Jeez I just realized your name makes me want to sing system of a down's song "Link, he come to town"
I'd like to do one of those, I just don't see many people interested in drawing. If they're here, then they're very not open about their abilities(only ones I can think of that do show their work in their own threads is Azu, Chez, Yesha, and Froggie). There used to be an MS paint competition. We could try and revive that, but if nobody joins, then I'll just close it down.
Hey Meier Link. I sent you a thanks on your post, and im adding you as a friend.
Not much actually, might go out a little later but other than that just chilling
And how are you today?
Did you and your lovely family have happy holidays?
Yeah you're right I'm not into all that nerdy sword shit, A bow and arrow is coolios though, it's kinda sneaky. Yeah you're right I did need an icon, and I'm too proud/arrogant to buy one for myself.
Aha cheers for the lightning bow! For all my archery needs... Now I can kill people from a distance.
Oh sorry to bother you... i talk to him instead then... i just think i may upset him or something but that's what i think he may not be now... happy posting you...
Well i'll might sound a little bad... but can you say if he can work it on rpg maker vx instead... im very good at finding music so i can help him if he need music... anyway say it to him when you got time...
Well rock band is still cool, though you can't beat some nice survival horror, you gotta play it in the dark, would you say SH:HC is too easy you know compared to the others?
Oooh sounding pretty good then, I may have to preorder it, Well of course this is a next gen game, they always tend to be easier than their ps1/xbox counterparts
Sweet, you're so lucky! What's it like? And is it as bad as everyone said it was going to be?
Thanks well have a good time then
seeing as i'm sick i prob will just be lounging around(til i gotta shovel snow) and playing my ds and watching my soaps lol
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.