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Thread: Gay the new "N" word?

  1. #31
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Gay the new "N" word? che's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    I still think it's weird sexuality is separated into men and women.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  2. #32
    #LOCKE4GOD Gay the new "N" word? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    It's weird that sexuality has a gendered dimension? You don't think we can make more nuanced insights by distinguishing between male homosexuality and female homosexuality?

  3. #33
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Gay the new "N" word? che's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    It's weird that sexuality has a gendered dimension? You don't think we can make more nuanced insights by distinguishing between male homosexuality and female homosexuality?
    No, I think we can 100%. I think the way it's done now is pretty much fallacy. I also meant that there's more than just male and female.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  4. #34
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader Gay the new "N" word? motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Selcopa View Post
    ...tendency to make people want to stab me in the throat, but also tend of have a few nuggets of truth to them, which is what instills the violent mindsets in people that read those posts.
    But sure, you want a more serious post, we'll start with what i actually said,
    To start, no one here has responded 'violently' to your post. However, it does raise some concerns. For the sake of staying on topic, I am not going to address your claims on the ease of female homosexuality. I am just going to talk about whether the phrase is crude or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Selcopa View Post
    girls kissing IS lezzing out, you can call it crude or whatever but that is the action.
    I was entirely unaware of the phrase 'lezzin out' before you spoke of it, yet you talk of it as though it is a commonly accepted phrase. I would like to point you in the direction of the dictionary. Many slang words find their way into the dictionary once attaining a commonly accepted status. 'Lezzin out' has yet to make the cut. Whether it be two girls, a boy and a girl, or two boys, it is all referred to simply as kissing. This means that 'lezzin out' is not a commonly accepted phrase, it's slang, and the reason why it isn't commonly accepted is because it is crude.

  5. #35
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lock4God
    No,,, Gay is not the new N word. But I'd like to explain why below, because it will never be for an unavoidable reason.

    First, just understand the simply fact that gayness will always be a minority trait, and you have to understand how human nature views most minority traits.
    I've never liked the term "gayness". Calling something "gay" because it's stupid is perfectly acceptable, because it's not stated with a gay or lesbian in mind. "Gayness", especially in the way your entire post has gone, means "feminine and unmanly". Not all gay males are feminine.

    What happens is that young boys esspecially, grow up in competition. For everything. One of those competitions is to prove their masculinity. Now an 8 year old doesn't understand his sexuality yet, and so he strives to prove his masculinity to fit in, or he alienates himself. If he alienates himself, he sets himself off as different. If he participates, he merely confuses himself later when he realizes that he doesn't actually care to be masculine at all.
    Especially? Right. Because girls have less important competition and challenges to face. An eight year old boy probably hasn't even heard the words "masculinity" or "sexuality", or be able to spell them.

    Please don't tell me you're a child psychologist by profession.

    You have to understand that a young teenage boy, who is irresponsible, and still doesn't understand the world, is not mature enough in many cases to understand or accept gayness, because he still has to prove his masculinity more than he has his entire life. You can't change this. Education will help sure, but it will never ever eliminate it. Being gay, for a young teenager will always be viewed by them as losing the "alpha male" race, and for younger boys it will always be confusing because it's not what they know most other boys are. They'll wonder why, and struggle to find others who are like them, because at that point, few are willing to admit they are gay. They don't know how. It's easy to say you're straight, because it's what everybody is, it's what you're supposed to be, it's what all the cool kids are, and it always will be. But the term gay, will always be used by young boys to ensue another boy's lower position on the masculinity rankings. For them it means, you're not as manly.
    No, it really doesn't. You make it sound like at school, boys are a pack of wolves, striving on the size of their egos and penises, trying to be the biggest boy in the class with the whole "Alpha Male" thing. What I've noticed is that boys get along very well with other boys, and there's nothing hugely primal about it. I've seen my brother and his friends hanging out many of times, and the only competition they have is with anonymous players on Black Ops, and even that isn't about **** stroking, or being the "Alpha Male".

    It's true that males have a hard time being open about sexuality. It's just as hard for girls, and that's based on my own experiences. Either way, it's hard to be sure and find someone you trust enough to open, regardless of your sex.

    I'm not even going to read your response about females. It'll be just as conservative as your other opinions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Selcopa View Post
    I have to balance my ranges somewhat, between the well thought out posts that have excellent construction, and spur of the moment, borderline offensive content that does have a tendency to make people want to stab me in the throat, but also tend of have a few nuggets of truth to them, which is what instills the violent mindsets in people that read those posts.

    But sure, you want a more serious post, we'll start with what i actually said, 2 girls kissing IS lezzing out, you can call it crude or whatever but that is the action.
    Yes. "Lezzing out" is the word immature men give it. The rest of the world doesn't call it that.

    Second, if you take a poll of any decent sized sample, and ask the question would you rather watch 2 guys start making out, or 2 girls make out, girls is going to win out every time.
    Combine that with the fact of how significantly more socially acceptable it is for a girl to be bisexual, compared to a guy being bisexual, most people(guys specifically) will tell you that a guy cannot be bi, i'm in the camp myself(either gay or straight, no bi for guys)
    So while it might not necessarily be "easy" for girls to be gay, it is certainly easier compared to guys.
    It's not as acceptable at all. I went to an all girls school, where if there was even the smallest hint that you were a lesbian or bisexual, your social life was completely over because girls would be scared of you. A friend made the mistake of coming out a little too soon, and had rumours going around about her the few years we had left there.

    And again with getting a bee in your bonnet about lezzin out being such an offensive term, i'd have to ask, if the aspect of yourself that is causing you to have lesbian relations with someone else, if that isn't what is causing you to do such things, what part of you is? It's not the aspect of you that likes men thats causing you to do it, unless you are really trying to cause an interesting situation.
    what is this i dont even??

    We use terms like this in all aspects, we call it donking out in poker, tiltin up, suffering from bender-itus in hockey, things getting gay really quick.

    I could probably find some terms more offensive than 'lezzin out'
    For your sake, keep them to yourself.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  6. #36
    I do what you can't. Gay the new "N" word? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I've never liked the term "gayness". Calling something "gay" because it's stupid is perfectly acceptable, because it's not stated with a gay or lesbian in mind. "Gayness", especially in the way your entire post has gone, means "feminine and unmanly". Not all gay males are feminine.
    First: "Gayness" definitely reflects more femininity, if only for the fact that, to males, "gayness" means liking ****, just like a woman. Otherwise, "gayness" would just mean "stupidity", as "gay" would mean "stupid", etc.

    An eight year old boy probably hasn't even heard the words "masculinity" or "sexuality", or be able to spell them.
    And yet, he still feels the competition.

    Please don't tell me you're a child psychologist by profession.
    All you are offering (read: throwing) is a difference of opinion, which is what makes up psychology. For all you know, your views could be in the minority of the child psychology field.

    No, it really doesn't. You make it sound like at school, boys are a pack of wolves, striving on the size of their egos and penises, trying to be the biggest boy in the class with the whole "Alpha Male" thing.
    While it's usually not extremely obvious, apparently you'd be surprised at how many things boys compete with. I was considered more manly than anybody else in my class because I was the first one to grow leg, face, and chest hair. Other boys are judged on their size (whether it be how tall they are or how bulky they are), their ability to play sports, etc. Depending on which social circles you looked into, I'm sure some compare test scores and grades, as higher scores could be equated to mean better and more mature brain function.

    Boys are prettymuch a pack of wolves.

    What I've noticed is that boys get along very well with other boys, and there's nothing hugely primal about it.
    When there's nothing to compete about, sure. Maybe they don't let you know about it, but do you think they're not having some sort of competition?

    It's not as acceptable at all. I went to an all girls school, where if there was even the smallest hint that you were a lesbian or bisexual, your social life was completely over because girls would be scared of you.
    Translation: It's not as acceptable at the all-girls school that you went to. Try to think of how many television shows, movies, ads, or commercials you've seen that include two females either in a sexual act or insinuating that they're about to start one. Now try to think of the same scenes with males.

    While most females may be just as impartial to male homosexuality as they are to female homosexuality, males are much different. While displays of female homosexuality (and, thus, female homosexuality itself) are encouraged by males, displays of male homosexuality (and, thus, male homosexuality itself) are highly discouraged, sometimes to extremes.

    A friend made the mistake of coming out a little too soon, and had rumours going around about her the few years we had left there.
    So do kids at most schools, about anything. The gay kid, the kid who swears he isn't gay but fits every stereotype, the kid who only got onto the team because his dad is the coach, the kid who's having sex with such-and-such teacher, the kid with a criminal past, the kid who sells or uses drugs, the kid who is going to kill everybody in the school, the guy who has sex a lot, the girl who has sex a lot.

    They don't have to be true, and it doesn't matter whether they are or not. You're talking about rumors in high school. If high-schoolers can't learn to deal with rumors, they're going to have a long, unhappy life.

    But anyway -- on the topic. Yes, I agree that "gay" is, or will be, the new "nigger". And here's why:

    They are both words, used by the groups of people they refer to to be used in reference to each other, and though once socially acceptable (by their respective groups as well), now declared (or beginning to be) "unacceptable" to those groups, if used by one who is not a member of those groups. It is still, as it will be, acceptable for members of those groups to use those two words, respectively, but not for members of other groups to use them, in reference to the groups, not with other phrases that include those words.

    I have absolutely no respect for whole, "I can do this, but you can't" idea.

    Then again, I get cursed because I have no problem with the word "queer" being used to describe homosexuals. Another example of a group adopting a word, then trying to shun it once it might not have fit what exactly they were looking for as a description.

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  7. #37
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Gay the new "N" word? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Actually, a new thought. I only say ***** when I am talking to my friends, now if comparing ****** and gay, I don't think gay people will call other gay people gay. O.o
    But if used out of context than yep, I would say it is already there.

    Now, can't we agree that unless you have studied in Psychology, then men don't know what women on a large basis thinks like and Vise-Versa?

    Though I WILl say that being a Female lesbian is easier than being a gay male. Gay men are FAR more likely to be put to shame. This is from a straight man who isn't so firm on the idea of Homosexuality. As sasquatch said, there is a reason why there are lesbian scenes a plenty and little gay scenes(thank FREAKIN god).

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  8. #38
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Now, can't we agree that unless you have studied in Psychology, then men don't know what women on a large basis thinks like and Vise-Versa?
    ???? What does this even mean? Because I didnt take gen psych 101 I have no idea what women think? Damn I'm screwed.

    Though I WILl say that being a Female lesbian is easier than being a gay male. Gay men are FAR more likely to be put to shame. This is from a straight man who isn't so firm on the idea of Homosexuality. As sasquatch said, there is a reason why there are lesbian scenes a plenty and little gay scenes(thank FREAKIN god)
    How can you even measure such statements? Unless you lived the life of both a lesbian and a gay man, then I find such claims impossible and just flat out stupid to mention. But I'm glad your unbiased judgement of not being "firm" on the idea of homosexuality isn't clouding your judgement at all.

    Gayness is as gayness does. The only reason we find one more "acceptable" over the other is because of social stigma, end of story.

    and I still think the word "retard" is a much more demeaning and worse word to use than "gay".
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  9. #39
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Well, what I meant is on a larger basis, wrong choice terms to use but I meant that men can't really understand what most women think about daily and so forth.

    Social dogma, yes you are correct, which proves my claims correct. No, it isn't clouding my judgement. Like sasquatch said, there is a reason why female homosexuality is more accepted than male.

    When somebody calls somebody else a word, it's root meanings come into service. Calling somebody gay, especially a male, you are saying his masculinity is obsolete, basically saying he is not a man, or acting like a female which is almost the same thing I was getting at. Calling somebody Retarted is basically calling somebody stupid, slow, or a basic lack of intellect, judgement, or logic. If somebody smells water and chokes, there is acceptable grounds to call him stupid. *coughs*.

    I think Retard is a softer term than gay. Less controversy behind it. Plus, Retard is basically slow in musical terms. (No sense, I know >.>)

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  10. #40
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Can't fully reply to your whole post as I'm a little pushed for time, but this stood out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch
    First: "Gayness" definitely reflects more femininity, if only for the fact that, to males, "gayness" means liking ****, just like a woman. Otherwise, "gayness" would just mean "stupidity", as "gay" would mean "stupid", etc.
    In the content of his post, that's how I saw it as he was referring to a gay person/being gay/someone's gayness.

    If it's used out of that context to use to say "stupidity" in the same way you'd use "gay", then more love to you. I should have been more clear on the context, but whatever.

    Translation: It's not as acceptable at the all-girls school that you went to.
    Well, it was actually worse at another girls school I had a friend at, and the headteacher was an open lesbian. You'd think that school would have a higher tolerance considering, but no. If you were a discovered lesbian there, you'd go to the bottom of the food chain, as it were.

    Try to think of how many television shows, movies, ads, or commercials you've seen that include two females either in a sexual act or insinuating that they're about to start one. Now try to think of the same scenes with males.

    While most females may be just as impartial to male homosexuality as they are to female homosexuality, males are much different. While displays of female homosexuality (and, thus, female homosexuality itself) are encouraged by males, displays of male homosexuality (and, thus, male homosexuality itself) are highly discouraged, sometimes to extremes.
    When two women make out, do something sexual, or insinuate it, isn't it usually in an objectifying or demeaning manner? It's always a show for the males who might be watching, and rarely anything else besides.

    Only film I can suggest which for the audience was different to watch was Black Swan, but even in that, the main chracter had her male boss being a douchebag
    by suggesting that she should masterbate to loosen up, or something, because she didn't want to sleep with him.

    So if it's not objectifying and demeaning to us, in the film it probably is. Probably also means more guys went to see the film just for the touching and lesbian scenes, because there was a lot of that.

    Also, for reference, when I went to see that film with my friend, there were a group of girls sitting next to us, who were actually, genuinely disgusted at all of the lesbian stuff. They were lucky me and my friend were beyond their levels.

    While it's "acceptable" in movies, doesn't mean it's as acceptable in real life.

    Also, imo, if two gay guys want to hold hands and make out in public, by all means... go ahead. It doesn't bother me. How can people's right to display affection be denied because a bunch of anal (no pun intended) assholes "don't get off at that type of thing". And that's all it's about; what you can and can't get off to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    and I still think the word "retard" is a much more demeaning and worse word to use than "gay".
    I completely agree.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  11. #41
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Also, imo, if two gay guys want to hold hands and make out in public, by all means... go ahead.
    Now, how much negative attention would that portray comparative to two females?

    Where I am from, it is only acceptable when it is the "Gay Parade" which I am pretty sure it is named.

    Even still, everybody, and I mean everybody either stays inside, purposely goes to harass them, or goes for free stuff.

    I just think gay males have a harder time in comparitive to gay females, though from everybody's opinions, it is widely due to location.

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  12. #42
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of Iniquity View Post
    Now, how much negative attention would that portray comparative to two females?

    Where I am from, it is only acceptable when it is the "Gay Parade" which I am pretty sure it is named.

    Even still, everybody, and I mean everybody either stays inside, purposely goes to harass them, or goes for free stuff.

    I just think gay males have a harder time in comparitive to gay females, though from everybody's opinions, it is widely due to location.
    Well, why should it get negative attention in the first place? Because it's not "hot"? Personal preferences aside, is it really that big of a deal if two gay guys want to hold hands or kiss in public?

    I'm not saying for one second it won't get negative attention. I just fail to understand why lesbians can, and gay guys can't without porn preferences being taken into mind.

    I'm guessing if it was two ugly chicks making out, that wouldn't be as acceptable, would it? People would be "disgusted". So why is it acceptable for two perfectly formed females to kiss in public, and no one else but straight couples?

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  13. #43
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Well, why should it get negative attention in the first place? Because it's not "hot"? Personal preferences aside, is it really that big of a deal if two gay guys want to hold hands or kiss in public?

    I'm not saying for one second it won't get negative attention. I just fail to understand why lesbians can, and gay guys can't without porn preferences being taken into mind.

    I'm guessing if it was two ugly chicks making out, that wouldn't be as acceptable, would it? People would be "disgusted". So why is it acceptable for two perfectly formed females to kiss in public, and no one else but straight couples?
    This might sound offensive but it isn't naturally correct. Penis>Vagina. not Penis>Penis.
    The part on females is fetish, or for the most part.

    Now, if two unattractive females made out, it would be more women saying something than men where I am from. The men would just mind their business and the women would say something. Actually, if two men made out, both genders would say something unless they are homosexual as well.

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  14. #44
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? che's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Stupid heterosexual males will say something negative about two guys making out.

    They will also say something positive about two girls making out.

    This is because they're stupid.

    So stop.

    Using stupid people.

    As your excuse for an argument in this thread.

    It makes you sound stupid too.

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  15. #45
    The Bad Boy of TFF Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Stupid heterosexual males will say something negative about two guys making out.
    That shit is gross.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
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  16. #46
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    No, actually, I don't think anybody should be showing that much affection in that manor.
    And I have to agree with Block... LMFAO!!

    And I said that I don't like the idea of females making out in that manor either.
    I said that it SEEMS like from where I AM FROM, that the pretty bisexuals are doing it for male attention. The unattractive ones, guys dismiss. Same why some girls may get upset or disgusted if girls made out. Tsk Tsk Tsk

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  17. #47
    #LOCKE4GOD Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    And why can't the "pretty bisexuals" (without even starting on how condescending you are being) be "doing it" (I assume you mean showing affection in some way) because they have affection for eachother? If I may, i'd suggest that you WANT them to put on a performance for YOU, regardless of their own desires, and, hell, their dignity.

    Arghh. I don't even want to post anymore. Next time I'm on my PC you are getting a big fat negative rep for being a giant homophobe.

  18. #48
    The Bad Boy of TFF Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    And why can't the "pretty bisexuals" (without even starting on how condescending you are being) be "doing it" (I assume you mean showing affection in some way) because they have affection for eachother? If I may, i'd suggest that you WANT them to put on a performance for YOU, regardless of their own desires, and, hell, their dignity.

    Arghh. I don't even want to post anymore. Next time I'm on my PC you are getting a big fat negative rep for being a giant homophobe.
    Wanna make out? No srsly let's make out, then post pictures in the Post your Pic thread. Sound like a plan?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
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  19. #49
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    I'm not a homophobe. Just because I can't stand them, doesn't mean I will snarf at them when I see one. >.>

    I brought up "attractive" because she brought up looks, so I commented on it.
    And I said I wouldn't appreciate if female couples, attractive or not did it.
    Yous really know how to piss somebody off... *Smmfh*

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  20. #50
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of Iniquity View Post
    This might sound offensive but it isn't naturally correct. Penis>Vagina. not Penis>Penis.
    Well... a penis can't go into another penis.

    Probably NSFW:
    You could argue that a penis wasn't meant to penetrate an anus, yet the fact sexual pleasure can still arise from it from both parties says differently. The fact that it still fits too.

    Hey, and plus: don't guys ask for anal with women? Why is it okay with women, but not with men?
    Best excuse ever if you're a female not wanting to go there.

    The part on females is fetish, or for the most part.
    ...and penises can't be a fetish?

    Now, if two unattractive females made out, it would be more women saying something than men where I am from. The men would just mind their business and the women would say something. Actually, if two men made out, both genders would say something unless they are homosexual as well.
    Oh. But then men would definitely notice if it was two "smokin' hot babes" making out, right? They just won't bother with the ugly chicks, and mind their own business... huh. Well, here's an idea: mind your own goddamn business when two gay guys make out. Simple. And while you're at it, quit staring at the good looking women making out too.

    EDIT: I've lost count of how many topics I've killed.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 04-01-2011 at 08:36 PM.

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  21. #51
    Registered User Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? Selcopa's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Probably should log in more often shouldn't I?

    I haven't argued how something Ought to be, thats a whole nother discussion, rather the reality of how things are. Yes i'm gonna watch 2 hot girls make out if it is presented in front of me, and this situation is right, yes i'm gonna turn away from 2 dudes rubbin their neckbeards together.

    Its also a reality that if you see a a hetero couple start totally going at it in public you are gonna be 'wtf' and weirded out.

    Unknown, personal preference aside? The whole point of this is that a vast majority of people share this preference, and that is the evidence which supports that a lesbian will have at least an easier time in society than a gay man, ~Free games with some prizes

  22. #52
    Asking all the personal questions. Gay the new &quot;N&quot; word? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    Its meaning has changed in the eyes of the new and upcoming generations so much so that the Australian anthem is being reviewed because 'gay' resides in the song with the meaning happy of course and a couple of other Australian songs have also had the word gay taken out have we seriously come down to this instead of addressing the issue and teaching our children the true meaning of the word wed just decide to hide and run away from it all together great policy there people.
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  23. #53
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Re: Gay the new "N" word?

    People are so sensitive... I remember when I used to get annoyed when my brother called me a retarded as it felt ironic at the time.

    I call people fag's all the time, they need to grow some thicker skin.

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