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Thread: How ripe are your melons?

  1. #1
    Shake it like a polaroid picture How ripe are your melons? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    How ripe are your melons?

    Yes, the inuendo was intended.

    No, we won't be discussing the finest female shapes in this thread.

    I was just eating a cantaloupe, and it tastes like alcohol. Which is normal, I guess, since it's been cut in half and put in the fridge for like 3 days.

    My question is:

    Do you like your fruit to be just-not-ripe?

    Or do you like the alcoholic aroma and flavour that comes with slightly overripened fruit?
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-13-2009 at 07:11 AM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  2. #2
    Ahahaha xD! Oh RagnaToad <333

    I like my melons to be more on the ripe side. Nice and firm - but still juicy. I like to feel the melon in my mouth crunch and then seep out its glorious juice.

    To be honest I haven't tried an over-ripened one before. I may just put this onto my agenda...

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  3. #3
    Sir Prize How ripe are your melons? Sinister's Avatar
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    Some fruit you have to let sit, one way or the other. Pinapples, for instance. Those wonderful bromeliads... You cut one open, ring it and start eating... Before long you start to notice that your spit is a little pinkish... You go into the bathroom and notice you're bleeding from your mouth because the fruit's enzymes got the better of you. You have to let it sit overnight.

    But I prefer fresh fruit, as always. Pomegranates, Cranberries, Cherries, Apples...etc....


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  4. #4
    Well I really don't like fake melons. I like my melons just right. Also, I wish melons got you drunk.

  5. #5
    Registered User How ripe are your melons?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Some fruit you have to let sit, one way or the other. Pinapples, for instance. Those wonderful bromeliads... You cut one open, ring it and start eating... Before long you start to notice that your spit is a little pinkish... You go into the bathroom and notice you're bleeding from your mouth because the fruit's enzymes got the better of you. You have to let it sit overnight.
    I love pinapple, but I always wondered why my mouth hurt after eating too much. I thought it was the acidity. Now I know.

    Anyway, back on topic.

    I eat watermelon and cantaloupes. I like my watermelon a little mushy, but my cantaloupes have to be firm. I don't think I've ever eaten an over-ripened cantaloupe.

    I enjoy other fruit as well. Tomatoes are great. Yes, they are a fruit. Cranberries are good. I like strawberries, especially dipped in chocolate. Raspberries are pretty good, but the seed get stuck in my teeth. Now, that I think about it, I enjoy too many fruits to list them all.
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  6. #6
    A thread about breasts would have been infinitely better. Perhaps a "Post Your Breasts" thread or something (clothing on, of course).

    As for fruit, I buy mine from the supermarket, so it is always somewhat rotten.

  7. #7
    Freezing Ring! How ripe are your melons? Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Well we have our own garden so... Yea XD
    I like mine to be juicy =D We put them in the fridge for awhile and cut them into cube shape's. It's really good when you put watermelon, strawberry's, and canalope on a kebab stick ^^. I really love melon's, just... Sweet and juicy ^^
    Oh BTW They wouldnt alow a topic about "post your breast's" Well maybe if they had bra's on but... It clearly say's in the rule's that: • ANY bare "private" body parts. Breast's.
    Bye ^^

    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 08-10-2009 at 03:24 PM.

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  8. #8
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. How ripe are your melons? Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I love pinapple, but I always wondered why my mouth hurt after eating too much. I thought it was the acidity. Now I know.
    AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE. I'm sorry. I had to do it. It's an illness.

    I, for the most part, like my fruit ripe or a little under ripe. A couple of fruits I like overly ripe. Peaches, pears, nectarines, that sort of jazz. I can only eat bananas while they're green.

    Oh, and I support Breast Thread.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  9. #9
    Bananarama How ripe are your melons? Pete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Well I really don't like fake melons. I like my melons just right. Also, I wish melons got you drunk.
    Vodka watermelon, man. Cut a small, maybe half dollar size hole in a watermelon, and load it up with vodka or light rum. let it sit overnight and get drunk on melon. Glorious.

    As for my preference, I like C's and D's myself. Oh, and watermelon and cantaloupe aren't bad either
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    A thread about breasts would have been infinitely better. Perhaps a "Post Your Breasts" thread or something

    As for the fruits, the only melon I tend to eat regularly is watermelon. It's probably the high water content, but I haven't noticed any huge change in the taste from leaving it alone a little longer.
    victoria aut mors

  11. #11
    I do what you can't. How ripe are your melons? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Size doesn't matter to me, as much as proportion. You put big ol' melons on a little woman, like she's got to try to keep from falling over, and that ain't right. My lady now has nice B's, but she's a smaller girl, so it works out perfect. You take a taller or bigger woman, though, and she's got to have bigger melons.

    There's an ad for "King o' the West Honeydew Melons" right on top of this quick-reply box, too. They're here, but not for long. Get 'em at Pubix ... err, Publix.

    As for cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, etc. ... I like 'em. Especially cantaloupe. I like my cantaloupe and honeydew a little softer, but my watermelon a little harder. Cantaloupe and honeydew have to develop their flavor, so they have to be fully ripe, but you can't leave watermelon too long or it'll get mushy.

    And you don't just pour a little vodka into a hole in a watermelon, Pete. You cut a SMALL hole in there, maybe the size of a quarter. Then you turn the bottle upside-down and leave the entire thing in there overnight, at least. For a full day, day and a half, that's better. When you crack it open, if there's too much liquid, drain it into a cup and drink it. It's also good to use a fruit-flavored vodka, or something like Apple Pucker or something, that is if you're making it for some ladies, or you're just a pansy.

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  12. #12
    Gingersnap How ripe are your melons? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone here is nearly spectacular enough to say that a woman must have breasts of ANY size to be attractive herself (here's a hint: there is no "spectacular enough"). Hopefully you have the depth to see past mounds of fat, and see the woman lugging them around. Nor does any young woman on this board (well.... perhaps there are a few exceptions) need or desire the kind of attention and validation you all are hoping she'd want from you enough to participate in a "breast thread."


    Oh, you were joking? Me too, lol.

    I like my fruit sweet but still a little tart. So not overly ripe. It's a texture thing. If my bananas have a little green on the tips but are yellow everywhere else, they are perfect to me. Pervert that however you want, I don't care.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 08-11-2009 at 11:42 AM.

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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I don't think anyone here is nearly spectacular enough to say that a woman must breasts of ANY size to be attractive herself
    It's not size...And they're cool, unarguably.

    And Pete, I was talking about getting drunk off of ti tties, not fruit!

  14. #14
    How ripe are your melons? rJ floW's Avatar
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    If they're not the ****in juiciest melons they are just a ****ing waste. FF's or nothing. You cant have fun with anything smaller. and I speak from experiance....a very very VERY experianced lifestyle with sex drugs and alcohol. You cant motorboat with a Kayak and you cant get that nice ****ing visual every man likes seein from below! **** A'S!!!!!!
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  15. #15
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Oh, you were joking? Me too, lol.
    I wasn't joking.

    Nor does any young woman on this board (well.... perhaps there are a few exceptions) need or desire the kind of attention and validation you all are hoping she'd want from you enough to participate in a "breast thread."
    A guy can still hope though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch
    you can't leave watermelon too long or it'll get mushy.
    Around how long does that take? I seem to eat mine before it goes mushy so I wouldn't know, but it'd be handy info for future reference if I get a too well stocked fridge or a lot of leftovers or something.
    victoria aut mors

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I don't think anyone here is nearly spectacular enough to say that a woman must breasts of ANY size to be attractive herself (here's a hint: there is no "spectacular enough"). Hopefully you have the depth to see past mounds of fat, and see the woman lugging them around. Nor does any young woman on this board (well.... perhaps there are a few exceptions) need or desire the kind of attention and validation you all are hoping she'd want from you enough to participate in a "breast thread."


    Oh, you were joking? Me too, lol.

    I like my fruit sweet but still a little tart. So not overly ripe. It's a texture thing. If my bananas have a little green on the tips but are yellow everywhere else, they are perfect to me. Pervert that however you want, I don't care.
    Is Alisyn becoming a feminazi? Say it ain't so!

    I can't speak for those who agreed with me, but a breast thread would be far and away the best thing to happen to TFF since the ass thread.

  17. #17
    Sir Prize How ripe are your melons? Sinister's Avatar
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    Ease off the Feminazi bullshit... I know it sounds like an attack, but Ally's being generous in assuming a certain level of maturity of our board members and trying to provide a disclaimer for all of the rather frank and fixated male speech...

    In reference to the idea of a breast thread... That would run contrary to several rules of decency that this forum upholds... I'm not above admitting that such a thread would definitely rate's not on topic and not in-keeping with our age group and purpose.

    Last edited by Sinister; 08-11-2009 at 07:50 AM.

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  18. #18
    Bananarama How ripe are your melons? Pete's Avatar
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    Aw, she's just uppity about her A's.

    Sasquatch, that's what I usually do, but I was really just too lazy to explain the entire process. And it's true, things do have to be in proportion. Thinner girls with huge racks just don't seem natural, and thicker girls (not fat, mind you) with nothing upstairs also don't seem "right". But yes, Ally is right, and that personality is a major factor in attraction. HOWEVER, I do want to say that physical attraction often does come first, because I dunno about you guys, but when I SEE a girl that I'm attracted to, it makes me want to get to know them, because hey, I like what I see, may as well get to know if I like the rest of them. A girl with a great body AND a great personality and mind, is a winner.

    And quite frankly, when you ask a question involving melons, you're just begging for the innuendo. Rags even stated that. It's like if I made a thread referring to owls. I would undoubtedly get replies about hooters. Though, it also is true that he did say this wasn't a thread about boobies.

    Also, honeydew melons are quite tasty. I like them in little balls, like if you were to scoop them out with an ice cream scoop, and thrown in the fridge for a day.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Aw, she's just uppity about her A's.

    By the sounds of things, so are you.

    I'd support a boob thread, because I like boobs. I use mine effectively, but not for feeding babies. But we'd need some kind of male version or it would just be voyeurism; Ass Thread 2?

    As for fruit, I really don't know. I eat fruit. It tastes nice mostly. I think I'll go for ripe.

  20. #20
    #LOCKE4GOD How ripe are your melons? Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    In reference to the idea of a breast thread... That would run contrary to several rules of decency that this forum upholds... I'm not above admitting that such a thread would definitely rate's not on topic and not in-keeping with our age group and purpose.
    Lo and behold!

    But yeah, it depends on the fruit. Nectarines are bloody good off the tree, but I like my melons a few days old. And what the Hell is a "cantalope"?

    Sounds like an antelope.

  21. #21
    Shake it like a polaroid picture How ripe are your melons? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha Weapon View Post
    And what the Hell is a "cantalope"?

    Sounds like an antelope.
    It's a kind of melon.

    I think it's the same as a rockmelon, but I'm not sure.
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  22. #22
    Asking all the personal questions. How ripe are your melons? RamesesII's Avatar
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    I learnt that artificial ripened bananas if placed with other fruit can ripen the other fruit if not over ripen it to quickly so go eat some natural ripened bananas.

    As for my melons i like my watermelon hard and crunchy i hate the mushy soft watermelons, my Rockymelon i mean Rockmelon firm and dripping with juice ... and thats about all the melon i eat.

    If i want something that tastes like alcohol i just go to my pantry and firmly grip my finest bottle of Scotch whiskey around the slender neck of the bottle and slowly very slowly screw i mean unscrew the lid and watch the amber brown liquid cascade out of the bottle in to my favorite glass that would be previously filled with crushed ice and then press my lips against the edge of the glass and feel the ecstasy of my body as the tingly liquid slides down my wet throat, and the i lick my lips and go all gooey as the whiskey intimately burns my lips and then i savor the last taste of my alcohol on my tongue as my knees collapse from under me and i enter a euphoric state also know as pissed.

    If i want something that tastes like alcohol i drink alcohol not eat fruit.
    Last edited by RamesesII; 08-13-2009 at 07:41 AM.
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  23. #23
    Sir Prize How ripe are your melons? Sinister's Avatar
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    That's because all ripening plants exude ethylene, which is the most common plant hormone. It's a ripening agent. It is the cause of the old saying, "one bad apple ruins the barrel." The ethylene released by one rotten piece of fruit causes a chain reaction and they all over-ripen and rot.


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  24. #24
    Asking all the personal questions. How ripe are your melons? RamesesII's Avatar
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    I am not talking about rotten fruit or over ripened fruit just normal bananas they can make other fruit ripen quicker they must produce a higher quantity of ethylene. I have always been told that if you need a piece of fruit ripened just place it next to a banana for a day.
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  25. #25
    Sir Prize How ripe are your melons? Sinister's Avatar
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    Well, all fruit pumps out Ethylene soon as they're picked...

    But that's interesting...specifically bananas? Actually, I think I've heard this mentioned before... That they have trouble ensuring ripeness when they're shipped...or something so they have to use slight refrigeration...


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  26. #26
    Asking all the personal questions. How ripe are your melons? RamesesII's Avatar
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    I know that naturally ripened bananas have the ends dipped in wax to preserve their ripeness and/or help prevent the infection of pests. Oh look i almost did a one liner, but when you think about it bananas do ripen quite quickly more than most fruit so they would have to exert more quantities of ethylene than most other fruit.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
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    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  27. #27
    Shake it like a polaroid picture How ripe are your melons? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Sin basically said what I was going to say.

    Anyway, bananas make other fruits in their immediate environment ripen when they are ripening.

    Whether 'artificially' ripened bananas do that job better or not, I don't know.
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  28. #28
    I will finish the hunt How ripe are your melons? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    once again...disappointed lol I like my melons to be firm, but soft at the same time. And the taste has to be fresh, wet, and juicy. If I can suckle on the sweetness of it for more than a few moments than it is a good melon. I only say this because I won't typically eat melon. It's hard to find one that is just right.
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  29. #29
    #LOCKE4GOD How ripe are your melons? Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    Sin basically said what I was going to say.

    Anyway, bananas make other fruits in their immediate environment ripen when they are ripening.

    Whether 'artificially' ripened bananas do that job better or not, I don't know.
    I thought it was the other way. Try putting an apple and a banana together in your lunch. By the time you go to eat it, the banana will be way riper than without the apple (quite brown), but the apple will be pretty much the same.

  30. #30
    Bananarama How ripe are your melons? Pete's Avatar
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    I am highly offended at the objectification of fruit in this thread. Who are we to judge fruit based on genus or species. And it's downright degrading to talk about how ripe or firm the flesh of a fruit is! How would you like if it I pointed out how another human's flesh wrinkles, or resembles cottage cheese when there is excess fat. It's downright disgusting and degrading! I feel that all fruit is beautiful in it's own way, and that we should respect and cherish the fruit we do have, because after all, we may never have fruit again.

    Oh, and I'm quite fond of navel oranges, but not so much the others. Pitless is the way to go!
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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