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    Hee, thank you for the vote of confidence, again. ^^ Yeah, what we need is some kind of confidence mirror so we can reflect it back at you.

    Heh, nice one! You sounded happier in the last two messages. Think it's related, or did something good happen? ^^

    Yeah, there's pretty much no way a normal person could be bothered unless they added two games per day, or something. Haha, good luck deciding in that case! Nah, too lazy to make animations (plus I think I might have forgotten how). That's an an animation of Vib-Ri the rabbid you play as in the game Vib-Ribbion. Such a simple but awesome game...maybe that should have been my pick for underrated game...

    Ah, but the shades you picked seemed perfect! Plus the composition is really good. Maybe you just have a natural eye for it, but oyu should be chuffed. ^^

    But...THEIR FAMILIES! Haha, that Peace Walker trophy (the one for killing nobody) was cake for me since I usually trank everybody anyway, but I guess it would have been tough for a bully like you, huh. xD

    Wow, cry even AFTER the film is over? You've out-done me, sir! Never had that happen...should I dare watch that film?

    Hahaha, there's no way I'd play it on Very Easy mode. x3 Yeah, only smelly people talk over the scenes. Aw, I thought you were gonna watch even if it had no voice. Hopefully my voice will stand up to the challenge, it's really wussy sounding so gonna have to try and speak up if my PC is tamed in time. Just nine days until release now!

    Edit: oh jeez....Konami Europe has done it AGAIN and moved the release date back to March 30th. Coz, you know, we're not allowed to get a Konami game first. Should probably be grateful to still be getting it in the same month. Might even just cancel it and wait for a price drop now tbh. Wasn't terribly impressed by some things I read in a review today and all this dicking around is a bit much.
  2. View Conversation
    Indeed. They probably figured they could catch a bigger break this way though.

    You don't think there should come a point when a person put their foot down? xD

    Maybe? You seem sure, which inspires confidence.

    Internet addiction is probably the hardest to break, huh? :/ I've broken the gaming one before, but internet seems impossible when ya got some really great buds online to
    talk with.

    Aaaah, backloggery! Had a quick look at yours. Your total count means it should be pretty easy for you to finish all of your games at least, right? :3 I have one too, but it's pretty out of date now (plus I was too lazy to add even half of my games in the first place) ~ HappyCake's Backloggery.

    Waah, you do the backgrounds too? "pretty good?" Don't you think that's a pretty big understatement? Your banner is awesome! Great work, Dodie! For a second (becuase it was actually early when I wrote this and saved it in notepad) I forgot what I was looking at and thought I'd opened some design to go on a card. It looks really pro. <3

    Aw, that's so mean! They have families you know?

    Yeah, silly sally! That's the game I mentioned I was gonna get the other day. It looks like a JRPG in the sense that they look like anime people, but it plays more like a survival horror. ^^ Hm, I should have read my emails with a bit more care. Seems they charged for the game and didn't send it out. Pretty weak.

    Hey, I want your opinion, please! Are playthroughs/Let's plays more entertaining when the player goes through on higher difficulties, or does it make no difference? Also, do you think it would be bad if there was a let's play with big gaps between the gamer saying anything? There's a chance I might be able to stop my PC being silly, but can't imagine I'd be able to keep blathering on and on like most people.
  3. View Conversation
    I like it too! I really like the flowery stuff in your vm box. It's pretty. I'm a huge nap enthusiast, heck! I'd nap right now if I could, even though I only woke up an hour ago. But I have to work in 20 minutes. Lol, thanks for stopping by. Reminds me of Anchorman. Have you seen it?
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    Not really sure about any of that stuff to be honest, it's just something I read.

    When they come over to Europe they need more subtitles added (like German ect.) and sometimes voices + localization. But in this day and age the European releases are usually later the same week. Back in the day we would sometimes have to wait for months and months for our versions to release. Apparently they actually delayed the MGS collection here becuase they decided they wanted it to come out for the anniversary for the series. >_>

    Haha, thanks. Gonna have to start taking it easy on the plats becuase it is getting kinda silly now.

    Hmm...it would probably be a smart move, but doubt that I will. ^^; It was something like £20 for a session (which usually lasted between 5-10 minuets).

    Got a bit of a computer posture? Hmm...yoga probably would be a smart thing for me to try. Nah, never even heard of it but it does sound barf-worthy. Bleh, this is a pretty depressing topic. :<

    Heh, you soldier bully. x3

    Played an hour of Fragile Dreams. It was really good so far! Apparently it starts off well but then turns pretty bad, but we'll see. Heehee, and Street Fighter x Tekken got sent out early so that'll be here on the same day it releases in America/tomorrow. Exciting gaming times ahead this week. <3
  5. View Conversation
    I've been meaning to say hello. So, HELLO! Lol. Oh and I really like naps too! And your profile page is awesome.
  6. View Conversation
    Yeeessss, thank you!
  7. View Conversation
    Hey Dodie, silly question, you know the thing in your sig where it says "show" and you put click at your own risk and then a load of other stuff is inside? How do you get that? ^^;
  8. View Conversation
    If that's the real art, I just might be doing the same
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    Oh, it's becuase they were in legal trouble with one of Silent Hill 2's original voice actors. They had already used his voice without consent, so he was kicking up some fuss. Anyway, he isn't a bad guy, he gave permission for them to use his voice for free because he wanted the fans to be happy. So yeah, since they didn't expect him to be so nice, they just went and re-dubbed the game...(badly). See, thing is, this is entirely being handled by Konami America and they clearly don't know what the fudge their up to.

    Could be worse though, could be Konami Europe. Then we would have gotten the collection next year. MGS HD collection only came out here about two weeks ago, and apparently it has glitched trophies... so glad I imported it last year. Speaking of which, I got the MGS3 platinum.The game is very short when you know what you're doing. :<

    At first it was once a week, but after a year or so it changed until eventually it was once a month becuase it wasn't so needed. It seems to stop having much effect after a long time, so it started to seem like a waste of money and I stopped going.

    Thank yew. <3

    Oh yeah? Will have to look into Yoga! Are you saying your spine isn't straight too? Man...that is sad. :/ We gonna have nine year old girls wanting surgery? Do you want a bigger bust for the same reason? :s Please learn to like what you have because I'm sure it's great. ^^

    WTF-ery is great. The snake was just kinda dumb. Aren't the WTF moments a big part of why MGS is fun?
  10. View Conversation
    One of the delays was probably for the reason you thought. Originally it was gonna come out in October or something, but a lotta stuff was coming out late Oct & early November. One will be becuase they managed to get all the original voice actors to sign off on their voices being used for SH2. But as for the rest...who can say! They've been ever so quiet. It's supposed to be out on the 20th of March, but we still only heard one characters voice from Silent Hill 3, and no trophy list yet.

    Must have been. :s It was confusing that people complained about what seemed like an amazing collection, but the frame drops really were terrible. Worse than any in FF13.

    They have dubbed Silent Hill 3 becuase supposedly they couldn't find one of the original voice actors (even though some small site journalist tracked her down for an interview in January...). Dunno if you know about all the drama with the new voices on SH2, but people were not happy after hearing them. Not surprised they're being very protective over the SH3 ones. Thankfully, enough fuss was made so there's now the option to have the game in the original voices for SH2 (but yeah, still not for 3). They didn't just re-do the voices on 2 though, if you select for the new soundtrack it also has different music. ;_;

    The worst part (?) is possibly the graphical changes they made (just becuase they could?). There's a scene at the very start with strange looking light fog, in the collection it's suddenly at night time, the background has been changed, the fog is different, and the ****ing streets have been CLEANED up (as in litter and dirt has been removed from the ground). One thing about Silent Hill is that it's SUPPOSED to look dirty. Dirty is gross. So what the **** do they think they're doing by cleaning up the streets? Silent Hill is basically a work of art, and they're messing with it. It's very annoying if you're a fan.

    Haha, that's true. There really are a lot of temptations on that site. ^^;

    Thank you. <3 I went to a Chiropractor for a couple of years. It isn't very pleasant, but it seems to have worked well, considering. They poke you ( ) pretty hard, and they have this little metal thing that kinda punches into you (hurts like a bitch when they use it on your neck). One time the guy started poking around on the weak side of my tummy, and it felt like his hand was going through into my insides...it was weird and crazy painful, but thankfully he only did it that one time. Don't really understand how it works at all, so that's all I can tell you, sorry. It's a very strange business though. Probably wouldn't hurt you half as much since you're normal.

    Oh yeah, I probably made it sound like I got a freaky body, but it has come a long way, and it doesn't actually look that strange back there anymore. The left side of my back is actually kinda beautiful, imo. xD

    But no no no no no no no, don't be thinking about something so extreme becuase you have a bit of bone sticking out. :s Yeah...if only there was something that could be done to help all the woman like that. Really breaks my heart. The human body is so beautiful, but so many girls would go to extremes like surgery to change theirs. And there are just so many unhealthy attitudes about. Like the other day a friend made it clear she thought breast size was attached to womanly, and becuase hers were small, that must mean she's masculine....this is, like...the most girly girl that I know. Do you think guys will
    go the same way eventually?

    It was pretty darned good. The bit where the bosses scar turned into a snake was terrible, but overall it was good. Had to fight back the tears too. xD Such a good game. <3

    Sorry, this one is pretty long. Possibly a bit of a ramble. ^^;
  11. View Conversation
    Oh yeah, guess that would be the problem with walkthroughs. >_< There's no way they ran out of disc space. They're really just that cheap. Maybe they'll announce another one with SH4 and Origins. >_> Konami have been really crappy recently come to think of it. They delayed the SH collection SIX times. They just delayed the Zone of the Enders one to Autumn, and towards the end of MGS3 it became apparent why people complained about the MGS collection. There are a lot of pretty nasty frame drops, saw a graphical error where somebody lost half their face for a scene (forget who), and the audio skipped during a different scene. Never played MGS3 past the start on the PS2, but I'm guessing there wasn't so many problems with it before?

    Then there's the dumb changes they made with Silent Hill for the collection, but I'll stop rattling on about it now.

    Shame you can't shop online, even the real oldies are usually pretty easy to pick up on Amazon.

    Think it will be fine since it's only three days a week? Gonna try it anyways. Yeah, dread to think exactly what he meant by "the gunk" of the human body though, ew. xD

    That's right. Hahahahaha >//< NO! That is not a good look for a lady. :s Only a handful of people know this about me but I have scoliosis., it has made my muscles grow abnormally in my back. The left side of my lower back is freakishly strong/dense muscle, whilst the lower right looks as though there's some missing (almost like the left leeched from the right). It may be impossible, but a big part of why I am so keen to gain muscle is becuase I would like to repair some of the damage done now that my spine is a lot straighter (thanks to treatment). That and my body looked so feeble before, it's not good to look so vulnerable.

    Don't get me wrong though, I love my body, despite its flaws. If only more girls loved their bodies, but for some reason they all seem so darned insecure over them. Sad times.

    Me beated Metal Gear 3! Got lucky and achieved all the gold trophies too. Such a good game. Feel like a real dummy for putting it off for so long.
  12. View Conversation
    Maybe next time? I believe in you. ^^

    Oooooh, right! That never dawned on me. ^^; That is kinda cool.

    It might be better searching up walkthroughs, those usually spare you from the dreaded commentary problem. Really though, why do 90% of those get done with people that have annoying voices? You don't encounter many people with annoying voices in the street. Do some people just sound more annoying when you can't see them? Only two and three are in the collection, how cheap is that? A lot of people complained since 4 and Origins are also PS2 games. They could have at least put in a download code for the first game, those tight bastards.

    Thank you! Guess that's to be expected when I own so many. Did it make you feel like looking into more different games? ^^ Haha, but that just shows you really love those games, right? :3

    Heehee, I'm glad. ^^ Ah, you always give the same story on that front. xD

    Hmmm....nope! It's good to do that anyway, of course. Apparently the intensity of your work out is more important than the quantity. What they say to do it get on an exercise bike and pedal AS FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN for twenty seconds, pause for a breather, do another twenty seconds, pause, then do a final twenty. Do that three times a week and apparently it's as effective at shifting fat to your muscles (which is where you want it to be for it to get burned off) as several hours in the gym. :s

    Carries on....

    They didn't say how much it would do for changing your shape, however.

    Apparently there are several ways your body deals with fat, sometimes it will move it to the expected/healthy fat deposits (like your ass ), but sometimes it will stuff it in around your organs (which is bad, obviously). It says that when you're moving about an enzyme is produced which causes your body to send any fat to the muscles which is the place it'll get burned off the easiest. So it's good to walk before you eat something fatty. ^^

    The best thing you can do is walk around as much as possible, one scientist type said you should never sit for a whole hour. Saying that the "gunk" of the body starts to collect if you sit for too long, ew. Even just standing is much better than sitting.

    Oh, and apparently genetics play a huge role in how your body responds to exercise. Some people's bodies barley respond at all. :| Explains mine.
  13. View Conversation
    Aww...I bet you could. He actually falls asleep sometimes, ya know? Plus it is easy to spot him becuase he leaves the cap off his scope so the sun catches it (and this guy is supposed to be the father of sniping?). Not at all! The game is so fun, it'll be my pleasure to play it through two, even three times!

    Why do you like them? Because they are unusual? They're kinda cool in a funny kinda way...but they really are a bunch of freaks. Oh right, did I forget a major plot twist in one of the other games? They talk so much that at times it's all in one ear and out the other. ^^; Thank ya, anyway. :3

    Yeah. ;_; No worries! We'll remedy that with the HD collection. ^^ Oh, the first one is pretty darned good too. Back in the day it was AMAZING, it won awards for its graphics as well. That's pretty funny, when you load it up now it hasn't aged well for a PS1 game. For some reason some of the walls look as though they're wobbling at times + they look paper thin. xD

    Hmmm...multi endings. <3

    Yep! Today is the big day! Numbah three-oh, baby!

    Um, Dodie? I know this probably seems random, but thanks. You talk to me pretty much every day and it still makes me happy to see replies from you. Thanks for being so nice to me all the time. I hope you are keeping well. :3

    Edit! There's a tv show on soon that's all about exercise. Apparently it has a work out that's just 3 minuets per week...hard to imagine that being effective, but apparently it is? Will tell ya about it after if you're interested? ^^
  14. View Conversation
    To be honest, I suck at a lot of games when I first start them, but yup, real fast learner with games so you'd soon never suspect. Yeah, it's really fun! Sort of having a lazy go at collecting trophies, then next run will be a trophy clean-up. :3 Partly hunting the animals just because it's enjoyable. Will probably go for the platinum, it seems like a really fun one to get. Snuck up on 'The End' and held him up for a trophy, that was a great one to do. xD Thanks for the vote of confidence! <3

    And wow, that game sure has a fine collection of freaks, creeps, and assholes, huh? Oh right ~ retarded question here. Is Ocelot a young Revolver Ocelot? Even though it wouldn't make sense for him to be so much older than Snake later? ^^;

    That is really terrible...how can they be okay with making sick people pay lots of money? :|

    Awww....heh...not many gamers in the toasty south of America? Naaaah, Silent Hill is pretty well known here (for a Japanese game). Haha, yeah...only way to cosplay as her would be in her wedding dress or mourning gown....

    That IS dumb, like, REALLY dumb. What the heck? Just in case you still never saw the trailer ~ Pandora&#39;s Tower - Trailer #2 - YouTube Hopefully if will work on this channel. Apparently it comes out here in April? But only one retailer has it listed and it has no release date on there. Seems strange. Will let you know if it's any good when I get around to picking it up. ^^

    Ah, hope inspiration strikes soon! Lemme know if you want a hand with the creation of it. ^^

    Just one more day left of the gaming challenge. Crackers stuff.
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    It probably would have happened by now if it was going to, right? ^^; All this stuff just goes straight out my head again, so there's not much chance of me becoming a very good trivia junkie. xD

    Kinda, uh...already got used to it! <3 Had a pretty damn good time playing it today. Probably not far in. Just got to the fairly dark cave. It's pretty fun hunting down all the animals. A better radar sure would have helped, they're kinda hard to spot before you get used to the game. But then you get the thermal goggles and everything is suddenly very easy, yeah...

    So that does happen? people get financially screwed after being sick? :<

    Aww...I hope you find some who like the same kinda stuff soon. That's the main reason I wanted to try cosplaying to be honest. I read it's a good way to make friends who are into gaming/anime. Only one of my pals offline is as big of a nerd as me. ^^; Met a fair amount of other girl gamers, but all of them were pretty darn casual.

    Yeah, one of the things that appealed to me most about cosplaying Heather was that it won't make me stand out much in public. Dressing up as Cloud or somebody like that then walking down the street would be kinda embarrassing. The amount of leg she shows is a bit embarrassing, but maybe it's time to stop being quite so old-fashioned, it'll only be the once, anyway... ^^;

    Basically (on Pandora's Tower) ~ there's a girl & a boy. Girl is cursed. Curse slowly turns you into a monster. Eating monster's flesh is the only way to stop the curse (the girl is a vegetarian, just for an extra sick little twist). Boy must hunt monsters for their flesh to save girl. There's also some relationship system in place. You can make her like you more by giving her gifts. Can't remember mucha bout it, but it looks damn good, and impressive for a Wii game.


    What does your avatar say, by the way? It's too small to read. :<
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