Merry Christmas Meier. ^^
Ahh nerts, its Dark Beer? That stuff turns my mouth inside out >_< yuck~ lol
Cheer up! It's Christmas you know, festive greetings and all that.
Funny, we're the only two people on...Guess we're just too sad, actually though the windows just open I'm just looking on ebay you see.
Merry Christmas, Meier!
Where Beer was born! ^_^
Spies. But you didn't hear that from me.
Merry Christmas Meier! Have a nice day!
Pffft. You aren't the first usurpers and you won't be the last. Your insurrection will fail. The Cult of Kefka runs the show and that isn't about to change.
Alright, I have to ask. What is this magical cult you're part of? There's only one cult round here and it's the cult of Kefka, dig?
Never heard of it o.o what country that come from? lol
Holy shit this stuff is bitter, lol. Epic! One of the better brands of beer, Tooheys, dont let that "Fosters" stereotype get to ya. Its actually quite a mediocre blend >_>;
Oh er, hit the wrong button. Proof that when it passes 1am I lose it. >_< Need some alcohol mebe? Hm.
Dude, you got over 300 Visitor messages.. You crazy Awesome~
Loco is trying to get on but is at work right now, so he is having trouble doing the IP ban. But it will be taken care of.
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.