Yo buddy i just got the most troublesome conversion with Mistress Sheena MAN! i just got... *sigh* does not really mather at all anyway...
I try.
Just tell me the speciifiics and I'll only be tOO happy tO please. It's basiically just addiing a lOwercase ii to anOther and capiitaliisiing Os, riight?
M-Meier... I h-heard it's... s-snowing in the U-USA. A-Also my g-guess was right..lol... T-typing like this D-DOES take a d-deal of e-effort!
U-Um yea..I n-never thought of that....*sweatdrop* N-Now I feel stupid..lol...
O-Ok..T-thanks for the advice...I-I dont know much about t-the site...u-u know??A-And plus...I-Im real shy...
U-Um...h-how do i-i do t-that??
T-Thank you...Um..and I would like to ask something of you?I-I would like to have ur friendship?If w-we could be friends...Please?
Thanks i kinda fiqured that out after a little while. my posts now would be near 200 lol
T-thats true...a-alot of people at m-my school m-make fun of me f-for liking t-the series....b-but i wont let them get to me.....
T-thank you...Im glad u cloud, and darkslayn are being so kind to me..I r-really appreciate it...^^ and plus...I would like it if we could be friends????
What are these 'allergies' you speak of? I have many, really. Lactose, pollen, sulpher, some medical supplies... Yeah, it can be easy to get used to something for short periods. Long periods can be a bitch, though.
You seemed to do something. more than i could.
Thanks for your help in my thread. It seems like Nix finally calm down.
Holy crap. I'm so glad your wife is okay. Lord, I'd be freaking out. All the best as you guys recover.
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