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    If we ever see her or any other celebrity I will make sure to snapshot the screen.
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    There is a new twist to my tale of chatroulette!!!! After doing some quick research on wiki, there has been confirmed sightings of celebrities such as: Ashton Kutcher, Paris Hilton, Perez Hilton, Chris Brown and some other people. Jessica Alba has been reported being seen up there and one person said that she had a 10 minute conversation with Jessica. So I think I am convinced that she was tricking us not when she said she was Jessica but when she said she wasn't. Jessica Alba visiting that site is unconfirmed but since others have reportedly saw her I'm convinced that we did see Jessica Alba.
    There is one problem though about the youtube video. She chose such a basic name [2 stupid people] for the title that it would take a long time to find it; that is if she even did put it up on youtube and wasn't joking around with that.

    We really didn't talk much; we danced, sometimes a bit gay-like (nothing sexual though)- to attract attention. A lot of people laughed, gave us thumbs up, and some joined in. We did talk to the occasional person but it is not a site for everybody. There are plenty of guys who have their "stuff" out even though the rules say nothing pornographic which then the person seeing thier "stuff" would report them.
  3. View Conversation
    So, while waiting for my girlfriend to get off, my friend and I found a site we had never heard of before - Chatroullete. In case you are unaware of this site, the basic purpose of it is to allow people from around the world to chat and see each other through a web cam; a person must have their camera enabled otherwise it won't let you play the "game".

    So while goofing around, in part due to the mojitos we had, on this new site we came across a new "partner". When we first saw her [our new partner] one thought struck our mind - she looked just like Jessica Alba, seriously. We asked her and she said "yes" but after some more chatting she revealed the truth that she wasn't Jessica Alba and said she was going to put the video of us on youtube. Which reminds me I should check to see if it is there.

    But yeah, she looked just like her. As if she were her twin.
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    It was that Square forum, actually. ^_^ I found out that the webmistress at Divine Designs was a member there but got banned. XD I lvoe the style there, though, because they have more of a freestyle (outside a rectangle).

    Yeah, I suppose it was. =) The caramel was good, though. Oh, I need one of those giant chocolate things! 8D

    Oh, it was him? I think they did a song together called Broken or something. You know that song Fireflies by Owl City? Yeah...the lyrics are stupid. ^_^' Aww, that's terrible. D=
  5. View Conversation
    Thankies~! 8D I picked up the color bit on that other forum, too! ^_~

    But...there weren't many kinds. >.< It was just some people selling candy bars at my church this morning. =3 I bought a caramel and a rice crisps one, for a dollar each, but I wanted a white chocolate bunny. x3 OH, MY GOD, I WANT ONE, TOO! D=

    Also, i have another Evanescence song for you. =D YouTube - Evanescence - Call Me When You're Sober The thing I like most about this song is the fact that Amy Lee wrote the lyrics EXACTLY like what she's feeling, without hiding it in metaphor. It's a change from her style, which is very unique. <3
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    Not really.

    Hmm... I think this calls for...
    *Whips out Stereo and plays Advent: One-Winged angel at full blast*
  7. View Conversation
    Happy easter!


    Good News Dodie! VMM is voting FOR sephy!
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    Naw, just coloring like I did in my avy, to bring out the sharpness and intensity of the other minor colors in the piece. ^_^
    Thank youuu! =D And you're so lucky. D= NO ONE GAVE ME ANYTHING. The only chocolate I had, I bought myself. ='
  9. View Conversation
    Ah, I get it. =D I think I may need to fix some coloring, though. =) But thankies!

    And HAPPY EASTER!! <3<3
  10. View Conversation
    it would be interesting to see you beatbox flute XD
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    Ralz is going on and on and on so I have to complete it! Even if it's not my will to do so! I just think that constantly pressing X is boring and then it gives you ultra hard bosses to fight right afterwards. It's not exactly boring me but it should give me more to do!

    Yeah, that's where it came from! It was an April Fool's joke and I just made it for the lolz. My friend always says that bottom line so I thought I would add it! =3 Nice to know that someone laughed. xD

    Oh! Well, I got Nestle chocolate and Aero chocolate but like I said, no Easter egg. =( Oh, God. Please don't tell me that you like Cadbury's creme eggs. Those things make me hurl. I mean, I just can't stomach them.
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    Hehehe! Finally! Someone else who has the game but can't get into it. I'm on chapter 4 at the moment and feel EXACTLY the same as you do. Fate and Ralz are telling me to get further but I just don't feel like I did with the previous titles. At least I'm not alone!

    I did that as well! xD But I bought Soul Silver and I'm engrossed in it.

    Well, it sounds like my life as well! =3

    Thanks and it has. I didn't get any Easter Eggs this year but I don't care!
  13. View Conversation
    What's new with you, Dodie?
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    Actually the eliminations were not suppose to start for another 2 months. I controled the hero, villian and member eliminations last year and was planning on hosting them again this year.

    I did it for the lull of the summer months to help increase activity. Oh well. What ever floats everyones boats.
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    Yeah, it's been a while. Since February 18th, in fact. Decided to take some time off TFF. I got SO much done... like playing more video games, and getting a new job that didn't last, heh... Hope yer doin' well. Happy Easter, ma'am. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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About Dodie16
I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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