to go back down from one-to-one sword control
  7. View Conversation
    Have you played Skyward Sword yet?
  8. View Conversation hear about being enjoying being depressed for whatever reason (usually the attention, apparently), so even though it sounds bizarre, I guess people could enjoy being peeved a lot. Hm, it wasn't exactly supposed to mean that though, it's just something we say sometimes over here instead of "okay" with something. One of those little language quirks, you know?

    Thank you, I hope you & yours have a nice time this year too.

    Haha, is that right? Do they have real-life pictures pasted into the background, or something? With this game you see yourself (your avatar - which you can design) running with your teacher on a small track. Guess it gives some sense of competition, if somebody is beside you (real or not), then it appeals to your competitive nature. Makes it more fun. Hope there are more things like that. When you're doing the 9 week routine they pop up randomly, keeps it fun & stop it getting stale, ya know?

    There are these two sensors you strap onto yourself which seem to give the PS3 a really accurate idea of what you're doing. With the Move fitness game I got and the PS2 games it wasn't half as good at keeping track of you, naturally any exercise on the ground was a problem too, so that seems like something it should be credited for. A lot of people complained they couldn't get the sensors to work, though...

    My pops found out there's a cattery not that far from here, says we can visit after Christmas. So no Christmas kitty. My pah got me an exercise/aerobics step, they're actually pretty costly for a decent one. And my ma got me a new mobile (cell. I think they say "cell" over there instead?) phone. My bro said something about getting me Deus Ex 3 (PS3). What about yours? :>

    First time doing them? That's probably all it're probably not doing them quite right if they're giving you a bad leg. Try to do 'em slowly, and imagine you're sitting down to get on a chair. Hope your leg gets better soon, honey. :<
  9. View Conversation
    Let's hope. If he's happy with being pissed all the time, that's his loss though. Seems like he's definitely coming, but just for two days, so it should actually be nice instead of tiring. ^^

    It came today which was a nice surprised, didn't think it would get here so fast since it's so close to Christmas now. Wow, the game is great! It only took it about 23 minuets to ware me down a fair bit, which isn't easy to do. After the nine week routine it gives you I'll probably be some kind of monster.
    The activities are fun, it has one for basket ball, mountain biking, and for running so far. The running one is surprisingly fun considering you're actually just running on the spot.
    Yeah, well impressed. It's pretty serious, but fun enough to make you happy to do it everyday whilst working you hard, me thinks.

    Oh, and it comes with a heart monitor, kinda fun to see how the ol' ticker is doing on-screen as you go along. And reassuring that the thing is very healthy too of course.

    Yeah, kinda kicking myself for no specifically asking for one now. Sadly I already got my prezzies from my parents. ^^;

    How you doin' anyways? :3
  10. View Conversation
    Heh, nice.

    Dunno, he'd probably get mad if we mentioned it, in fact, I think my mum did say something to him a while ago and it wasn't taken too well. v_v

    Aaah, sorry...I think I said something about exercise games before, didn't I? :< Yeah. Will tell ya if it's worth getting.

    Awww..we might be getting a new kitty soon, my dad said something about it. It would be awesome to get a Christmas kitty. <3
  11. View Conversation
    Running out of room, huh? Must have a lot of space to keep many of them.

    It ain't so bad when he doesn't spend long. When we were growing up we always got along fine, but as an adult he has serious anger management issues, he gets angry over NOTHING, so everybody has to kinda creep around him, you know?

    Hey, did you ever consider exercise video games? There were two on the PS2 that I liked a lot (Eye Toy: Kinetic & Kinetic Combat), got me nicely toned. Been really wanting on for the PS3, noticed EA Sports Active 2 went down from £70 to £13 so I ordered it (apparently the best on the PS3). Might be worth thinking about something like that if you get bored of your routine. :>
  12. View Conversation
    Ah well. I don't even remember what I've said so I'm impressed you do. Dude, that is awesome...seriously awesome. No wonder yer mum would want a ton of them. I kinda want a ton of them too now.

    Eh, well, just say if I'm bothering you or something (feel like a broken record here, but whatever).

    I can't believe I even asked, ahahaha. I just woke up, okay? Oh, and similarly the thumbs are always on the inside as well. Of course you can rotate your hand so that they're on the outside, but it's better not to worry too much.

    Ah, lucky me. Seems like my bro will be over for Christmas, but he can't stay very long so I'll probably not get time to go all grouchy.

    Ooo, I made two posts today. There's the only two in weeks. Go me.
  13. View Conversation
    Older. Hehe, I don't think I mentioned it before, so unless you can read my mind you shouldn't know. xD you think a person can go from being an introvert to being an extrovert? Which would ya pick if you could choose? What is the snow village? Is that when you decorate you whole house/street?

    Uwwah, I see. Hmmmmm...are you being hard on yourself again? : <

    And ahaha...nice cheat on the feet (in your drawing). xD Were you serious about foot dyslexia? Ah, I feel dumb asking that, you were probably kidding. ^^;
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    Yeah, I guess he does.'s the same with me. I'll definitely have a nice one this year, thank you. ^^ I hope you have a good one this year too.

    Uwah...are we running out of things to say? I don't want that. : < Um, unless you're busy, or something. ^^;
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    I dunno, seems like a kinda major one if it means you're stuck indoors a lot.

    If you're feeling better about yourself it might be easier now. :3

    Usually me hang with the family, but it looks like my bro won't be able to visit this year. Yay! He usually stays for a week and it drives me a bit scatty because he DOES NOT leave me alone at all, and I need more personal time than most people. Sounds nasty, but I'm looking forward to having an extra quiet Christmas with the parents this year.
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