Ahh yes... It was an while... How're you doing?
'ello buddy! Whaz up dude?
Hey man, Whats up?
Haha weird. Well, glad it's all straightened out. It was a real scooby doo mystery there for a second.
I can't figure out why you closed Sarin's new member thread. Enlighten me?
Hey, why'd you close that noob's thread? o_O;
Yeah OpenCanvas use to be freeware but now they are wanting money, which is somewhat sad since I'm kind of broke and loved the program.
I used Photoshop7, and Photoshop CS2 and CS3. Now a days I'm not sure what to use I lost all my programs so I'm getting them back but for sure and always I use OpenCanvas, its like Photoshop but the colors are easier for me to make cause its like a painters way of making colors. Its more vibrant and I my eyes can tell the difference. Was just wondering cause I'm wondering what to put on my comp.
So I didn't know you did most of your sig's, what programs do you use Meier.
Hello guy,wanna be my friend?
That is alright!
Yo Meier buddy! We need more members to our group so... i thought if you wanna join it. But whatevah you do... READ THE DESCRIPTIONS FIRST! ~All the best... Alther Primus the King of Chaosthroph!~
Went to my School a While ago to get my Time Table, and my Agenda, And came out empty handed. I'm at my Friends Cousin's House. I have to go back to School to get my Stuff...The reason why I wasn't able to get my stuff was cause I haven't returned one of the Books from my English Class...So, we basically Wasted our morning. Oh Well...Thats whats up with me...LOL
Hey man Whats up?
Hey mate how are you, just thought i would drop by to say my apperances on tff will be very few and/or very short due to com and internet troubles maybe virus damage or just internet problems but i have let Ultimacloud know and i told him if he needs anything important and i have been absent for a while to approach you. But hopefully i can get stuck into it on the weekend. Anyway i hope your family is all good and healthy cheers Dragoon.
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.