Y'know you're probably just gonna win again this year, haha. And you'll be in the Staff Elimination thread, so you'll win that one, too.
Well you seem to weild a high level of power around here and it'd be odd if we didn't go primitive and challenge the alpha-male
Yeah, there's been a lot of shit going on lately. My aunt died, so I've been over my grandmas a lot lately, just seeing if she needs anything. I'm alright, but yeah, totally been MIA lol
I'm Good, Thanks For Asking Only 2 More God Damn Weeks Of School Left...Yay
Hey Mang, Whats Good Brah?
Yes Meier, I did see this. But i prefer to continue preparing my RP, It's... kinda hard time now, But thanks anyway! ~Cheer Friend and Ally.
I loved the movie and I might pick it up myself if I ever do. The movie made me want to play the robin hood title for the nes so i got the rom haha.
oh forgot to mention. i saw a pretty decent movie recently, its Robin Hood, have you ever heard about the one in theaters?
its going pretty well still, i don't have that much left going on for the vacation as its getting close to being over. i started to play a snes title while i was up here that i've never really tried before its called E.V.O The Search for Eden. It was an interesting title not the best but it was fun. The amount I got for my work is $50 for the cleaning i did which was pretty shocking to me, i thought i was doing free labor.
hey, hows this week going for you? i'm doing well and i'm now back at my aunt and uncle's. i ended up getting paid for that house work i told you about. I saw your tagged pics btw, how was the swimming with the kid?
Haha! You're a man of your word!
I was just annoyed at the time. I'll rejoin again if you'll have me!
You were right about the excruciating work it was to work on homes haha. i'm sore from the days i've helped out. i'm taking the day off for today and just relaxing. I feel more like an adult from all the helping out I did.
Ooh, okay. Cool.
Rocky's being passive aggressive... big time. Making -us- out to be the bad guys. Or at least Ann...
Send an Instant Message to Meier Link Using...
Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.