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    Damn girl what have you been up to lately haven't talked in a while.
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    Hahaha, it's totally fine, it isn't like you knew I'd dislike it. xD Sorry if I was a bit rude again.

    I realized at the very end I'd seen it before. I had a feeling I had, but at the end I felt sure (50 first dates). ^^; Do you sometimes forget films pretty fast too? Sometimes I wonder why I watch them if I'm just gonna forget again. It was sweet, though. Made me a little teary....actually I burst out into tears, but in my defense, I was on my period (hence being unwell). xD

    Hm, you never know until you try. Maybe you're made of tougher stuff than you think! I mean you work as a waitress, right? You must have had some tough customers there?

    Hmm.yes...you got to "play" with Sephiroth in Dissidia too, right? I can't remember very well. Do you like Kingdom Hearts? Or did you mostly get those games just for him? x3

    It's amazing, isn't it? Wonder what sparked the idea. Just hope it wasn't somebody who was an actual pigeon fancier....xD

    Say, me started recording games and putting them up on YouTube. You happen to know of any complete playthroughs missing from the tubes? I don't wanna upload things that have done a ton of times. I did that once and it was surprisingly popular, but it seems cooler to do the less popular ones. Might do Breath of Fire 4 after I'm done with the current ones (the only complete one has talking over it), then maybe Wild Arms since the only complete playthrough of that has terrible sound. :s Seems like a good excuse to play through old games again. :3

    Why is it almost always a guy with an annoying voice that does the commentary on playthroughs? Ugh.
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    I didn't like the article, especially the second page, but thanks for sharing.

    Oh, 50 first...saw the posters for that, but never saw the film. Maybe shall hunt for that one too. :3

    Some people still have to work on boxing day these days, apparently. : < Seems like they wanna work people to death sometimes. Having them keep shops open at 4am, or whatever for Black Friday seems ridiculous.

    Suggest not touching Drakenguard with a ten foot pole unless you like pressing the same button many, many times over again. There are many things wrong with that game, but it is probably better than the Bouncer at least.
    Haha, must have been a dream come true for you. x3

    Urk, not feeling so good today, gonna go die in some corner now.

    Edit: I'm feeling mostly better now, and I wanted to share with you one of the most amazing things: Hatoful Boyfriend: Pigeon Dating Game with Amazing BAD END - NeoGAF
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    Think it would be pretty bad if it wasn't the int version. =/

    Ya really think that is the reason? It makes sense, buts it's just so...bleh...selfish?

    Any normal person would be afraid to see one. At least I hope so. ^^; Adam Sandler films are usually pretty jolly, good for passing the time. Really couldn't remember them all off the top of the ol' noggin, sorry. What about you? Do you have a favorite one?

    Yeah, that's exactly what it's like, a day of rest. It's okay...kinda boring. ^^;

    Yay. Managed to catch you today though, huh. Was nice chatting. Thanks for chattin' along with me. :> It was kinda odd saying the same things four or five times, though. xD Maybe we were just in similar moods.

    Say, if you played the Bouncer, did you ever play Drakenguard, or Ehrgeiz? x3
  6. View Conversation
    Naw, we Europeans got lumped with the same version as you on 10-2. Well, apparently 10 international was supposed to be too hard for you. I think we talked about that one time before. x3 They will probably give you it when 10 HD comes.

    Isn't it weird crying is considered weak? It's just an emotional out-burst.

    Our football is a big deal, did you know? There are sometimes riots here when a fan-favourite team loses? :/ Really not a fan of the sport myself, though. Thank ya. :> I did watch that Tim Burton one you liked, but I think that one was definitely too American for me to "get" ^^;

    Edit: watched it! Actually really liked that one, thanks for the recommendation!

    It was well done, yeah. Hahahaha, I forgot about that guy! xD Yes...they should make a gay guy and handle it maturely instead...

    We have Boxing day! It came from our country. It's the day after Christmas, only here hardly anybody goes out on Boxing Day. It is not considered a day for shopping. Unless we all decided we like America now and want to be just like them, I don't think that will change.

    That's a good start. Nice to know MSN added us both properly. : > Aye, will just keep on tryin. Six hours behind shouldn't be too hard to catch you at some point! I think I just missed you by a few mins since seem to remember I stayed until just past eleven.
  7. View Conversation
    It was a pretty awful game...I almost feel like playing it again. Deary me...I'm beaten, huh? :/

    I don't see how. One of the girls that said I seemed tough had seen me publicly crying just a few weeks before. xD I guess it takes some guts to cry in public and not feel embarrassed about it being in public, only that you're crying at all? I dunno. It could just be I'm being hard on myself. Maybe I am really a tough bad-ass.

    Awesome, thanks for the info. Will probably try and watch it tomorrow.

    He seems to be bi? That's how it appeared int he last episode. Shame. Seemed more interesting when I thought he was supposed to be plain gay. Why are gays so rare in games? :<

    Cyber Monday....>_> What a name. Special days just for shopping seems so American somehow. Wonder if you guys are the only ones who set days aside for it?

    You're welcome. Seems like I missed you this time, but I did manage to get on, so that's a start! Not me. I'm always on time, I actually get really bothered if I'm late. Hee, seems like we are. :>
  8. View Conversation
    Awww, that's harsh. You didn't enjoy 10-2 even a little bit? It had great combat. xD You know what? If the site sends me 10-2 HD, I shall giving it a friggin GLOWING review, it will be the kindest 10-2 review out there. It will even praise Sphere Break, and how great the story is.

    Hmm...I dunno. I feel kinda wussy. But people often seem to think I'm tough-stuff, so who knows.

    Oooo, is that a good film? The clip was enjoyable. Yeah, he worked really hard for them when he could, he was very serious about his work for them.

    I never got as far as meeting Kanji in the game, so I can't say, sorry. : ( Don't usually like mean characters, but I like him. xD Maybe because you see his softer side pretty fast after meeting him. What about you? Are you a Kanji fan? :3

    What...that's crazy...I guess it's well named at least. Maybe you should stay inside during that day, it sounds just too dangerous.

    Ah, I kinda didn't manage to get on, sorry. :/ I'll try tonight instead. ^^ If Google is right, then I think I'm six hours ahead of you, so yeah, pretty much. Heehee, I joined here about two months ago and we spoke almost every day since. ^^
  9. View Conversation
    I knew it! So what you're saying is...you think the other games being on the ame disc might contaminate 12?

    Nothing surprises me anymore.

    It's okay, it's like you said before. People suck. They really-really suck. One of the other volunteers there, when he started back a uni couldn't post news everyday anymore, he was getting really stressed because of the work-load...then they cleverly start to make comments that he is just too lazy. Wtf? It was probably just a joke, but it was in horrible taste. They really hurt his feelings, he was obviously a very sensitive chap from things he had said in the chat before too. Anyways, my point is, these people...they really-really suck. With extra suck on top! Meh, I guess it was hardly the meanest thing to say, but it just seemed pretty naff.

    Thanks, though, Dodie. :>

    You're welcome! Still not sure how to feel about it, but it's nice to have any explanation anyways, huh?

    Good, I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. <3

    Yeah...it doesn't suite him. Hopefully he will toughen up again.

    Crazy...? Do people push each other out of the way in crazy scrambles for deals?

    Hm, I think I will try to come on MSN tonight, maybe will catch you this time!
  10. View Conversation
    Yes, aren't you lucky? Haha, it would make a great joke present. Yeah, everybody I know offline HATES it. I'll be waving it in their faces, and they will be secretly jealous. They should do X, X-2 and XII on one disc, man. Seems reallly cheeky if they don't put at least two on the same disc since you just know they will all get a HD redo eventually.

    They had a ton of unused stuff and DLC they were originally gonna put out with FFXIII, I believe. So FFXIII-2 is like....it's like...the sloppy seconds? Nasty left-overs? xD

    No, they have not spoken with me at all. It was pretty much totally redone. ^^;

    Ah, I wouldn't know, but it sounds like you do. Me still want the game pretty bad, though. Gotta play Kanji, or Chie. <3

    edit: I guess I kinda found an explanation "Set 3 years after the events of Persona 3, both Mitsuru and Akihiko are now both grown up college students. Mitsuru also happens to be member of S.E.E.S. and is searching for something in Inaba. Akihiko meanwhile, has been training all over the world to to perfect his punch and is in the tournament since Mitsuru asked him to join."

    Hehe, sounds like you had a good time, then? ^^

    I not sure if it was up when I sent that, but it was up before I went to bed. Was a pretty good one too. ^^

    Are you gonna go Black Friday shopping, or whatever it is?
  11. View Conversation
    Don't worry about it, I'm sure they will re-release it in HD, so you'll get another chance to pick it up, yay! xD I kinda wanna buy it if they do, just to see how my friends and brother react. Then I'll be all like "Y.R.P. in position. It's showtime, girls!"

    Yeah, it is kinda crazy...then again I think it is out very soon in Japan?

    They probably didn't plan on it, guess it just really sucked, so they had to re-do most of it. ^^; It said on the ad when I applied that they teach you to write well, but they never taught us anything, so it's their fault at the end of the day. Guess it's kind of the internet equivalent to getting some random stranger from off the street to do your work. I might have been upset about it about a week ago, but it feels like a lot has happened (even though it hasn't exactly), I guess it put things into prospective a little.

    Hmm...that's interesting, most people can't sleep becuase they are worrying, but you can't sleep becuase you're dreaming of a perfect life? xD That's kinda awesome...

    He used to be a smartly dressed fellow, didn't he? That really doesn't suit him...he would have looked cooler in his usual clothing. >_< What were they thinking?

    Yeah, 16 seems a bit young. But then again these kids will usually get the drink if they really want it. >_>

    Sounds delicious...you're making me wish we had Thanksgiving here as well.

    Oooo, Persona day today. The last one was pretty funny. x3
  12. View Conversation
    xD X-2 is so bad, but it makes me smile. Shame you got rid of that amazing installment in the series.

    Haha, will stop sending you all this stuff if you want, sorry. xD

    Oh, man. They totally changed my review by the way. I'd be upset, but at this point I'm really not surprised. Plus I did get a free game, so I can't complain too much. Still, I think I'm done with them until the next free game they wanna send me, if they ever fancy doing that again. ^^;

    Aww...it used to be a problem for me, stupid brain wouldn't shut up. I guess I just learned to worry less. Things are usually better in the morning, and everything usually turns out all right, so try not to worry as much. It's easy to say, I know, but I feel like I'm living proof that you can get out of the 'worrying about things too much' kind of mentality.

    Aye. Ya damn straight! ^^ That are beastly. At the last minuet I realized I was too lazy to learn Rocket Racoon, since you need to be good at planning with those traps ect. Decided to see which character out of the new ones looked the most badass in black. My entire team is their black costumes. You should see the all-black Nemesis, he's damn cool. B) Yeah, I'm 'back in black' with Ultimate Marvel!

    Here in England you used to be able to drink at 16, I think? I never was very interested in drinking, so never paid much attention. Believe they bumped it up to 18 now.

    Ah, will have to try and remember to check it out, yeah.

    Oh, I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving tomorrow. <3
  13. View Conversation
    That's a little unusual, but kinda cool. : > Yeah, and what with the FFXIII writers not exactly being top-notch, you just know 13-2 is a train-wreck in the making, story wise. At least it might be so bad it's amusing. X-2 was definitely so bad it was good. The intro was a plain cringe, though. At least that's kind of a claim to fame, since not many games have an intro so bad you'd cringe.

    They released the opening FMV for 13-2 in English. Her new armour in 13-2 really isn't very lightning-like. Kinda wish they had changed it. Final Fantasy XIII-2 Opening Cinematic [HD] - YouTube

    Ah, that's good. Sleeping troubles seem like such a common issue these days. I'm so lucky. I'm usually asleep after about ten minuets.

    At first I wasn't too sure I was happy with it because of the changes, but I started to enjoy it a lot now + I enjoy that I'm already beating all my friends with my new team. xD I love my new characters! I changed to Vergil, Ghost Rider, and Nemesis. All dressed in black costumes. Very bad-ass looking team.

    Ah. : p Surprising they got different birthdays down as major ones there.

    Heeeee. : > Hopefully they'll put the second one on soon. Wonder if Billy ever did any other films? Don't think I ever saw him again. Shame.
  14. View Conversation
    THANK YOU! <3

    You were indeed first. xD Everybody else fell asleep. I actually did, too, and missed my annual midnight countdown. ;_;

    I shall have a wonderfully wonderful day! Thankiieess!
  15. View Conversation
    Every birthday and Christmas? Heh. Square probably think it will be more popular if it's like CT.

    I hope it doesn't, but I think I've heard of it before. =<

    Yeah, funny how fast you forget all that crap, isn't it? You'd think that with all the time you spend at school you'd remember more of it.

    Hehe, I felt okay and managed to get through the day without driftin off. Think you just have to ease back into a more sensible bedtime slowly. Do you have trouble sleepin? =/

    Hm, you don't like the changes they made to it? Yar, Saints Row and Ultimate Marvel for me. ^^

    Seems like he will be around tomorrow for chattin. 22 is so specific. That's when you quit getting excited for yours?

    Watching Gremins on the TV, forgot how awesome that film is when it gets going. xD Did you ever see it? Billy is pretty good-looking...
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