Yeah! Billy's house..I'm pretty sure that's it. I'm also playing Elly, because Fei's unconscious. Another cool character that I like is Sigurd. Kinda weird that he wears a top that shows his stomache, though, lol.
Xenogears is awesome! In response to your rep,(and thank for that, btw) I'm still on the first disk. I recently met Billy and went to the Ethos place, then they told me to go to this other place somewhere on the map which I don't know where it is ><, but I'll figure it out. My favorite characters so far are Bart and Cidan.
well its not new in fact its very old but its of teh sickness album called Violence Fetish very good song
not as disturbingas disturbeds new song
i havce buttock cramp XD
10:36 and school is still boring.
2 o clock and scholol is boring
i am
How can Tiger Lily be tough on crime when she is descended from criminals? How can we trust Mistress Sheena when he has flip-flopped on offshore drilling? Vote Pete.
(After readiing that she shOuld get lOts Of mOney if she wants the wiife) Aww man! I Only have $1.24 I'm dOwn by One penny, Oh man! Well tOo bad I wOnt get her haha seems liike yOu stuck wiith yOur high-maintenance wiifey.
Hahaha yOu're really cute & yOur wiife iis gOrgeOus but OMG! I lOved the babiies! I thiink I'm gOnna kidnap them bOth! Awww they're adOrable!! How much yOu want fOr them? haha jk but yeah I lOve them!
Hahahahahaaha why? YOu thiink I'm a sexy biitch? haha I knO i am haha =) and yeah I already pOsted when yOu gave me that liink. Aww cOme On I bet yOu're a tOtall hOttie aiin't that riight? But thanks haha yOu seem sweet tOo =)
Holy shit dude. What a crazy weekend. Hopefully things are picking up for you. And good luck with work. Work can be a bitch but eventually, I'm sure it'll pay off. ^^
As Regional Manager, I wonder where my Assistant to the Regional Manager is. Come back to us!
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.