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    Thanks for the tip! Sure was some interesting stuff on a random Silent Hill forum.

    Sweet, thanks for the info. Played it a little this evening, but it was a little tough going to get used to the controls after so much Peace Walker. Shame it does that annoying thing that 2 did where you gotta be really careful about how you let go of the square button. ;_; Should get used to it again pretty fast though. It seems harder than the others, or am I just being suck? Got spotted a couple of times at the ruined building. ^^;

    Sure hope not, that price is just insane! What happens if you get seriously ill? They must rob you of all your cash...thanks! Will definitely come over on holiday one day. :3

    Aww...but maybe it'll be fun even without a bud? Maybe you'd make new buds. ^^ Gonna do Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3), it seems like a good one to start with since she's a cool character + shouldn't be too difficult to do. Haha, gotta do Tao one day if it becomes a thing after this.

    Will do! Hope you enjoy Last Story! Xenoblade Chronicles & Pandora's Tower look real interesting too. ^^ You probably already heard about them if you heard about Last Story though.
  2. View Conversation
    All righty! ^^ There didn't seem to be masses of interesting facts laying about, but thanks for reminded me about the tropes thing! Hopefully that'll have some more facts. Yeah, you survivor!

    Huh, they shouldn't have made him so annoying.

    One of these days will get on with MGS3...one of these days...is it a long game?

    Yeah, it can happen with glands, but I think you can usually feel the one on the other side a little big if one swells up real big? What? o_o And you say it isn't too costly? That's pure madness! Check-ups are FREE in this country...I wanna move to America one day, but that's kinda off-putting. ^^; Hopefully your condition will go by itself very soon. >_<

    Thankies! You should! Aren't there an awful lot of them in America? Possibly mainly up north, but there's probably something down there too. You know? I might be a bit old to start that kind of thing, but I don't give a ****. Gonna go dressed up. ^^ Haha, okay. Thanks for the advice! Well, I hope you meet the ones you wanna meet, then. :3 Will tell you all about how it goes, I'm sure. Speaking of cosplay, this is probbers, the best Lightning I've seen in terms of actually looking like the character (the costume is a bit cheap looking, though ) http://i.imgur.com/xyuwC.png :3

    Say, you got any of those JRPGs on the Wii? Some of them look interesting. Just ordered Fragile Dreams.
  3. View Conversation
    yeah, will have to get thinking about subbies. Informative playthroughs are pretty cool, huh? Maybe I should do some reading first. :3 Brave, or foolish? You might just live longer than moi in some situations. xD

    Maybe even Square hate Snow now? One of the developers must have at least seen a cat recently. xD

    Nope! why didn't I say what game...that was pretty 'derp' of me. I was talking about the work out game, sorry. >_< Wow...weird thing to put in the game, but okay! It'll probably make sense if I ever get to there, huh?

    Is that not just your glands have swollen? Normally I'd say go get it checked at least for some peace of mind, but they charge a lot in a America for check-ups, don't they? :/ If it isn't too costly, you should go get it checked for sure,

    Oh, might be meeting ViviMasterMage in July! I'm going down to Manchester for the Manchester Comic Con, so figured I may as well go say "howdy" at the same time. :3 You ever meet anybody from the internets before?
  4. View Conversation
    an earache? ouch, hope you get better from it, I've had a few of those here and there and those are quite nasty. Glad to have communicated about The Last Story, I was super excited about it when I heard the news on FB. Heres a tip from me, if you like the group page Wii U which has the icon of the tablet controller you can get some awesome insider information on games coming out. Thats how I know about Xenoblade coming to america and The Last Story.

    more helpful than ign imo, great for Wii U news as well ^^.
  5. View Conversation
    Hmmm...maybe it would be worth doing them in English. Videos of 13-2 seemed to take extra long to upload though (content effects file size). ;_; You think it is better to react during recordings? Nah, not me. I'll take a few steps back if I'm concerned, but don't think I ever run in the opposite direction! xD

    Aaah, no wonder you were scared, then. : <

    Poor cat, got an inflated head as well? xD

    Heh, yeah! I got 75% of the trophies on that game now. :3 Aww...no idea what effects the clock has in that game, but you still beat them!

    Aww....sorry about your ears. Hope you're feeling a bit better by the time you get this. :/

    I think somebody just has too much time on their hands and decided to put it to good use!
  6. View Conversation
    hey there, how are you doing today? i'm doing pretty well. (you might want to check the general gaming forum, major news there)
  7. View Conversation
    Wonder if anybody has just cut those out? That would be handy. Chances are it'll start with 3, then go through 2. An LP on those games from me might have been good since I won't get scared, but people would probably be expecting a girl to freak out at least a little at some point. xD

    Aww...you knew what it was, but you still got scared? That's kinda silly, but cute.

    It looks like it's trying to threaten you with its eyes, doesn't it? Its de-flated/caved in looking cheeks are what make it look really ugly to me. xD Snow cat has such tiny ears as well!

    This is gonna sound terrible, but I did think of doing that a bunch of times, but I was always too lazy to actually test it. ^^; Must try it though.

    Nope. Would I kid about a thing like that? I'm a very serious person. The scream is horrendous though, isn't it? Yeah, they actually look kinda cool. How threatening does the woman at the end sound? xD

    Ha ha ha ha. Not gonna happen unless Square hand it over to another company to complete. ^^;

    Here, I got another amazing thing to show you ~ Re: McMaNGOS - YouTube

    Sounds like Tidus is...um..enjoying himself? xD
  8. View Conversation
    That seems silly having an entire video of fighting random encounters in an RPG, especially in on like 13-2 where there's a bloody zillion of the damn things. As amazing as 2 is, and probably the better game in a few ways, I gotta say I like 3 a bit better. Possibly becuase the main character (Heather). Heather is probably the best designed female character out of all the games I ever played. Massive props to Konami Japan for making a strong (yet believably so) female main character who isn't overly sexualized. Nobody so much as hits on her. She is treated as any male character would be, basically. Pretty worried about the new voices they put on Silent Hill 3 for the collection, Heather had an absolutely phenomenally good job done on her in the original soundtrack.

    Aww...that's kinda cute. xD Do you kinda like to be scared? Since you watch horror stuff?

    It seems more mature not to care. Since you stepped back and realized that it IS often petty and just fear-mongering, most people just get sucked in...

    With most games you can just pop your game data on a USB key, so yes, it is easy. :>

    Ah, good! Nice one, Dodie.

    Don't you think it's pretty funny she found a hideously ugly FEMALE cat, and called it Snow? xD Here's a picture of Snow-cat http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx...hjyvo1_500.jpg xD You got a point though. Poor kitty.

    Thank you! Yep, no more doing workouts on different days from what the game wants. ^^; I'll even take it with me when visiting friends if I have to. xD

    Oh, and I recorded the 'crazy' Chocobo for you and a friend! Enjoy! xD 2012_2_21_12_26_43.MP4 - YouTube

    Dunno if you care, but apparently Persona Arena/fighting game will be out in Summer for U.S. <3 Import time, baybeee!
  9. I Have Maxed Out Serah And Noel All The Way Now, All 6 Roles Are Now lvl 99, I Have All Their Crystarium Bonuses Too. I Beat The Long Gui which Has 4,160,000 HP, And Earned The Trophy Giant's Fist(Deal 99,999 Damage With 1 Attack). I Think My Behemoth lvl 70 Got Me That Trophy, Cause Its Strength Is 1000+ Almost 1100! And The Long Gui Was Staggered At 999.9% So 1050 Something Times 999.9, = 999,900 Damage Minus A Few Things, But Still...DAYUMN! Although The Damage Cap Is 99,999 Damage, That Is Still Amazing. I Also Have Over 130 Fragments Out Of The 160.
  10. Yeah, I Know, It Kinda Sucks That The Story Isn't Long, But I Know Why. I Have The Collector's Edition Of The Official Guide Book To Everything About FFXIII-2. This Game Is One That The Player Is Free To Do Whatever They Want To, And Isn't Fully Story Based, Unlike FFXIII, Which It Explained That The Reason Why It Was Linear, Is Because The Game Was About Getting You To Listen To The Story And Marvel At The Scenery. It Was Story Driven, Whilst FFXIII-2 Is Freedom Driven, You Are Not Forced To Go Through The Story Until You Are Ready To Do So. And Once The Story Is Complete, You Can Still Play, And Get Things That You Could Not Get Before. I Still Would Like To Play Through FFXIII Though. I Like It When You Can Summon Things, Its Probly One Of My Favorite Features Of Any FF Game, Besides The Story And The Awesome Gameplay.
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    If only. My PC objects to editing large videos. It isn't a bad PC, there's just something on it making its memory usage spike every now and then. Yeah, pretty long. Mostly just recorded the scenes and a little bit of the exploring to save time (plus nobody wants to see every random encounter ), Aww...okay! <3 I feel motivated. It will be a good one! Guessing you'd be more interested in a Silent Hill 2 run, though? What's it like to scare easy? Do you do things like literally hide behind the sofa? xD

    Hm, just gotta decide which YouTube channel to whack 'em on now. :>

    Politics are boring anyway. Best to pretend they don't go on.

    Yeah, but only becuase my fat PS3 started to crash. It crashed a few times on Uncharted 2, Bioshock, and FFXIII so it seemed like it was time to replace it. It started to sound like a mini tank as well...until I got my Slim PS3, when it magically became quiet again and hasn't crashed since...sod's law, huh? Haha, that is amazing reasoning. xD The coolest thing about the slim is if you have a HDMI cable and a Sony Bravia TV then the PS3 slitches itself on when you turn the TV on, and when you turn the TV off it switches the PS3 off. <3 Really good for when you forget to turn your PS3 off. ^^;

    Yeah, kinda? But then again it sucks when you're bored as a kid and the day just seems to take forever. So is your sleep fine? ^^

    You just need a model viewer. ^^ Butz...it's funny? xD Nyan Snow is just great. You seen a picture of Serah's cat Snow? It's SO ugly. xD
    Anyways, I don't recommend it since I'm not sure if it's actually legal to rip the models and mess around with them.

    Woo, got my trophy for the main workout this morning. Didn't get the one for missing no workouts in a routine, though. ;_; I thought you could make up the ones you missed and the trophy would still pop, but I guess not. Thankfully there's a shorter (3 weeks) one, that you have to do for the platty anyway.
  12. View Conversation
    Silent hill 2 is the fan favorite, for sure. Silent Hill 3 is bloody brilliant too, mind. Maybe I'll go for a full recording? Kinda worried it'll make me nervous and that will make me screw up a lot though. ^^; Oh yeah, I've done a full playthrough of Atelier Rorona, Atelier Totori, Soul Reaver & Syndicate Wars before (all on YouTube), so it's probably stupid to worry. Been years since beating Silent Hill last though.You should be all badass and do it lights out! Can't wait to try HD Silent Hill with the lights out. <3

    Yeah, it's shocking. Square, you are shocking! Oh well, let the rich kids buy it, then the rest of us can watch it on YouTube.
    It's kinda surprising they let people upload all that stuff onto YouTube, isn't it? Game companies probably lose a fair amount of money becuase of YouTube.

    Thank you! <3 Hmmm...well some people said they left their PS3 on all night and didn't get the trophy that's tied to it...so...maybe? My trusty rubber band got it for me after it had been left running for about ten minuets.
    I picked it up yesterday then "put it somewhere", so I settled for a different one, then left my fat PS3 on for over an hour with no luck, then I had to turn it off becuase it started making funny sounds (my fat one is dodgy). Then after turning that off I realized my trusty band was actually on my wrist over my jumper. ^^;

    So I turned on my slim PS3, and the trusty band got me my trophies pretty much right away, for it is indeed very trusty (cool story, bro?). <3

    Sad? That time passes us by so fast? Oh yeah, hope your sleeping is okay. :<

    Yes. Yes, it is. That is...Gnome-Snow. Or....Snow-Gnome. xD Gnome Snow is best (living) Snow. Ah, the bit sticking out the top is just the best, Snow is a real knob-head now! xD Whoever made these is obviously some kind of genius.
  13. View Conversation
    You should get on MSN.

    EDIT: Damn it, woman! Maybe I'll catch you tomorrow.
  14. View Conversation
    Gonna do at least the fist ten minuets of Silent Hill 3 and/or 2 HD when that comes out, mostly just so people can decide if they still want it or not (becuase Konami America seem to have made a mess of it). Kinda decided to take one for the team with pre ordering that collection.

    Edit 1: but my voice isn't purdy enough for an LP. So just silent playthroughs. :<

    Hopefully they haven't messed with Silent Hill too much becuase I really really love those games.

    Well, I hope Square bless you witht hat collection of yours sooner than expected. Man, there's an interview in the back the offical collectors guide and it's just embarrassing how many questions they reply to by saying they'll be answered via x-planned DLC. xD

    Hm, not totally sure since it is partly luck-based, but should get that Final Fantasy 13-2 platty soon. :> You can make the slot machine game play itself, but the chances of winning it are a fair chunk reduced if you do. But it still seems 100000x better than sitting there playing it yourself. Just gotta stick a rubber band over the controller and let it do all ze work for you.

    Edit 2: I got the platinum.

    Guess there can't be many days left now! Amazing how fast the time goes by, huh?

    Oh, remember that Serah face on MSN the other day? There's a similar derpy Snow one by the same person that you might like. xD
  15. View Conversation
    Shame it's too late for it to be worth doing my own now, but whatever, there's bound to be several decent ones hiding by now. :>

    Okay, hopefully you don't mind waiting a really long time. You're right though. Maybe they will eventually release a full version since they seem to be doing SO much dam DLC for it.

    Oh, is it just the DS version that didn't sell gewd?

    Okay, it'll be our little secret. ^^

    If you miss a day on your gaming challenge does that mean you failed? xD
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