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    It feels surprisingly clone-y. Whatever that means. Except I can now by alcohol for minors. Which is fantastic.
  2. View Conversation
    thats exactly it, besides, i won't be able to take my computer places always and what if my computer doesn't work anymore? and i plan on making good use with my snes. one of the games that comes with the snes i might get is Breath of Fire and i'm getting it free!
  3. View Conversation
    hey, wanted to let you in on an interesting update. i'm deciding to trade in my n64 because i really want a super nintendo again and this one lady who contacted me on my email from craigslist is doing just that and the system comes with games so if this works out i might be getting one again ^^. i'm looking at different snes games to see what i would pick up along with the snes lol.
  4. View Conversation
    Well I got to the end of Chapter 13, now all I must do is fight the final boss fights; no more "normal" enemies. Just got to walk up to the "next destination" point and bam the final rumble begins. But that will have to wait till tomorrow as I must go to bed now because I have work in the early morning.
  5. View Conversation
    Thanks for the Han Solo bit.

    Right now, I'm blazing through chapter 13 using Deceptisols to aid me so I don't have to fight everything. I'm in the "beat this game now mode" where I rush to the ending.
  6. View Conversation
    I'm in chapter 13!!!! Yay for me.
  7. View Conversation
    Traps are pretty difficult to get and they take a loooooooong time. Unfortunately post game turns into a giant grind against huge tortoises.

    Hahaha. Yeah, I noticed that my first time playing through. I guess she understands chocobo - somehow. But it is a pretty weak plot device, nonetheless, because they don't even mention in the almighty Datalog. Speaking of humans understanding weird languages, I always wondered how the hell Han Solo knew wookie.
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    I'm mid-way through Chapter 12. I finally upgraded my weapons and some accessories. And now I'm done upgrading; I did it all at once. I got all characters with their weapon to the second teir and each weapon is maxed. So, if I had some traps I could get their ultimate weapon but I don't but I know I can beat the game b/c I'm stronger than last time. Mwahahahahaha
  9. View Conversation

    Thanks for telling me, Dodie! I wouldn't have noticed! I'm sorry about the little trouble I'm giving you! Hehe! I love you! <3 I'm so hyper as well! =D
  10. View Conversation
    It will really pick up if you get back to playing through the storyline. I remember when I started the game, I stopped playing after the part where you take Rydia along. When I got back to playing the game, I was more inclined to play and I really got attached to the story afterwards.
  11. View Conversation
    Unfortunately, for the game, I really enjoy chapter 11 because that is when the player finally gets all the freedom; I, however, don't like chapter 11's part of the story as it is pretty lame/filler. I say unfortunately because I would prefer if I greatly enjoyed more of the game than I do.

    Good Luck. After beating Raines you don't have much farther to go. Then you'll be facing off against the fiends of Pulse. Difficulty definitely spikes in chapter 11.
  12. View Conversation
    where are you at in the storyline?
  13. View Conversation
    Thats cool, I really like it myself. The voice acting and the augments are my favorite part of the game. I'm currently doing a second playthrough of the game and its on my game clear file so i can keep the augments and i still have all the other features from the game except the items and equipment i collected and my levels reset too.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, i'm currently in the underworld area and i'm getting close to the end of the game. A few days back I was just at the beginning with Kain in my party.
  14. View Conversation
    so i've been playing FFIV DS like mr zarg there haha, do you own the DS version?
  15. View Conversation
    The Fifth Ark does have a cutscene that reveals more of the plot, which I liked because the characters are focused way more than the plot. I don't mind the characters have a lot of screen time but I need a balance. It doesn't help though that I don't like a couple of the characters, but if they handled them differently, added more themes into the game, and focused a bit more on the plot as well I could've not cared about the game being so restrictive. But back to getting through FFXIII: I don't find it that much of a pain, I know my second time through there I didn't fight all the enemies because I was rushing to Gran Pulse.

    What is stopping you from completing the Fifth Ark?

    Also, I think the Fifth Ark isn't that bad because the player is able to finally form their own parties, a bit of freedom, compared to chapters 1-9 (excluding the last part of chapter 9). Though, I don't mind chapters 1 & 2 as they were the setting (TBH they should've been just one chapter). Chapter 3 isn't that bad though there are some scenes where I got annoyed by Hope and Vanille. Chapter 4 is eh, something should have happened in that chapter, along with the character interaction, to spruce up the plot. Chapters 5 & 6 I lean to not liking because after chapter 2 there is nothing to the overall plot, just character development and these two chapters are dragging me for more. Which is why I like chapter 7 it gives us a little something. Ch. 8 was too damn short and that great either as there was more character development and very little plot.
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