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    Doing good. Can't complain. How about you? You're right, we haven't talked much, but remind me which posts you've followed. I've been all over the place. By the way, I've got a group called Manly Gamers. Check it out. Not much happening yet, but you're welcome to join.
  2. I'm good, just at school, busy too...LOL Its lunch right now so yeah. I only have like 50 minutes.
  3. Hey man How r u?
  4. View Conversation
    Thinks man. Its good to be back. Didn't we do some rping together back in the day?
  5. Well I guess I did my job and thank you for your wonderful conversation. How is your family? My son mentionned that you are having a second child with your wife. Now my son is not happy with me because I did not write the way he wanted me to. He wanted me to say: How is your wife, child? And that you have a second child on the way. But either way we are still wandering how everyone is? LOL
  6. Be careful running with scissors is not very good. It is very dangerous, playing with scissors. That is so life threatening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for offering to help me out if and when my son is not around. I really do appreciate it very much. Thank you!
  7. Oh, I also uploaded a picture of my Girlfriend, here is the pic: The Final Fantasy Forums - Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Album: <3 My Girlfriend <3 - Picture
  8. View Conversation
    Oh, so that's why I'm unable to write in there...
    Thanks, I'll see which way I'll choose. ^^ First I have to write down the review that still only in my head. :3 Have a nice day~ ^^
  9. View Conversation
    Hey Meier Link! As you can imagine, I've got a question about the forum. x3" I wanted to write a review about FFVIII today and I thought that it belonged in the Writer's Corner. Yet, I can't make a new topic there...?! Do I need more posts to write there? Is it already dead? Where can I put my review? ^^"
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    so we've come to an understanging? in any case i never justified my actions in any way i said wat was on my mind. i have no need to justify my actions. i broke the rules and reprcussions had to be taken. i feel no remorse for my actions and feel no one should either.
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    to have job as a detective one must be 18 years and plus but i dont need to profit off of catching criminals, if it doesnt pay it doesnt count as a job by definition. its very probable that being a detective at such a young age. i do wat i do cuz im an orphan and at the age of two my parents died, this is why i use an alias to hide my real identity. and u didnt have to say im ignorant u implied it by saying im new. ur also putting words in my mouth cuz i never said i was new.
  12. View Conversation
    nice, thanks for adding me and yes, I agree we should have a tff chat again sometime very soon, it's been long overdue lol.
  13. View Conversation
    wow still on that high horse aren't ya? 1st of all ur discriminating me for being "new" i've been around for almost a year. i knew the rules u may consider me new but don't call me ignorant. 2nd i dont care ur staff. i already knew u were staff the minute u reared ur self exposing head out. 3rd i don't care what ur job is, probably keeping hackers outta the system or making sure the rules aren't broken. i have a real job. i may be young but im a qualified detective and keep my city streets clean!!!!!!
  14. View Conversation
    Yeah, I sleep. I just have really bad hours.
  15. View Conversation
    sup hoe hey I recently saw a bunch of activity in the adoption thread, just wondering if you may need any other people willing to be adopters. If for some reason you do, I'll be happy to help out. That's all from me, enjoy the Labor Day weekend!

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About Meier Link

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Date of Birth
April 4, 1982 (42)
About Meier Link
Yup I am that guy. Single father with full custody of my 2 amazing boys, Breyen and Aaden.
Broken Arrow, OK
Paintball, videogames, my girl thats 440 miles away, family, and good movies
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Reflecting on lifes lessons.
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Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour

Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
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