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    Yeah, and when you're with other people it makes it even harder to keep track. The levels are pretty nice in that game (better than the first one). Hopefully they'll make a third if they ever get enough material. Hope you can join us with the online gamings one day. :>

    Teach you a lesson for drinking one time? ^^; There must be some people, or it would never get made. Weird thought...

    Oh, right. Yeah, a real camera is probably better in that case. xD

    Yeah, but that's just talking about Facebook and things, I think? You got me curious now....maybe you can hide them, hehe. <3

    More constructive? Than watching Persona? What is this?

    Hey, if I can't feel anything in my thumb does that means that Harry splinter is gone?

    How you doin Dodie? Enjoy your piano practice (saw your MSN note)?
  2. View Conversation
    We did rather. Got a full pod (room) for Little Big Planet 2, played from about 11 through to 12:40 with friends. <3 What the f**k!? Tobacco wine? No no no no, that is horrible. Hope you had a nice time anyway, despite the tobacco wine attack. This must mean there are people out there who would enjoy that?

    The camera is okay. Can you use it as a webcam, or something?

    Same here, tv is a pain. All those smelly adverts. Plus not many shows worth watching. ^^;

    Trophies also give away what you've been playing if you go online. That's the only downside.

    That is a good question, urgh. How can they be good at so many things. : < But, eh, I bet if we put our minds to it we could be good at a bunch of stuff too. ^^

    Still no Persona? Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  3. View Conversation
    They seem over-hyped to me, but that's partly because the darned things make me feel sick. They're really going 3D crazy these days, huh? You excited for other 3D things as well, or mainly the DS?

    Seems to happen a lot with American series?

    I think you said you weren't big on the cute things?

    Nice one. Well...kinda...the fumes part doesn't sound nice. Naw, I've been naughty so I better do none at all tomorrow. xD Maybe? Seems better for you than not letting your muscles recover though.

    The way the character moved felt weird at first, but you adapt fast and it seems pretty fun. Maybe you're just getting kind of sick of games? You said they felt like a waste of time, I think? I know how you feel, don't really feel like playing them on my own outside of my fitness game recently. Really should play more so people don't feel like the gifts aren't appreciated. Darned playing online making these things obvious. ^^;

    Real bummer, ain't it? The Move is reaaaallllllllllllllllly accurate, but sometimes they just don't pick you up all that well because of the lighting in your room or whatever. :| If people wanna cheat it's their bizz at the end of the day, but it still seems real lame, don't it? Kinda bugs me.

    Aaah, that artist who did the work for the recent Atelier games also did the music (who is also top-notch), some people are just amazing, aren't they? You asked me a question and I failed to answer it, sorry ~ the artist does inspire me, but only slightly. Not really sure what inspires me...maybe music? What about you? Do your favorite artists inspire you/what inspires you?

    Oh yeh, Happy New Year, Dodie!
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, you're right. Pretty sure it is for the 3DS. Have you ever played on a 3DS?

    Yeah, sometimes people say some strange things when it comes to seeing resemblances.

    Eh..she should get her wish refunded. That doesn't seem any different from stopping one war then just starting another. Even if they were aliens it still counts as breaking world peace, surely. ^^;

    Have you so much as seen the episode raw anywhere? Cuz I haven't. Maybe they're taking a break for Christmas. Seems to be the same for My Little Pony, and Thundercats.

    Yeah, Rorona really is adorable. <3 Do you got a favorite cute character in video games?

    Soo, you get any exercise done? ^^ I really feel like working out today (already did a bit), but today and tomorrow are supposed to me my rest days.

    Maaaan, I got given Enslaved for Christmas as well now. Spoiled for choice. It seems decent enough. Enjoyed to start bit a bit better than Deus Ex 3's. It is supposed to be a pretty decent game. :> Speaking of games, that EA Active is still awesome, but it turns out it doesn't actually track you all that accurately. It just goes of movement, so if you waved your arm, or something, that would fool it into counting it as a rep for for some of the exercises. ^^; It's still good if you don't cheat though. Still gonna go for the platinum with 100% honesty. it's only cheating yourself if you don't.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh man, I nearly posted to my profile again. xD

    Aww, that's probably just becuase you weren't feeling too swell that you couldn't do much. Glad you feel fine today though!

    Yeah, I think it is actually called The Rhythm Final Fantasy or something really inventive like that? Had no idea it was supposed to be a spinoff of Dissidia though, wow. xD

    Really now? This lady? Juliette Lewis - IMDb ? Doesn't really look much like you. That is a bit much, can see why you'd be offended. It's fine, it kind of does relate.

    So you would wish for world peace? Reminds me of watching Miss Congeniality. : p

    My favourite artist of the now is a manga style one... ^^; but his pictures are really cute and pretty... <3 For me it is Mel Kishida who did the art for Atelier Rorona, Totori, and Meruru *random example*

    Oh.. sugar crash really sounds like a bad thing to get. : (

    They kept getting up on Friday, but then noes...the last one was late up. We must be watching it on different sites.
  6. View Conversation
    LOL, glad to hear it!

    I've been good, got the flu from christmas, sold it a few days later
  7. View Conversation
    Whatcha sayin? You expect me to be that daft? xD But tum is still a it sad? Sorry to hear that. :<

    Dey are duh wonders dem things.

    It's good they made an effort for the second one. Yeah, it all looked a bit dirty to me.

    Is it hard to be a model? Is that why you say that? Naw, it just ticked me off! Maybe I carry myself like a little kid you mean? xD Will have to work on that, haha.

    It just seems normal t wanna impress people, not selfish. :> Pretty much all wishers are gonna wish for something selfish (except for Aladdin) anyways. So no be feeling ad for it!

    Haha, it seemed kinda funny to me since the states are still pretty big richers.

    Ah, seeeeee? You don't need to study the arts history to like one above others. I wasn't looking for the most fancy pants reply in the world, just what you like. xD

    You mean like sick, or just drained after a lot of sugar? Or both? Mah bodyyy it likes thu sugar.

    Why no Persona again this morning? This new slower Persona thing is sad.

    Aw, me gotta run...sorry, looks like I gotta send a rushed one today. :|
  8. View Conversation
    Hello? Sorry if you hate me for not showing up, but I'm slowly gain interest in FF back (Since I'm playing FFVI and maybe tactics after) How have you been?
  9. View Conversation
    *Oh man...I cleverly posted my reply onto my profile yesterday instead of into the conversation thread. xD I hope you are feeling better today!*

    I always thought the southern states were always crazy hot.

    You sound like me (when it comes to starting new things then getting bored), but you might be surprised since exercise is actually addictive.

    In the case of Demon's Souls everything is in English is you play on a console set to English. But my copy of Final Fantasy Dissidia is Japanese. It takes a little bit of patience, but menus being designed to be intuitive things helps. With a fighting game like that it doesn't really make a difference. It was pretty amusing actually. Those scenes where Sephiroth was talking to Cloud and I couldn't understand any of it? Awesome! Looked like Sephiroth was trying to woo cloud. From the scenes where I could kinda get the gist of what was happening from the little I do know, made me glad it wasn't in English. The story parts of that game seemed gawd awful.

    Wow...he must be super tall. :< Better than when you're short and people say all kinds of patronizing shit to you. Oh, I see. You wanna be a model still? Mind you, it doesn't help that I have a bit of a babyish face to boot. Some woman fund-raising stopped me the other day, she bent down a little at the knees to my height and said to me (as though she was addressing a child) "Do you like doggies?" WHAT THE HELL LADYYY!? I'M 25 YEARS OLDDDDDDDDDD! FUUUUU~ she looked 40 years old, so it isn't like one of those grannies that almost have an excuse for talking to me like that. I'm five foot two AND A HALF, so I dunno why people like to make me feel tiny. I might be small, but I'm not teeny.....right?

    Heehee, making sure there's no loopholes is definitely part of the fun! That's an awesome one. It would definitley be good for impressing people too!

    Wow, you're making the states sound super poor. xD Your teeth are probably happy for that. Its fine, here, I'll repay you with my own ~ supposedly Coca Cola can remove rust from a penny. Nice, huh? Exactly what you want in your body, something that can remove the rust from metal.

    I should have been clearer. I meant in all TV/Film. Gah, ya don't need to have studied art history to have a favorite artist, hehe.

    Aww, glad you at least kind of get along.

    Sugar crash? That's a new one on me. ^^;
  10. View Conversation
    Ugh, hopefully wages isn't the reason, that just seems so pathetic. People will pick on any little thing, won't they? Why are people this way....

    Gotta take breaks, not taking breaks is only gonna hurt you. Oh, I'd not heard you guys are getting the heat too! It sure is strange. Guess its the whole global warming thing? This country is supposed to get colder rather than hotter though.

    Some say 2-3 days a week off, but you seem to wanna push it/get results fast. Definitely take off at least one day, for sure. Are you getting sick of working out?

    Awww, I don't get the joke? Sorry. I tried. >_< You mean, like...the others would still be more impressive (jokingly)? For sure, it seems like a better idea than going for the none-exercise plats as far as a persons health is concerned too. Speaking of trophies, I have the Asian version of Demon's Souls but the trophies display in English on my console, but I only just noticed today that if you view them on the PSN they go back into Chinese. Seems kinda strange, yet cool.

    ;______; you are so tall.... Why are people so tall? Oh least taller people are kinda nicer to hug, it's really nice when you hug somebody whose shoulder is near your head height so you can rest it comfortably, just below the shoulder, and it's almost like it belongs....*dreamy place* <3 Not many people have an ideal height, is there some special reason you wanted to be even taller? I'm glad you didn't do that also. Ew...their eyes are probably so creepy.

    Aw nice! Even a little is cool. Yeah, it would be awesome. Sometimes I daydream about...finding some kind of wish granty person, and have fun deciding what I'd wish for. >. > Anyways, one of my favorites is to be able to speak, write in, and understand all the languages of the world. I speak a miniscule amount of French and Japanese. Sometimes I (randomly) try to learn a new language, but I have zero talent for it, and a terrible memory. If you could learn one thing in an instant, what would it be? :3

    Must have done, the packet is totally different now too, seems like a shame. Why do they always gotta do that with yummy foods? Why try and improve upon perfection? Oh, I had no idea it was so bad over there, that's just awful. :< Guess times are pretty tough? Ah, that makes sense. :>

    What is your favorite genre? Hmmhmmm and whilst we're at it, do you have a favorite artist? ^^

    Haha, I guess. Aw, so you don't get along with your brother? early! My hat is off to you for getting up that early, girl! You morning bird, you. :>
  11. View Conversation
    For sure. :3's sad they can't just get on with their jobs. :| Maybe that is more of a problemo in America though, can't say I ever heard anybody giving some poor waiter/waitress any shit here., though it probably does happen, ugh.

    Aw, well that's good. ^^ For me it changes a lot, in the past sometimes I'd be on my exercise bike for 1-2 hours alone then some other stuff to boot later (or earlier) the same day, but at the moment it's probably 40 mins to an hour. Last winter it was too cold to motivate myself to do anything. ^^; Oh! Last winter was our coldest in over 100 years or something like that, but this winter was the third from warmest on record. Pretty awesome. Last year was just horrendous here.

    I should have mentioned this to you before, but you're supposed to take one day of rest per week. It isn't good for your health to work out every single day. You gotta give your body that recovery time or you're risking hurting yourself, plus it gives your body time to grow. ^^

    Thankies! It'll surely be worth getting for the real-life health benefits. :> Guess it would be something to be more proud of than any other platinum, huh?

    Gwah, sorry for the misunderstanding. >_< But hey, at least you got a freebie compliment for it. Oh yeah, speaking of your looks~ you look like you're probably really tall somehow, but it's hard to tell for sure from a picture. As a short English girl, I'm jealous. No-no, it's fine! Random facts are interesting. Just it was a pretty creepy one to picture. xD

    Do you speak any other languages than English? :> At least the quality of most companies translations is much higher than it used to be, huh? :>

    Oh, you gotta try one, man, they're awesome! A friend went to America once and brought me back a Hershey's bar, it was super yummyyyyy! It really excited me when I saw them selling them in a strange little shop that just opened up near here, but it tasted poop. Maybe I just got lucky with the first one? Bagels are nice with something, but I heard American bread, cheese, milk, and chocolate is all pants. It makes me curious to try compare them. What is heaven is Belgium chocolate though...silky, melty, chocolatly heaven. *drools*

    Watched Tokyo Godfathers today! There's some English (I guess fan?) subs around. Didn't like it as much as Black Swan, but that really was gripping stuff. Not surprised it was your favorite 2010 film, films these days seem to be getting worse and worse, but that one was really good. :> and my bro always got along really. He only got annoying in the last few years when it was all rage-y.

    Haha, thank you. All righty, shall just have to fix it myself. x3 Just what time have you been waking up at? Hm, it's how you feel during the day that matters with sleepy changes.

    No, but that sounds like it would feel weird and confusing as hell?
  12. View Conversation
    Yeah! Like that advice says "talk to yourself the way you would a friend." You seem really good at giving advice, so you should be able to advice yourself really well if you could manage that. Oh dear, is it that bad? A waitress should be able to just take her orders and bring back the food without being given trouble. :|

    Shame you're spoiled on the story, hopefully you didn't see the whole thing at least? You gonna use it as part of your routine now that you got your Wii out again? :> Aww man, I was gonna get the platinum for EA Sports Active 2, but I just noticed how insane some of the bronze trophies are. You gotta run for 621 miles, bike for 621 miles do some other activities for crazy distances...for BRONZE trophies. Gonna have a go at getting them anyways, that's one platinum that will make a person mega fit! Needless to say, very few people have the platinum even though a fair few folks own the game.

    Oi, you are pretty, okay? <3 Eww...that's really creepy...imagine having a picture of a dead relative? No thanks...strange fact, uh, thanks for sharing. xD

    Oh yeah, that sucks too! When they alter the lines. Playing Atelier Totori with Japanese language and English text pretty frustrating for that reason, actually. I don't speak Japanese, but I understand little bits of it, and it's constantly saying something pretty different in the text from what they're actually saying. >_< Yeah, it isn't important as long as you're being given the jist of things/still understand what's going on, but it still seems kinda naff. Like maybe they rushed the translation a bit?

    Don't you guys get Toblerone? It sounds like you know what one is, but you aren't too sure. Anyways, here is a picture just for you. ^^ But-but...that means less yum yums. :< He was a bit annoying once or twice, but for the most part he was very well behaved so no. It was a pretty nice visit, thank you. ^^

    Aww, now I went and reminded you. Um, let's pretend it was all very normal. If you find a way to get the convos to display properly, lemme know please! Every time I try to load one everything is mashed together. Never tried too hard to fix the issue though. ^^; Heeee, go you! Must make ya feel proud. Not sure I could get up that early myself. :>
  13. View Conversation
    Oh, Dodie.. clearly they were trying to be nice, but it isn't hard to imagine that it would make you feel rather unfeminine. When I moaned one time about being un-girly you said there was nothing wrong with it, that it was much better than being one of those prissy-pants type girls. You were right. Even without overcompensation, I think you would still plenty feminine. <3 *hugs* Good luck with your job hunt, lass!

    Aww, that's awesome! I'm happy for you! It would really suck having to buy something just so you could use a gift.

    Yeah, it was maybe just a nerves thing. After reading that though, I went back to your pictures and your eyes are full of (for lack of a better word) soul, so I dunno how much nerves could ever hide emotions? Oh, I'm probably just winding myself up (over some photographs I saw)... It's nice to have you say you'd be put off too though, makes me feel a little less silly, so thank you.

    Oh, that's fine. English dubs are kind of annoying anyway since the English voice "talent" is usually very wooden, or just doesn't seem to take what they're doing even slightly seriously. Subs make me happy. So which do you prefer? Subs or dubs? ^^

    Aw, it all makes sense now, thank you for that link. :3

    Seems wise to avoid the sickly, haha. Verrry good thank you! We had many foods. Whole Pringles tube, entire selection box, biscuits, French bread bacon sandwich, Toblerone desert where just some of the things I consumed yesterday. ^^;; Phew, working out seemed a bit tougher today as a result. What about you? Did you have a nice meal? Hopefully ate a bit more sensibly than me? Turned out the sickness was due to stupid the period starting. Figured there was no such thing as "too much food" really.

    Ah..maybe will catch you again at some point anyways. :> HMMM, well I remember making some awkward jokes about Facebook stalking and for some reason dancing whilst talking on MSN, and that's all, so...figured I must have been pretty weird with you! xD Oh yes, well done on the getting up early thing! Seemed like you must have been getting up at the very small hours of the day.
  14. View Conversation
    You still look plenty feminine, honey. ^^ I'm glad you aren't beating yourself up about it. Are you looking for another job yet, or you still just not up to it? :/

    Nuh-uh, you can make your PC charge the Wii Remotes (if your charging dock is like ours, anyway). ^^

    Aww, yay! grats on that! <3 Heehee, sounds like you had a fantastic Christmas. Glad you got some nice things after all. :> That still seems really naff how you NEED a motion plus to play it. Hope you enjoy your game lots when you get your motion plus. ^^

    You know how you can tell somebodies emotions by looking into their eyes? Would you feel bothered if you couldn't tell how somebody was feeling from their eyes from their photographs? Like if they looked a bit cold/empty, I mean.

    Thank you very much for the information there, will have to watch Tokyo Godfathers if you say it's good.

    Yeah, they are definitely girly things, wonder what made them think of girly eyelashes to make a guy look creepy?

    OH damn, I hope you & your folks don't catch it. :< Aw, yes, I did thanks. Feeling a bit sick myself, but that's probably because of stuffing myself silly yesterday. xD

    Have you been on MSN at all recently? Sorry, I think I was a bit weird last time, it was waaay past my bedtime which seems to mess with my head some nights.
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    Aww...when you got tough looking shoulders that means you probably got more potential to be tough though, right? Oh, so you don't have a job anymore? I'm really sorry, Dodie. *hugs* I hope you aren't feeling too terrible because of that.

    Hehe, damn kitties, huh? They're naughty but too cute not to forgive. <3 OH, there are battery operated ones, huh? That sounds like a nusience (can't spell xD).

    Haha,'s nice she offered even though she really objects to them.

    The only ones I've seen are Perfect Blue and Paprika (Didn't like Paprika). Do they have many films out? Her mum was horrible...there are parents out there like that though, right? Ew. :<

    It sort of reminds me of the film since it was hard to tell what was happening for real and what wasn't His eye lashes are kinda creepy for some reason too, right? xD

    Aww, I'm really glad you liked it! Heee, and that it made your day. :3 <3

    I hope you're having a marvelous Christmas, hun! Like, the best EVER! *Christmas cuddles* Gotta make this a little shorter than intended, low on time and I wanna wish everybody a happy Christmas. But yeah...I hope you're having a super-fantastic one!!
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