Okay, I just fixed my Sig. If you have a moment, could you look at it, and let me know if you like it or not, or if it needs a bit more Oumph in it.
Uh... it looked thought out to me. =\ *shrug* Just my opinion, though. I'll have to look at his other posts. Oh wait, we're talking about needwork huh?.. *forgot already* Well. I suppose whoever it is is a stupid noob. XD And I think I called you that cause you just seem a bit strict. xD;
Greetings to a great man. How have you been?
Okay...Um, I also forgot to add in my Interests that I also like Anime. Could you put that in there please?
Did you get my Application?
Hi Meier! Quick question. Okay. In FFXII, guns are said to have perfect accuracy. So why do they still miss the target sometimes? My guess is that it has something to do with the enemies evasion and the fact that percentages can go over 100%. I'm not a big math person, so I can't really explain it very well... Any clues? http://thefinalfantasy.net/forums/fi...s-useless.html
How is the Family by the way? Did anything special, or awesome with them lately? Whats up? I would like to know.
Don't worry, I Will send the link, and probly post it up here at some point, when I can. I'm busy this weekend, doing a Project, so I probly won't be online, unless I finish quick...But my mom might take over this weekend...So I'm not sure what to expect yet.
I hope he still gets nap time and snack crackers. If he doesn't, he's already more advanced than most of us high school dweebs. SpanishDict | Spanish to English Translation, Dictionary & Translator / Diccionario y traductor ingles espaņol There you go. Use it for all your Spanish to English needs. =D Just in case the teachers at school decide to teach him how to say "Daddy is a stupid man who doesn't give my teachers good enough Christmas presents" you'll know!
You had me up until English and Spanish. o_o He's learning that before he hits middle school? Oh snap, I'm going to be behind! Whatever happened to cute, simple songs, like the one for the months of the year and the days of the week? That's too much learning! ;_;
My preschool let me run rampant, and I thought it was great! When the "teachers" weren't paying attention, I'd do fun things like taste the play dough and finger paint. x) This probably isn't making you any more assured that Breyen is in good hands though, is it? What kinds of things are they teaching him? Are there still songs? =D
Time flies by if you don't pay attention to it. Will you be sending him to preschool when he hits three to mingle with the other kids? Sounds like he's even ready for it now. XD
Man, that's gotta be fun on your part. XP Just how old is he now?
But it's cute when a parent starts using baby-talk around other people, because then you know just how much they love their kid. ^^ It's cool that he decided all by himself after though. Is he going to the bathroom all on his own now?
I'm doing good. Just Waiting for my Friend to finish the Lyrics for our Song that we are going to Rap. We are still in Production, so, it won't be finished till atleast sometime next week.
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.