You get Mini-Shiva
*spits in da vending machine*
ohh what will I get ?!
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You get Mini-Shiva
*spits in da vending machine*
ohh what will I get ?!
You recieve a book of manners dripping in saliva
*Insers disfigured my little pony toy*
you get a whole pony :)
*inserts a sock*
Me: Eeek! Pony *Hugs*
Im so happy now...I feel like giving back to my fellow man!!
You recieve my extra copy of my Loveless manga # 3!
*Inserts my email bored send me a message!*
*Sends message back to ranger "Thank you very much! Your sig makes me laugh!"*
You recieve a Japanese/ English Dictionary!!!
*Inserts a book full of all my very cool yet oh so disturbing signatures!*
You get a cool but disturbing person!
it just happens to be Marluxia
*slips coin in slot while backing away*
do di didi!
You receive Key Item Organisation XIII Cloak!
neat! a vending machine! (puts in an I.O.U )
Girl Next Door - Naughty Magaine!
*puts coin in*
a chocobo jumps out and eats the coin!
(puts in the Sword of Truth)
you recieve the sword of truth... INTO YOUR CHEST
*puts in guitar*
You recive key items guitar pieces.
*puts coin in*
You recieve a lock of sephrioth's hair o.O
*inserts kefka*
you recieve sephrioth
*puts sephrioth in*
you recieve Kefka
*puts a pair of socks in*
you recieve a pair of shoes
*puts +1 shortsword in*
you get a shortsword and a + 2 scabbard
(puts in my hamlet script)
you get vincent's handgun!
*inserts coin worth 9,999,999,999,999,999,999 gil*
You recieve an I.O.U. for 9,999,999,999,999,999,999 gil (how is a machine gonna pay it back o.0)
*Put in giant's spear*
you get a tiny spear! perfect for when you play with final fantasy action figures! lol
*puts in IOU*
gets flooded with 9,999,999,999,999,999,999 gil in 1 gil coins
*puts on boat*
you get yelled at! No boats near the vending machine! lol
inserts can of PWNAGE
The machine rips you off.
*puts in dark matter*
you recieve 9999 damage
*puts in phoenix down*
You recive a Bomb that self destructs
*puts Yuna's left ear in*
you get a one eared yuna cursing at you
inserts Cloud's head
you recieve geostigma
*puts in buster sword*
you get the 7ft Katana
*inserts yuffie*
recieves shuriken to the face (HA revenge)
*inserts despair*
you get a kunai in the face!
MUAHAHAHHAHHAHA that was MY revenge on YOU
*inserts your blood*
you get a clone of me
*puts kunai in*